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Everything posted by basic.syntax

  1. That's what I see in .90 as well. When starting out with a new craft, I may revert back to the VAB to make changes 10, 20 times in a single game session, and that new craft building session is usually ended for me, lol. I've never lost anything of consequence, because of the automatic craft save when you go to the Launchpad. I only use two mods of any consequence, KAC and Kerbal Engineer. (I wouldn't get too invested in a new career game, with 1.0 this close.)
  2. I'm excited that it was saved, I recall a budget cuts period when it was nearly grounded.
  3. Regardless of what was said in the past, this is, I think, the most recent statement about U5:
  4. Resources weren't going to happen for a very long time, so it wouldn't surprise me if some kind of life support snuck into the stock game, in a future update. The subject came up in a previous squadcast: "Life support is something that might be added, but they have to balance it against people accidentally timewarping too fast and killing everyone somewhere." Good points on mining. You could technically profit from it, but, I think taking contracts will pay better than bringing back tanks full of fuel. Flying tanks around could end up just as much work as an Outpost contract. (I like bringing those back, for a refund on launch costs.) I think some of the mining game-balance comes from the various parts needed to set up the mining - their costs, transportation, the mining rate. RoverDude has written that it will have setup options to increase the challenge. Old-school players could just ignore the feature
  5. I think the "two weeks" idea is based on previous releases... I expect closer to 4.
  6. Let's wait and reserve judgment on that. Apparently, they heavily reworked it, making it more like an old abandoned military complex. SOMETHING has to be in its place, because career mode was originally designed to have four levels. They hacked it down to three at the last minute, making the jump in costs between levels harder and higher than it was supposed to be.
  7. ...but (I learned this in the hype thread) ... the hype train runs on hype! It doesn't need pictures The more hype there is, the bigger the train gets! In fact, I think pictures (doses of reality) only cause damage to the poor hype-beast
  8. After Windows 3.x, Microsoft started to go with various year and name schemes. You didn't need to concern yourself with being out-of-date until they put out a new name. But now they're back to version numbers... I guess that says there is no one right way to do it, that will please everyone.
  9. Meh. Someday, who knows. Clearly, Squad is focused on other things. And, I'm OK with the focus on other things
  10. I wasn't going to post any hype in a hype thread, but then... I realized I can't post any, because...
  11. We're in an age of software that gets continuous updates, "feature complete" doesn't seem to mean what it did in the retail-boxed-software era. And I'm really grateful, for this! It's a good time to be a KSP fan. We've been repeatedly assured that new features will come into the game, in v1.1 and beyond.
  12. Squad has been stocking up, in preparation for the apocalypse.
  13. Crash or revert to the VAB three times in a row, and it's "game over!" - all KSP craft files are deleted. Unless you buy the official Squad USB-connected coin collection box! It doesn't matter what country or denomination coin you put in it, it knows all of them. You have to drop a coin every time you go to the Launchpad. A chimpanzee screech lets you know it's safe to attempt a launch. When it gets full, (holds about 3 pounds of coins) you have to ship the box to Squad HQ - and wait for the replacement.
  14. thanks, and didn't think of that in my statement. Game balance is an arcane art, so many variables in it, and we keep wanting more of them
  15. if its going to be so easy to get - it seems like a game balance problem. Not having tried any of the resource mods, it seems like something that could potentially "make it easy" to get fuel to return from distant places should also be "hard to find." But I guess the balance comes from setup effort, cost, processing efficiency - wherever you do it.
  16. To take this wayyy into realm of the absurd, I will suggest the urge for variety partly comes from the Kerbals themselves (bottom trivia point, here): some believe Minimus is made of mint ice cream If someone wanted to base their ISRU off of THAT, well, Baskin Robbins has 31 flavors
  17. I dipped a small toe into searching real-life ISRU info, and found a long word that would not work, because it's too specific to one rock formation process - but it sounds really impressive "pyroclastic deposits" Oh well: go ahead and Bring The Ore - Looking forward to the new toys!
  18. One thing "ore" has in its favor: easy translation. Any made-up word might sound 'interesting' in its original language, but, could sound wrong translated to another language, even though it will probably appear written as "ore" in their language version of the game. Someone native to another language might see the original word, and say "it's a good thing they translated this to 'ore,' because that original word was close to an insult / animal sound / weather pattern / humming softly."
  19. Thank you! I'm a little let down by the name "ore" - its so... plain. Yet, I know Squad got tired of everything starting with "K." (It was mentioned in a previous devnote about something else that needed a name.) I can imagine some hair was pulled during a long meeting or internal chat/mail thread, over what to call the new resource. I won't get too excited about DX11 making things look prettier, until I see something. But I fully expect some performance improvements due to DDS compressed texture loading. Next, we will want higher resolution textures, labels, and alternate skins! ... which will put us right back into the cramped low-memory situation, that we complain about today "Be careful what you wish for..."
  20. 1.0 will have things to be happy about 1.0 will also have things to be disappointed about. With luck, good outweighs bad, and a fun 1.1 update in December.
  21. HarvesteR wrote that they have "endgame ideas" long ago, but all they have publicly stated for 1.0, and therefore all we are likely to see - is the ability to fail, if funds or rep drop too low. I think they WILL get around to more endgame activities, over time. NovaSilisko had great ideas for scattered anomalies in the solar system being clues towards ... something. But that would work better with a storyline, where missions would ask you to explore specific areas and perform certain activities. But, that marches toward a specific endgame and story. So far, what we have is a procedural contract system, where players get to decide what "the end" means to them. That's fine in its own way and open-ended, but I don't think the two approaches toward creating content are mutually exclusive.
  22. Pre-announcing certain bugs as fixed - can come back to bite you, if other last-minute changes cause the announced fix to break. "How could you?! Why wasn't that in your list of test cases?" - no pre-announcement, no such complaints If we're prepared to be disappointed, then we can be pleasantly surprised when we try out 1.0, and don't encounter certain bugs. Bug fixes are important, but I think more players get more hyped in anticipation of new features. I'm really careful with radial decouplers, even with Claw's fixes Sometimes, even the flat green runway next to the bumpy one, isn't long enough to save my bad approaches
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