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Everything posted by basic.syntax

  1. Resisting urge to post shelf pictures, it's Nova's thread Your copy of Stranger in a Strange Land looks like a heavy-duty library edition.
  2. Perhaps the temp gauges memory leak? With luck, 1.0.3 might address this. Regardless, I just want to say that the GC-caused frame stutter situation is much improved for me in 1.0. It was just awful in .90, but I've hardly noticed it in 1.0.2 (but I'm not paying intense attention, as you would while trying to make videos.)Here is a relevant quote about 1.0 improvements:
  3. @ Warzouz: Wobble. Ugh, yes, I don't like it, either. But I have no hesitation: struts everywhere, lol. To all: I thought I would share this example of a "thrown together" design, that finally got me to the Mun and back, fairly early in career. I had fun trying different stuff... it's kind of messy. I wouldn't try to win any contests with it. But I think it fits the thread, another example that tall craft can work, & you don't need fancy stability parts like reaction wheels. (But they sure are nice.) Many notes in the album.
  4. Two quotes are in play here: 5th was referring to the first, when HarvesteR said he was building the Fairings code, so that it would be possible to split them open in many ways. They picked the "Kerbal Kaos" method. It was a style choice. The second quote is from Maxmap's reddit AmA, on April 26, a day before 1.0 was released. By then, Squad knew that many players would like to have some options. I've no clue if the fairing split option will come with 1.0.3.
  5. No date specified on this statement, but a fairing option should be Stock, one of these days.
  6. "about 60 mods" It sounds like you've tried some good things to minimize ram load, such as ATM, but, the camel can only carry so many straws before its back is broken. Would you call all 60 of those mods "essential?" You could make a copy of your complete KSP installation in a separate folder, to explore a subset of those mods, and run different scenarios on different copies.
  7. ...and it's STILL puzzling. Dawn continues to spiral in, and according to chart here, should descend to 4400 km in June... and by December, 375 km (closest orbit).
  8. Fixed, lol. Windows touch-centric Start Screen, leaving behind the higher information density Start Menu design. Everybody's trying to shield users from detail and complexity these days.
  9. This poll has been done fairly recently, check these threads FYI When did you join KSP? 27 Feb 2015 When did you buy KSP? 28 Apr 2015 (This one mainly seeking info on before/after 1.0)
  10. I'd like to see a campaign someday; the tutorial missions would be a good jumping off point, as campaigns usually start the player with very basic activities, and build up from there. For that reason, "orientation" missions would have to be skip-able. Many of the existing contract scenarios could be fleshed out with storylines, to link them together. Completion could reward you with free parts, a limited number of uses, from tech you haven't researched yet. I think there's a chance for an official campaign... next year maybe. If 1.1 and 1.2 do well, they will have to come up with something for 1.3
  11. A mod/patch is available, which improves wheel traction and braking. Check out Stock Bug Fix Modules (Release v1.0.2d.2 - 14 May 15)
  12. LoL. I used to pick up every new issue when it came out, they now occupy several boxes because I don't have the display space any more. My interest waned as the numbers approached 80, and cover prices left 'casual purchase' territory, and entered 'lunch money.' It saddens me to go to a used book store, and see them by their dozens, in the bargain bin. I would pick up novelizations of episodes or movies, looking for extra scenes and tidbits. The worst for me was "Unification" - the Next Generation novelization of a two episode story. I was thinking the huge story of attempting to mend fences between the Romulans and Vulcans could contain subplots and political intrigues that couldn't be filmed for time. It had SPOCK in it, for goodness' sake. Sadly, the novel version was a complete waste. It was a blow-by-blow retelling of what was broadcast.
  13. On criticism The Good Conduct Guide. The Positive Forum movement
  14. If it was 'just glued' as is, I worry that it might always open to that spot. Or, glue seeps in and it doesn't open evenly on that page. But, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I think to do it right, the cloth strip needs to be peeled off the broken sections, and a fresh one applied all at once, so that it's the same adhesive material and amount, evenly applied. (Which also leads to delicate work reattaching or replacing endpapers and hard covers.)
  15. unless it's a first edition, and perhaps even then... would probably be cheaper to hunt down and buy another copy, than have the damaged one professionally put back together. Inkjet printers can produce amazing quality on the right paper, but unless you already have one, I would compose a photo/image, and take it to a place that prints large format photos.
  16. Surface sample return for ISRU unlock sounds good, but, in real life we can know quite a bit about material composition via various remote analysis. The system already includes a surface scanner. It has three scanner parts in it... more than I was expecting, when they first started showing off the original resurrected planet scanner part. You've written extensively about splitting science into categories, where only certain types of science could unlock certain parts categories. I like this, but, given how ISRU was abstracted down to "just Ore" from the original proposal, I think the multiple science types idea will stay in player mod territory.
  17. On parachutes: I've only played with 1.0.2d.2. I used a craft with three of each of the 5 types, for this test. Radial attach types (drogue and normal) are spreading nicely for me, but node-attach types, seem to go straight up and clip into each other as usual.
  18. Nice, the general idea must have merit, to have been thought of again and again, over time.
  19. This may be the asymmetric flameout problem. It can show up on heavier craft with more than 2 engines. To test for it, remove all engines and intakes, then, replace them by alternating intake/engine, intake/engine. If this helps at all, See pix in this post by LordFjord, he has made a mod/fix that reassigns intakes... follow this thread for info.
  20. Which type of engines? Jets need air intakes, they will start sparking if they run out of air.
  21. Speaking of airships, check this thread for its proposal video.
  22. The wires are crossed on Twitch archived streams, right now. Maxmaps broadcast (linked in the OP) is labeled "KSPTV - Das Does Mods on Thursday" "KSPTV: Squadcast with MaxMaps!" is 9 hours of MatVentures.
  23. I think this could work. It is a form of a preference system, that would not break the underlying mission type and prestige randomness. It could be implemented per-planet as the OP suggests, or, more broadly: inner vs outer planets. This gave me an idea. In RPG's, NPC's you hire on later often come with some EXP and skills. No reason that couldn't be extended to KSP. Additionally, Squad has said that they are not done with this system. dV readouts were delayed for more work on Kerbal skills. Source: Reddit AmA
  24. I wonder if it might be due to some duplicated or corrupted entries in settings.cfg ( SHOW_PWARP_WARNING, SEND_PROGRESS_DATA ) This file is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program If you're feeling adventurous: 1. exit KSP 2. navigate to path listed above, in file explorer 3. Rt-click drag/drop settings.cfg & choose "copy" to make a backup 4. delete settings.cfg 5. Restart KSP KSP will rebuild the file with default values. You will lose any custom keybindings, sound/video quality settings, etc.
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