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Everything posted by basic.syntax

  1. Squad isn't done yet, they've maintained since version .90 was released, that they were not stopping development at v1.0. Check this post for quotes and more info gathered from reddit 'AmA' session.
  2. Most of the mass should come from stuff INSIDE the fairing, and I think the strongest effect on the craft is by Aero, on the way up in atmo. Although not a 'perfect' solution, I wouldn't be too worried about CoM shift, if the developers wanted to shortcut that part of an improvement. I think whole idea may have been overlooked, or internally down-voted in importance, because in most non-inter-stage cases, you're done with the previous stage, once the fairing is separated. If we want to bring back first or second stages for recovery, the baseplate could be jettisoned with a stack separator.Edit 1: I just noticed that... really heavy fairing / craft made in the VAB (engineer's report)... is a whole lot lighter on the pad. Edit 2: Check this thread for related discussion on the fairing mass question.
  3. Grumble. My glass is normally half full, but on the mass location issue, it's half empty. Hopefully the update which brings us a fairing separation option, will also move most of the mass into the ejected stuff, not the base plate. One implementation method / workaround I can think of, would be to record the fairing mass as a game-tracked resource, with its own per-unit mass, in the baseplate. The mass-carrying "resource" would be ejected along with the fairing fragments.
  4. Not just you, physics range is supposed to be increased to 22.5km in atmosphere, and other ranges in other situations. This info did not make it into the change log / patch notes.
  5. ...but everyone keep in mind that forces applied by the aerodymanic overhaul may "break" old craft; nose cones and cargo bays didn't matter, and re-entry heat may hurt. HarvesteR's note from reddit (link)
  6. Yes! I've loaded .90 all stock parts, no mod parts craft, 500+ part ships, without a problem. Struts and fuel lines still attached
  7. No user adjustment for fairing separation - yet. But, Squad heard the requests (reddit AMA link), an option for separation will be made available, in the next update. Hopefully soon-ish
  8. YouTube launch trailer - At this time, the best I can see is 720p. Was 1080p rendered / available / still uploading, or am I not seeing it for some other reason? Also, trailer implies terrible things happened... why no last-second save? Oh, the Kermanity!
  9. I think Kasper will start a sticky for 1.0, as soon as it's pushed out. The anticipation mounts!
  10. Your comment is fair, and I also wish it was done and more accessible. Its buried because they aren't satisfied with how it works or looks yet. Going into the debug menu is like signing a waiver that you won't sue them for any incomplete or unpleasant experience that may occur. I think its a fair compromise for getting an early work-in-progress look at their idea. (link to dev quotes)
  11. KSP may as well be in perpetual beta... updates will continue and next we can look forward to what may get fixed, or not, in 1.1. This is like an extension of the "Do you feel KSP is ready for 1.0" thread. It doesn't matter to me whether it's called a 1.0 or a beta... I've had tons of fun, returned numerous times from crashes-to-desktop in .90. (Mostly in scene transitions from VAB to Launchpad, KSP rarely crashes for me, once in space.) KSP has interesting gameplay that keeps me coming back, despite bugs. If it had less gameplay, if this was a one-trick-pony like a Chess game - I would have exhausted my interest in the mechanics after the 5th crash, and probably never returned.
  12. It's hard to wait, but, according to the reddit AMA, Squad noticed additional problems in one or another video streams, and we'll get last minute bugfixe(s) because of this. That's not to say we won't find things to complain about, but, letting the streamers be early public adopters has served a good purpose.
  13. That's not been made clear ... that I have noticed posted, yet. Ought to be easy to verify, check mass before/after. And complain about, if true.
  14. Expect another mod sweep - news posts get hard to find, among discussion. We should look for a more appropriate thread, or start a new one, with questions or comments about posts here.
  15. This is an awfully short clip, but does seem to show the kerbal sticking to the ladder.
  16. It's clear to me - based on HarvesteR's devnote comments - that he designed a versatile system that could crack it open horizontally, vertically, or only on Tuesdays. I look at the fragments and can grin along with the developers over their choice... Kerbals as cartoon characters don't seem big on neatness. All the official Squad trailers show their haste, messes and accidents.
  17. Great question... and easy to check. If true, that would be a gameplay problem, vs "confetti" separation being a SoKerbal design choice.(...Which doesn't bother me, but I'm finally going to place a vote here, for Adjustable. 1.0 has just about left the building, the thread should be renamed for KSP v1.1, now.) EDIT: From the AMA: [–]xDaze 11 points 52 minutes ago In 1.0 (or even in 1.x) will be possible to do clamsheel like fairings? If not why the current system is limited to "confetti" fairings explosion? [–]Maxmaps 6 points 10 minutes ago We'll add the option to divide them in two panels after release. Since they produce debris that is not actually persistent, we are okay with leaving the very flashy, rather kerbal method alone for now.
  18. I think they may be needed in the revamped science lab, to keep its new time-based science running.
  19. Apparently part of Porkjet's efforts to unify the styling of aircraft parts. I like them, but had hoped they would be higher-capacity intakes, not just direct replacements of the original parts.
  20. rotfl ! - I am sooo going to try this! But, will not likely land it with nearly as much style as you did edit: Agreed, EnterElysium's YT vid doesn't show that option, either.
  21. Reddit Q&A: Are the saves from .90 going to be compatible with 1.0?
  22. Enjoy Mun landing FX in EnterElysium's YT vid - no billowing clouds (But, all the usual sound FX... I like 5th's point: Movies and TV get us so used to sound travelling in a vacuum, that most (me included) don't even notice it as a Thing that shouldn't be there, unless someone points it out.) EDIT: the Q&A on Reddit (link)
  23. Everything RoverDude just wrote: YAY! Just about every possible grumble has been addressed, in one way or another. I knew it would be possible to change the colors of the scanner overlay, but I may have missed a post about the style of the display - Player's choice if they want to see banded, dots, or smooth shaded. I just got through watching EnterElysium's vid on YT, and paid attention to the timings: with three drills in one spot on the Mun, it took about 4.5 days (with time acceleration) to extract 1500 units of ore. Then, another 6.5 days through the ISRU convertor, to fill up three x200-32 tanks. 12 days, mission elapsed time.
  24. I was trying very hard to make "2", would never have got it
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