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    Curious George

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  1. I have a mission to "Gather data from Kerbin's Shores" that will not complete. It says that the biome and situation "landed" are incomplete. All of the experiments are complete, but recovery or transmit is incomplete. This is despite me collecting the data and redoing it even when there was no additional data to collect. The first time I collected this information I did it with a manned rover and I considered that maybe the game was confused because it never took off and landed. So I made a little manned rocket and cut the fuel way back so that I would be sure to land in the correct biome. I recollected the data, but still cannot finish the contract.
  2. I am having issues with with the CANDLE nuke engine not producing power electricity or megajoules in orbit. I am using KSP 1.2.2. (The latest version crashes with one of the mods that I have installed and I haven't figured out what one(s) is causing that.) I am currently updated to KSPI_Extended_1.13.10 , but the issue was happening before that. I note that it says "requested power: 0.000 MJ" This issue is not affecting other power generators like the Solid Core Nuclear Engine. In tests it seemed that I could trigger it via time warp, and I do have the "Time Control" mod installed. I tried a test install of KSP 1.2.2 with no mods and then added Time Control to it. The bug did not show up either way. Then I thought to test AMP Year to see if it could be causing it, but adding it to he test install did not trigger the bug either. I even tested Mech Jeb, but no issue. I do have a lot of other mods on my main install, and going through each one may not be the fastest way for me to track down what is going on. What are some of the messages that I should be looking for in the event log that I should be looking for that could be related to this? A screen shot of the engine settings. The screen shot cut off part of the info, but it does have plutonium. Side note, I have the Distant Object mod installed and unfortunately it "spams" the event log with it's messages. I did a search and so far I haven't found any reference to this. Anyone know about this and how to suppress this? I would remove it for my test, but it "breaks" some of my ships and I don't really know why that should be the case. More information: The probe with the CANDLE nuke engine still has a booster attached. It is intended to be used to send it on it's way when the launch window opens. (I'm using punish the lazy so I'm not just time warping to the launch window) I had not noted the power issue because I have a lot of batteries on the probe to smooth out the power. I think that in earlier versions of KSPI - Extended that there were issues with power generation when time warp was used. In any case if I use a save file where the probe still has power and stage it to separate the booster and the CANDLE still does not generate EC or megajoules, however it does generate thrust. If I take and do a new quick save and then restore from that new quick save the CANDLE starts generating EC and megajoules. Yet even more info: I just looked at my screen shot again and noted that the cold bath temp was 500K while the hot bath temp was 300K. Not the correct configuration for power generation. I must have had an issue with my radiators.
  3. My tests seem to support your part clipping theory. I took the same probe and put normal sized fuel tanks and engines on it and it behaved normally. I also tried removing the re-sized parts and replacing them with "new" instances of the same parts, just re-sized while using KSP 1.1 and they also behaved normally.
  4. Hmm... Could be. I generated an instance of one of my satellites and put it on the launch pad to see if it would explode. I did not explode, but it did twitch and rotate like it was experiencing some phantom forces. It did not have SAS on and even it it did the probe is too heavy to be stabilized at 1G. It should have just fallen over. I used tweek scale on the fuel tank to make it smaller, so maybe that is the cause. I'll have to see if that changes the behavior.
  5. I am having some of my pre-existing, launched ships explode to various degrees and get propelled out of orbit. I haven't seen it happen to any of my test ships since the upgrade. Any suggestions?
  6. I was using "KSPI_Extended_1.7.6". I see that you now have a updated version and have fixed the bug. I hope that my input helped you figure it out, either way, thanks for the hard work that you put in to this mod.
  7. I'm using the "CommunityTechTree" and I'm getting access to the stock LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor and the "Solid NTR NERVA" at the same point. The stock one works fine, even when I defile it via tweekscale . It is the "Solid NTR NERVA" than cannot be right clicked on. Does this match your experience? I do not have an "Advanced Nuclear Propulsion" node. It has been "replaced?" with "Improved Nuclear Propulsion", "High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion" and so on. At "Improved Nuclear Propulsion" I am offered a "Lighter more compact "NERVA." Update: I just Checked out the Solid NTR NERVA in sandbox and I can right click on it and also use tweekscale, so this supports your suggestion on upgrading it. It is just the un-upgraded one that has this issue.
  8. I am having the same issue as MaxRebo is having with the NERVA engine. However I got up to the tech level that allowed me to use it, instead of getting to use it via a contract. I can put it anywhere on a rocket and it does not matter. Everything is fine until I right click on the NERVA to use tweekscale. After that I do not get anything from right clicking on it or any of the other parts. I can "recover" by exiting the vehicle assembly building and then re-entering the building. Then the menus work again, until I right click a NERVA.
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