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Everything posted by twich22

  1. Thanks for the update. I appreciate you.
  2. Yikes. Hopefully they are going to do a lot more than that. In terms of Game breaking bugs, two of those are WAY down on the list. Can you play the game without great maneuver nodes? Yup, easy. Can you play the game without docking controls? Yup, easy. So far im worried about their priorities. Its concerning but understandable that during development they were working on multiple fronts so that they had a forward looking mission. Multiplayer needed to be integrated from day 1, same with other aspects like interstellar, etc, to make sure it would all be compatible one day. But at this point they should be focused on the most gamebreaking of bugs. That means ships not working, ships not launching, ships falling apart, not to mention performance for most computers without new graphics cards being the #1 priority for this game right now, not even mentioned. Maybe this patch is just about things that they can fix quickly in the next few weeks? Maybe most of us actually delving deep into the core of the game have not been vocal enough about the real major bugs in the game? Obviously any player who plays for 5 minutes is going to figure out that maneuver nodes are crap, so maybe that why its being focused because its so noticable that everyone mentions it? I hope that they are not prioritizing by how many people complain about something. I mean, I guess I can understand that from some perspective, if you want people to be happy then give the most people what they want. The problem here is assuming that most of these people know what is going to make them happy. Im not sure they do, and I am not sure that fixing maneuver nodes right now is going to make anyone any happier about this game. and I guess some are going to notice that docking controls dont work. Anyone who knows how to dock already and knows that there are controls for docking, since i dont think its in the tutorial. So I guess those people are going to find out about this bug pretty quick and then want to complain about it. But again, these are MINOR BUGS that dont break the game in any way. Maneuver nodes sucked in KSP for like a decade. We still got around just fine. Please, if anyone with a say in these things reads this, prioritize the foundation of the game. That means performance, physics, building ships, launching ships into orbit. In that order. Its like building a skyscraper. Start at the ground floor and work your way up. If you try to build the penthouse before you've built the foundation and frame and all the other stuff you need to support it, you are going to have a bad day. Or maybe these are simply the easy things that they have managed to fix already? Dont promise something you cant deliver on? The maneuver nodes fix and the docking controls not working should be a super easy fix, although im not a game developer and dont know anything about these sorts of things it seems like something they could fix easily. So maybe thats why they decided to announce those things. Save files being corrupt should be an easy fix. You look at the save file, you see the problem, you fix the problem. Boom, done. With the loading screen, its obviously a game breaking bug, so they needed to fix it immediately, and im assuming its again not a super hard to fix issue. So yea, I amend my opinion. This isnt their priority list at all. Its probably a small list of things they already have fixed, with more that they are working on. Like the kraken.
  3. Exactly. I can turn on infinite propellant, indestructible joints, indestructible parts, and launch craft into orbit that way, then change settings back to normal and fly missions that way. But what’s the point of that? i could edit the game save files and put my craft into orbit that way. But what’s the point of that either? The basic premise of the game is launching things into space. Right now the number of things you can actually launch into space is extremely limited by bugs. Not by the game or the intent of the game, simply bugs and poor performance. So in that regard the game is unplayable. I spent 3 days circumventing literally hundreds of bugs just to get my more complex craft up to mid kerbin altitude, and still even more bugs prevent me from going beyond that without running into some failures. It’s simply too much. Understand, that’s 3 whole days of playing with bugs and fighting bugs. I’m not playing the game. I’m not contending with the physics of the game or the effects of atmosphere or thrust to weight ratios or the staging of vessels or planning a mission to get the right orbits or anything that you could consider overcoming the challenges of the game as intended. Just trying to overcome bugs. That’s not playable. Now, I still believe that it will be fixed one day and will be an excellent game. Don’t get me wrong. I am excited for the future of the game. I’m fine with bugs too. I just need the game to be slightly more playable than it is now. I could deal with half the bugs and twice the performance. The only question at this point is how long will that take? Are we weeks away or months away? Or something else?
  4. A lot of people are saying the devs haven't communicated at all, which is not quite true. For those who never saw the launch day update on steam, which was posted at 6pm on launch day, here it is: Launch Day Update Hey Kerbonauts, First and foremost we want to thank all of you for joining us on launch day. We've been thrilled to see the amazing crafts you've come up with and the hilarious hijinks (and yes, we know some of those are from bugs, but they're still fun!). Now of course we've seen and heard your complaints and the issues you've run into as well. We want to emphasize again that all of this is being absorbed, organized, and prioritized in our systems so that issues can be addressed rapidly. We already have plans in place to improve performance, the more egregious bugs, and much more. So keep the feedback coming! We also want to say that we do have a patch coming soon. At this moment we cannot give a specific date for the first patch, but it will be in the coming weeks. Thank you again for joining us on this journey and we promise these growing pains will be worth it! https://steamcommunity.com/app/954850/discussions/0/3772364949848364468/
  5. The first day I did the basics. Built an orbital craft. Went to the Jool system. Took a look at the moons of jool. Crash landed on jool. Then I spent the next day or day and a half building an orbital fuel station, then a commslink satelite, and finally a moon lander. This is where things started to get bad. The moon seems totally bugged. Landing on it is a death trap. Eventually I gave up on getting off the moon. But It bugged out my whole game and I had to do a clean install just to get the game to start up again. There was a save file in my folder that was 1.5 gigs in size! The next 3 days were spent trying to build a 1st stage workhorse. This is where I was banging my head against a wall. Back during the KSP1 early release I used to do this all the time. There were always bugs, but with enough patience and perseverance you could figure out how to avoid all the bugs or otherwise fix them when they happen to still be able to progress on whatever mission you had set for yourself. All day sunday was spent trying to make this 1st stage vessel able to load onto the launch pad without immediately exploding. Eventually I worked out all the bugs and figured out how to make it load in stably. The next day I spent trying to make it launch. Again, it took all day working out all the bugs and tricks but eventually I got it launching. The final day I spent trying to get it into orbit. But I kept running into bug after bug after bug. I would fix one and another would pop up. In the end I decided that the systems were just not ready to handle more complex vehicles. If I cant get a vessel to fly after 3 days of endless working, circumventing hundreds of bugs in the process, then its honestly too much to ask at this point. I will wait until its a bit more playable then that. Overall, I made well over 100 iterations of the vehicle, with at least 7 different completely clean builds and a diverse selection of building methods and strategies. I tried out all sorts of crazy stuff. And after all of this game testing, understanding all the intricacies of the game mechanics as well as the bugs, I came to the conclusion that the game is simply not ready to be enjoyed as I would like. There are a million people out there more willing than I am to report their bugs. I reported a few but theres way too many for me to be able to report and I know someone else will do it. So the only thing left for me to do is step back and wait. Which is what I will do.
  6. From my 50 hours of gameplay, I am fairly certain that most of the game is KSP 1. It feels exactly like KSP 1 during its early access, with some obvious changes. However the core of the game plays the same. Same exact bugs that are circumvented in the same exact way. This tells me that the code is exactly the same. I dont know anything about making games and code, but I know when I am playing the same game that I played over a decade ago. This tells me that all the work they have been doing has been on something else entirely. What that is I have no idea.
  7. I have spent 50 hours playing KSP 2. Most of that time has been spent banging my head against a wall. While I appreciate this opportunity, I have decided that I cant play the game any more in this state. Looking forward to the next update.
  8. My action groups seem to have broken. They were working normally for a while, however now they dont work at all. Does anyone know how to fix this? I was looking through my game files and save files to try to find action groups but didnt have any success. Steps to recreate bug: Delete all KSP 2 files Clean install game Start new campaign Build simple craft in VAB Add any custom action group command launch vehicle attempt to use action group Profit
  9. It means your vessel build is bugged somewhere: Some part is glitching with a another part, struts connected in a bugged way, accidentally placing a part you didn’t mean to, accidentally clicking through a UI interface, a part that accidentally got flipped the wrong way, parts that are overlapping with one another, it could be anything. If you happen to know what it was, or roughly when in your build it started happening, and you have old saves of the vessel, you can go back to a working version of the vessel and start building from there. If you don’t know when and where the bug happened then you will probably have to start over from scratch. My recommendation is save often as a new workspace name and test often to make sure your craft is not bugged. If it’s bugged then revert to an older save.
  10. I play it on integrated graphics. It runs extremely slow, but I can perform some tasks. Launching a rocket takes a long time but once I get into space it runs at pretty much full speed as long as im not looking at kerbin. I cant fly any planes as it runs to slow to properly control the vehicle.
  11. Thanks for the info. I have a hundred other stable savefiles so I am just going to use one of those. I learned my lesson well in KSP 1. But I am sure this will come in handy in the future.
  12. I have a savegame file that somehow is 1.5 GB big and breaks the game if its in the KSP 2 folder. You cant even start the game with it present. It immediately freezes when trying to load into the main menu. Only solution is to delete it from your KSP 2 folder.
  13. The ships spinning out of control in an abnormal and erroneous way starts in the upper atmosphere of kerbin, at what seems like the same altitude every time. So its fair to assume that there is a bug somewhere in the upper atmosphere that is bugging out ships passing through it and causing them to lose control and continuously spin in one direction when SAS is engaged.
  14. Im sure this has been reported already, but switching between buildings, such as going from a vessel in orbit to KSP and then back to a vessel, can break the entire KSP complex and cause it to spawn in space with your vessel. This bug then follows you across saves, even old saves. So when you load into any vessel, KSP is lurking nearby ready to crash your vessel. And if you try to move away from it will move back close to your vessel. Can be fixed by exiting game and reloading.
  15. Thanks! I actually didnt know that one! been playing for over a decade and still learn new things. I can now confirm that parts that are attached freely, an not to a node, are very weak attachments. For example, slapping 2 XL Metholox fuel tanks together side by side. The connection is so weak that the tanks will not even be able to hold one anothers weight and will immediately break. So basically radial attachments do not work. However, the 'radial attachment' part provides a strong connection. So that is my current work around.
  16. Can now confirmed that merging vehicles with struts will break the struts. All the struts will change their attachment points to the first merged craft. So if I merge 3 boosters with struts onto an existing craft, all boosters will be strutted to the first booster I merged, regardless of distance. At this point, there is NO way to maintain struts across craft or across copied parts or when editing a vessel or in any reasonable manner. This means that, in order to build a stable vessel with struts, you need to first start with a completely unstrutted version, and only at the very end, when you are ready to launch, do you add all struts one at a time by hand to the whole vessel. Its not safe to use symmetry mode with struts. Its not safe to copy parts with struts. Its not safe to merge craft with struts. its not safe to add or delete parts with struts on them. Its not safe to undo an action while struts are in place. And the best part is, if you want to continue editing a vessel after struts are placed, you are probably safest by starting with the unstrutted version, editing the vessel as you like, and then again at the end strutting the whole craft. As you can see, struts are completely broken and useless at this point.
  17. Can now confirmed that merging vehicles with struts will also break the struts. All the struts will change their attachment points to the first merged craft. So if I merge 3 boosters with struts onto an existing craft, all boosters will be strutted to the first booster I merged, regardless of distance. At this point, there is NO way to maintain struts across craft or across copied parts or when editing a vessel or in any reasonable manner. This means that, in order to build a stable vessel with struts, you need to first start with a completely unstrutted version, and only at the very end, when you are ready to launch, do you add all struts one at a time by hand to the while vessel. And the best part is, if you want to continue editing that vessel, you are probably safest by starting with the unstrutted version, editing the vessel as you like, and then again at the end strutting the whole craft. As you can see, struts are completely broken and useless at this point.
  18. Again, struts are massively broken. They will disappear with almost any alteration to a vessel. If you copy a part with a bunch of struts on it, the struts on the original part might disappear, and struts on the copied vessel wont work either. If you undo an action, all struts will disappear. If you delete parts sometimes struts will disappear. If you move an assembly the struts might disappear. It seems like, at least sometimes, merging a vehicle will maintain the struts on that vehicle but i need to do more testing. Merged craft should be named and saved under the original craft workspace and vessel name, not that of the merged vessel.
  19. in VAB, Clicking on parts through another UI. Known bug from KSP 1. For example, clicking on something in the parts editor while also clicking on a part behind the parts editor UI at the same time. Causes lots of issues while doing simple things in the VAB. Pretty game breaking issue.
  20. Actually I think its gimbal that broken. Gimbal with many engines on the same ship will cause them to all go into an accelerating pendulum and tear the ship apart. I now remember that this was an issue with KSP 1. Ill keep testing and see if there is any issue with SAS.
  21. Also Launch clamps should always all be in one stage automatically. I cant imagine when you would want them in more than one stage and if you really want it you can do it manually.
  22. SAS is also broken as it once was in KSP 1. If you have a larger craft or multiple attached parts and a SAS turned on it will cause the vessel to wobble at a constantly accelerating rate until the vessel tears itself apart.
  23. I forgot to mention that placing parts in VAB can also be a nightmare, just like it was in KSP 1. Trying to get a part to anchor with another part, while surrounded by the rest of your craft, can be challenging, as it was in KSP 1. I recommend adding a toggle or key bind or other function to turn on/off radial attachment of parts. When you want to place an engine or fuel tank or other part directly onto an attachment node an no where else, allow players to turn off free attachment mode so that the part will snap to its correct attachment node location without doing interesting maneuvers with your camera to get the angle just right so that your engine will snap to the attachment node under your fuel tank. Similarly, radially attaching parts can be difficult/buggy. Sometimes parts will try to radially attach in the reverse orientation/inside the other part, or upside down, or sideways, etc. Not game breaking issues, you can usually fix it or work around it by toggling on or off the 'C' keybind and manually placing a part in its intended location and orientation. but this should be fixed at some point. I know it has to do with specific parts and how they interact with other parts and all that good stuff.
  24. Played 12 hours yesterday. Mostly pushing the limits of the game and seeing what it was capable of. Having gone through the development process with KSP 1 and understanding what the game needs, here are my recommended priorities, in order, starting with #1. 1. Performance improvement. The game is unplayable launching a vessel and any time near kerbin with lower end graphics cards. This makes testing the game, finding bugs, and suggesting improvements, very difficult. I would be willing to save up some money to buy a new computer if I thought that it was necessary. But I dont believe that it is, and my My CPU usage remains very low during gameplay which tells me that its possible to make this game playable for a wide audience and at very exciting scales. Clearly something is causing major issues with GPU performance. Engine plumes also seem to be causing performance issues, and likely other elements of engines. My recommendation is to get rid of all unnecessary graphical elements of the game. Or have a button in the settings that gets rid of them all at the very least. We dont need them during an alpha/early beta launch of the game. We dont need pretty stars and a pretty surface and pretty engine plumes and pretty lighting and pretty space craft parts to be able to test out physics systems and flights and UI and all the other critical elements of this game. Granted it is all very pretty and impressive, but lets leave the bells and whistles for when we have a stable base and when the bells and whistles are actually optimized. Once I escape from being close to kerbin my game speeds up to a playable speed, maybe 20 fps. Once I dump most of my engines it speeds up even more. So the game IS playable, even on a lower end computer. I didnt seem to have issues when approaching Jool or crash landing on Jool so its not planets themselves causing issues, nor atmospheres, but kerbin itself. This tells me that the game is fixable too and should be playable with much less intense GPU's. So please get on it! Also, there is definitely a memory sink somewhere, unsurprisingly. The longer I play the game, the slower and slower it gets. When I exit out of the game completely and reload everything it moves faster again. I think I remember this being an issue way back in KSP 1 at some point so its probably the same issue. 2. After performance, fix VAB building. Again, this is a critical element of the game. You cant fly craft if you cant build them. Performance is slow in VAB, and should be improved early on to make it much faster and more responsive. Again, worry about bells and whistles later down the road. Many of the issues in the VAB were also present in KSP 1 during development. You can probably find all of the bugs posted in the KSP 1 forums and hopefully what was done to fix them somewhere during development. There are major issues with struts. Issues with copying elements and moving them. Issues with accidentally clicking things that you didn't mean to. One of the most egregious examples is accidentally opening the parts manager. The parts manager is unfortunately very slow and unwieldy, especially with larger craft. and since right click is what you are using 99% of the time in the VAB as you move around your craft, and since right click also opens the parts manager, this is a problem. Many times when building a craft you will unintentionally open the parts manager with right click and have to wait for it to load and then close it only to have it happen again and again and again. I suggest changing the right click function within the VAB, at least for now, to avoid this. Struts break all the time. since these are a critical component of building a stable craft, this is a problem. These were always an issue in KSP 1 as well. If you build a strut, and then decide you dont like it, or you accidentally put it somewhere you didnt like, and then decide you want to CTRL-Y to undo your action, you might just break all the struts that you have placed. Loading craft might break the struts. Merging craft might break the struts. trying to delete struts might break struts. When copying groups of parts and trying to paste them to another part of your vessel, they often break. Fuel tanks may suddenly be in totally different locations, or tilted sideways, and the connecting part may have changed to a different part so now you are anchored to the wrong location. It seems to have to do with copying a part and then dragging it across your ship to the intended location. As you drag it across other possible placement locations it jumps around and does all sorts of weird things and then breaks sometimes, so that by the time you have dragged it to its intended location and placed it, it no longer has the same shape and form as it originally did. Saving craft is annoying. It can take up to 3 clicks to save a craft. This is totally unnecessary. One click will do just fine. I also do not understand why a craft needs 2-3 different names. There is the name at the top next to the save button. There is the "vessel name" once you click the save button and open up the save UI. And then there is the workspace name, which is the one that seems to be the most important. Sometimes the name at the top is not the same as the vessel name. Sometimes the workspace name is displayed in various UI's, while rarely the vessel names are displayed. It is all very confusing and seems very unnecessary. And slow and cumbersome. And quickly annoying to a user. Camera movement in the VAB is slightly improved from KSP 1, but ONLY because of the middle mouse click function. It is truly amazing being able to focus the camera on different parts, and truly makes building large craft way better. But thats the only improvement. Scrolling forward and back sometimes breaks, so you cant zoom out for a few seconds. Scrolling up and down is very slow. It should be much faster, smoother, easier. The various part alteration functions are clumsy and often broken. The '2' function for adjusting location and rotation of parts is very clumsy, slow, and difficult to use correctly. It can be difficult to 'grab' the correct arrow when trying to move a part. When you finally do grab the correct arrow and start moving the part, the part might jump around and not move smoothly and then break and get stuck in an unwanted location. Adjusting the rotation of a part is even more difficult. Often a player wishes the rotation of their part to align with a particular surface, either the ground or the vessel itself or the attached part itself. Its very unclear how this all works in KSP 2. There are 2 different alignments but neither of them seem to help in aligning the rotation of a part. whats more, the UI does not give any indication of how much you have rotated the part and whether its level with your intended reference point like it does in KSP 1. So at some point this should be fixed, although its not a critical game breaking issue. The anchoring buttons seem to be broken. Selecting an anchor point on your craft doesnt seem to work at all. However selecting a new launch vessel anchor does seem to work somewhat, so the current work around is to set your new intended anchor part as the launch vessel anchor, and then change the launch vessel anchor back to the original anchor when done. However, the launch vessel anchor button often gets stuck on, and in order to return to the regular move and edit part function you need to first change to the rotate/translate function and then change to the normal move and click function. Symmetry modes and radial symmetry modes dont work great just like they did in KSP 1. The end result could be uneven symmetry or strange doubling or tripling of your intended parts or extra parts being placed in random unintended locations, things like that. When building planes. You might unintentionally build your plane backwards, so that your cockpit is facing one way and then your engines are facing backwards, towards the cockpit. and then when you load the plane its facing the back of the runway. None of these are gam breaking obviously but should be fixed in due course. 3. Kraken and Broken craft when radially attaching parts. Large fuel tanks radially attached to each other often bug out and break and explode very easily. This was a problem with KSP 1 way back when. This makes building large craft or complex craft extremely challenging, often taking hours and hours of debugging and fine tuning just to make it so a particular part will not explode immediately upon loading a craft. Whats more, the debug console is fairly useless. While it tells you the name of the part that broke, if you have 20 other parts with the same name it makes it very difficult to locate the problem area of your vessel. If you want to have a debug console, consider making it more useful by having it point to the broken part in some more specific and exact way. 4. A million other non-critical bug fixes and quality of life improvements. I could go on and on but the things I have listed are the priorities and will take a good while to iron out. The rest can wait. UI improvements, Flight improvements, Maneuver node improvements, time warp improvements, throttle improvements, and thats just to get us into orbit and moving around. I haven't even started playing around with rovers, EVA's, docking craft, transferring resources, balancing fuel weight, on and on. Overall I am excited at the possibilities that this game could one day offer, but for now lets get the bones running smoother!!!
  25. seems to work in However I only just started using it so ill let you know if I run into any errors. I was waiting for Dres to meet up with my orbit, and I did not want to waste any more fuel, so i needed to wait 27 years haha. I set warp to max and went searching for how to speed up this process. After getting sidetracked a bit I finally found this mod an hour later or so. Funny thing is that by this time I am only a year out and don't need the mod anymore. But I am sure I will need it again in the future, thanks!
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