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Everything posted by Metro

  1. Thanks you Claw, it seems to be fixed now. I would really appreciate if Squad could release more daily updates to fix bugs or improve performance than releasing huge ones every few months
  2. Thank you very much for your suggestion! However, after applying GeForce Experience optimal settings and adding the HotRocket Mod I still have a very low amount of FPS. Next time I will check my CPU usage, maybe my i5 2500K ist too low?
  3. It's very beautiful to watch, but also kills my FPS from already a low amount of ~ 40 to about 14, which makes the launch into orbit very hard. Having 3 variants (Low, Middle, High Quality) would be awesome!
  4. Thank you! I guess these mods will require even more power, so I will first try to play without those. After removing HotRockets my FPS doubled, I already guessed that it is it's fault, but I'm not happy about removing it really. You see engines all the time, seeing prettier engines is even better.
  5. Hm, what are volumetric clouds exactly and how to enable them? First I have to find out how to optimize the performance. With my GTX 660 I'm getting 20 FPS when launching. Even when I disabled AA and set every graphics settings to low I have a bad amount of FPS. In fact less than before, ~ 14. Any suggestions though?
  6. It's... so beautiful :'( http://picload.org/image/lpdrgrc/unbenannt.png Thanks a bunch! Awesome developer.
  7. Hello Kerbonauts, I have a little problem. Either I'm too stupid, or my game installation doesn't want to load the mods. I would like to have PimpMyClouds and PimpMyKerbals. My \GameData looks like this and the TextureReplacer like this When loading the game I can read a few TextureReplacer lines, but InGame nothing is shown Click Here for Picture Could anybody please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
  8. Thank you, but of course it still would be great if it'll be included into the final game, as SaplingPick said
  9. Hi Kids, I sometimes, when I have to do some very precise maneuvers I sometimes can't see the purple maneuver notes on the brown hemisphere very well, so a small suggestion would be to allow it to change the color of the navball (of course with a small "Reset colors" button next to it in case somebody's confused. On my quick search I didn't found anything like this, or did I search wrong? Thanks for reading
  10. Alright, even after unlocking some new stuff it still says bad parts. I'll see what's in it in sandbox and edit it in this post Very nice, thank you!
  11. Yes, exactly. How much time it takes to get displayed dV. How would you calculate that manually? Oh, well. Here is how my rocket looks like now
  12. I'm not sure whether it's because I have some strong migraine now, but I don't manage to calculate the time a engine needs to use a specific amount of fuel. My rocket is in orbit around Kerbin and has 204.000 l of fuel in that stage left. The engine is the LV-T45 which has a fuel consumption of 11.01 l/s in vacuum. To get the time in seconds the engine needs to "empty the tank", don't I simply have to calculate 204000 l / 11.01 l ? I'm feeling like I'm doing a idiotic mistake there
  13. I've found out why. If we look closly, it says that the gravity of Earth is used, not Kerbin's (makes it a bit more confusing though, because the name of the rocket is Mun Lander, not Moon Lander) "Following is a quick example, where the surface gravity of Earth is used:" Link: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Advanced_Rocket_Design
  14. How does this calculate the time a engine can run with the fuel left?
  15. You're right with the second command pod, I sometimes really should open my mind more. Thank you for your aircraft as well! Could you tell me what parts you're using which I don't have yet or make a ScreenShot of the craft, please? I'm currently trying to get some science points
  16. Ahh, sorry. I failed. However, under Terminology about Isp it says following "To avoid confusion which unit of speed is used, the physical correct Isp (in distance/time) is divided by the surface gravity of Earth (9.81 m/s²). This results in a value given in seconds. To use this Isp in formulas it must to be converted back into distance per time which requires multiplying with the surface gravity of Earth again." While under the Advanced Rocket Design page it's says something else "If the specific impulse is given in seconds it is necessary to multiply this value by " As far I understand I, even though I'm on the mun, still have to use 9.82? @SRV Ron Amazing!!!
  17. Great tips, thank you! Thanks for your welcome first. I will try to implement your tips as well. I was pretty happy to reach 8 km/s of dV, but after trying to optimize my rocket I killed it. My new rocket which I'm currently working on (the one I posted above) is based on another with just enough dV to get to the moon. I'm not sure if the fuel which I left will be enough to go home, is there a formula for calculating that again? http://picload.org/image/lllwcrp/unbenannt.png You're right, I don't have the tri-coupler structural part yet. Since my rocket doesn't have enough room for another Kerbal it's impossible to do the rescue anyway, so you're right. I will try to get some science points first. We have a great community here
  18. The tutorial per se is not bad, but there were a few things you should do better next time. 1. Keep the sound, better your voice but at least the in game sound (makes it more interesting, and not "boring" to watch) 2. Always place the text on a even line, it made my head hurt to tend it all the time to read the text 3. Display the text for a longer time, I couldn't read the half of it 4. It makes your videos bigger and takes longer to finally have them up, but a tutorial should always be 1080p, at least 720p especially when it's about such accurate things as docking in a dark enviroment 5. Keep the videos short and specific, but at the same time stay calm and explain precise. There was much stuff in this video what doesn't directly belong to the title By the way, you don't say "Please launch into the right direction" you say "Launch East". I hope my feedback will help you to improve your further videos.
  19. Hello KSP Community, I, as an beginner, want to go for another mün landing to rescue my Kerbal which is stranded out there. For this, I managed to build a rocket with a Delta-V of 8161. After changing the order of the used engines and a few fuel tanks the total Delta-V decreased rapidly. Here's how my rocket looks like Pretty ineffective because I just started Saving of the rocket can be downloaded from here http://en.file-upload.net/download-8881449/M1.7z.html Bonus Question - to find out how much Delta-V I need to fly back to Kerbin do I have to calculate 580+230+80+180? https://i.imgur.com/UUU8yCk.png Thanks in advance!
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