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Everything posted by profit

  1. Here are screenshots of the radiators acting weird, and topping out earlier than they should.. Most of the time they work but, here are 2 times I caught them getting stuck. 1584.2K seems to be the magic number. - - - Updated - - - I have one other breadcrumb... When these craft have their microwave receivers on, they have the bug, as soon as I press the hotkey to switch them to relay's it goes away. If I activate the receivers again the bug immediately reappears and the radiators jump to the lower temperature and lower heat dissipation. Receiver on -> Capped at 1584.2 Relay on -> Acts correctly Receiver back on and relay off-> Capped at 1584.2K again and heat dissipation falls significantly
  2. That was it, I thought it was part of your mod. I launched a station with one of them and it accepted the station. Indeed it is, I did not realize you had to bring the pod back from orbit, not just the results.
  3. This mod is pretty nice, but it seems to have some contract completion bugs that I have been hitting: I launched a space station that had... all the science modules including the three big ones in orbit around Kerbin and it did not trigger as mission complete, said i was missing a science lab. I also had problems getting the mission complete for prograde kuarks from the mun. I get it to give the checkmarks for launching and completing the experiment, but when I transfer the results and get the science from the experiment when it returns, it unchecks all the boxes.
  4. A bunch of other people used plugin for groups of parts, but ok.
  5. I scaled up some Ion engines and xenon tanks. They are just the default ones that have a higher thrust/weight/ect. There is no real good way to power them as one of them is the equivalent of putting 50 generic ion drives on at once, but feel free to play with them as they can significantly reduce a part count. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ion_upgrade_0235/
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