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Roaken Corporation

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Everything posted by Roaken Corporation

  1. godarklight seems to always welcome any help, you could talk to him. The jerkiness of dogfights is true, but it's pretty possible to follow a friend even at very high speeds. In fact, it works very well for landed vehicles that are nearby, and probably does too for normal airplanes. But flying at more than a thousand km/h makes it times worse than what it should be, haha. One thing is that the target cannot see the missiles comming, but not a major issue, just that the target usually freaks out when the airplane is comming, and suddenly explodes.
  2. We have made some mulitplayer tests using FAR and DMP, and it works really nicely! The only issue we have found is that wen BDA camera features are activated, the target doesn't get damaged. Tried a few times and seems consistent so far, but there is the possibility that it was a very strange coincidence. Test video: A lock-on acquisition system would be really great.
  3. Hello! We made a test using DMP, FAR and BDArmory, it was not perfect but really cool. We did not test if increasing load range on BDArmory will work to load other player vessels in DMP, but due to the speed of the planes it is something much needed. Thanks for this awesome mod.
  4. You can also set your cannards to act as spoilers, tilt back while holding the breaks and you bleed speed a lot faster, also allows you to approach the runway at much better angles of attack. Some retroboosters also help when close to the runway, to avoid bouncing off. Here is a landing example, not the best ever but very short:http://youtu.be/M9JwkQuBrWI?t=4m38s The video is from KSP 0.23.5 but its an example.
  5. Hello ferram, can you provide more information on how different the new version is from the previous? Aparently wings now are a lot more fragile and our planes speed simply doubled (wing tests under the same speed as of previous version). Also: some weird images (like a semi-loaded astronaut complex UI) show up when loading vessels.
  6. Structural integrity is one of the best features of FAR, other than the simulation itself, because it makes things a lot more tricky and interesting. Stock struts don't do much more than reduce some of the oscilation which can peak dynamic pressure and break the wings, but from tests it did not have any impact on the wing-ripoff tolerance itself (maybe B9 superstrong struts do though). The thing is, it adds to the challenge, if you have ever seen a few real life aircraft you know how to make something that flies on FAR. We at Roaken want people to lose fear of this awesome mod, and plans are to create tutorials or video tutorials teaching people how to use them. In the end, FAR will make your aircraft crash a lot more, and getting it right is extremelly rewarding. And there is nothing as Kerbal as blowing up stuff.
  7. Hello, that is a good plane! The only things that are worth advicing are that you can remove those struts from the wings, they are just adding drag. And that you should fix the action groups, right now only one side is working, when you set an action group and move that part the other parts created by simmetry aren't assigned to the group. It's overstable at too high speeds, but that is not much of an issue at all. This is a very resistent airplane, one of the rougher ones. After removing the cubic struts and gaining a bit of extra speed, it was possible to break it, after some tries, abusing yaw. So yeah, it's basically unbreakable under uses far from the normal, which is great. We at Roaken want to see more of your planes!
  8. This is a very good mod! Joystick flight was never so pleasing.
  9. Thank you! If possible, please tell us what you think about it's flight characteristics. We are concerned with making the best aircraft we can, and feedback is essential.
  10. We at Roaken are glad to present SE-14 sets the line for simplicity and efficiency. It beat the record of development time, taking only 5 days from first build to a released state. Using cannards and upward cranked tips deltas, the only difference between flying it with a keyborad and joystick is that the keyboard responds faster. Due to it's wing setup and size, it's actually a stealth fighter, super reliable maneuvers put it ahead in terms of bigger planes interception. You can pull it as hard as you want, warranty covers structural failure. You can find more planes like this at our page! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84738-Roaken-Corporation-High-end-FAR-planes
  11. Thanks a lot! We haven't heard of PANELFAR before, that sounds awesome! Edit: also "Nearly Easy Aerodynamics Reworked" (or Replacement).
  12. Hello ferram, you mentioned some changes on the dev build. How big would these differences be? And how much time would such modifications take to be implemented?
  13. Hello, I just want to comment a few things about transonic instability. In fact, in real life you will never want to fly at transonic speeds, but in the game there are ways to do that, as well as many reasons why you would want to fly at such speed. After much research, we at Roaken Corporation found ways to keep the aircraft steady and fully controlable (keyboard piloting without fine controls) even when wildly breaking soundspeed and going back so subsonic over and over. We also did manage to do that while with some big AoA, a few side effects happen though, you just will not want to break sound barrier while turning, it can destroy your aircraft. But most of them are negligible with proper polishing on the design. Going from supersonic to subsonic is not much of a bad issue though, as seen at this point of this video (http://youtu.be/MWdYnl3hbHY?t=2m8s) you only lose a bit of pitch control, the difference on pitch is what causes it to oscilate, on a straight flight it would be steady. There are many things (other than trial and error) that helps on keeping the aircraft controlable at such speed range (Mach 0.95~1.05), and we are interested on creating tutorials to show how to do it, or at least to teach how to not fully lose control when passing on that region. We are still unsure if the tutorials are going to be in the form of text or videos, or text with few example videos and pics. That could come together with a series of FAR tutorials, from basic to advanced, we want more and more people to lose the fear of this awesome mod. One important thing that we should mention is that stability derivates, even though they are extremelly important, are not rules, and knowing which one to care about the most can be very helpful. We have never seen a single aircraft which is "all green" at any Mach 1.0 setting, the thing is to know which ones will destroy your craft and which can be fixed by hand when piloting (as well as which matter at that speed at all). Also, always check the stability derivates at Mach 0.8, given they are fine on Mach 0.2 and 0.8 it's very likely that it will be stable on that range. Thanks for the attention, if you want us to help with your aircraft, suggest/request any vehicle or try some of ours, check our topic: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84738-Roaken-Corporation-High-end-FAR-planes
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