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Everything posted by TrooperCooper

  1. Added a lot more storage room (yes, those big ones are 5m tanks) and more Karbonite drills to my fuel refinery outside of KSC. It can now be considered as operational and should be able to pump about 25k of liquid fuel and an appropriate ammount of oxidizer every two month into my orbital space station by the click of a button.
  2. Expanded my fuel refinery outside of KSC with more storage room and a monoprop converter. Also upgraded my orbital station with the logistics hub to receive the fuel deliveries from the refinery.
  3. Growing tired of having to harvest and convert fuel on Minmus and having to ship it into LKO, I have set up the basic layout for a ground-based fuel refinery just outside of the space center. With the MKS/OKS logistics connection, I will then be able to refuel my LKO depot easily. The refinery part is working already. The logistics drone connection will be tested tomorrow (need to upgrade my orbital station first) and then I can expand the refinery with more modules of the same type to increase production and capacity.
  4. Agree! Mods are really making this game shine. Many thanks to all the contributers. PS: I would consider the Precise Nodes mod as mandatory as well. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47863-0-90-0-Precise-Node-1-1-2-Precisely-edit-your-maneuver-nodes
  5. Bill brought my Rover Drop Ship down to the surface of Duna... Exploration Rover released from the winch... Bill planting his landing flag... And going crazy with the rover while running mission contracts... Returning back to the mothership... After hooking the rover back up to the winch and strutting it into a fixed position... ... taking off again. Returning to the orbital outpost. Jeb made a short visit to Ike to run some contracts there as well... After making about 6 million K$, the A-Team is leaving Duna... And returns to Kerbin a couple month later... I am now turning towards a new project: colonizing Eeelo for surface Karborundum-mining.
  6. I currently have more than 50 active flights in my career plus 137 pieces of debries floating arround. Yet, I am not noticing any considerable lag-effect from those "out of physics range-" objects while flying other ships.
  7. See, thats what I ment with likely more efficient solutions. Meanwhile though, this little bugger has already arrived at its first destination... And after spending the better part of an evening designing it and about half a million K$ in launch costs, I cant resist to crash it try it out now. Thank you for the link though. That seems like a very usefull mod and it will definitely go into my GameData directory one of these days.
  8. During my Duna operation I ran into the problem of having to do precision landings for contracts without beeing able to visually tell where I have to land. So I figured I need something that can drive arround after it made it to the ground. As a first try, I came up with this: Needles to say it ended in a catastrophy. Thankfully it was unmanned. So instead I am now working on this: A heavy drop-ship that can deliver a real rover to any point on Dunas surface and pick it up afterwards again, once the mission is done. First time ever I am using a KAS winch system. I'm 99% sure there are more efficient and less monstrous solutions possible. But the design looks promissing to me,... and its also the first time ever that I use a non-self propelled rover system with return-capabilities. Handling is good and TWR is high enough. Fuel consumption per run is... acceptable. The part count appears frightening to me though. Docking this to my orbital outpost for re-fueling certainly wont be much fun... The rover is performing great. At least on Kerbin. Built symmetrically for easy handling during the transport stage(s) and with a low profile, its fun to drive arround. Will see how long it takes me to crash it within Dunas lower gravity...
  9. I been working over the holidays on another attempt of colonizing the red planet. And it seems like I might get a chance of completing it this time before Squad rolls out a new patch again. Jeb, Bill and Bob plus a few scientists leaving Kerbin on the way to Duna... A couple month later the team arrives at the new outpost in Dunas orbit... The station after the first permanent crew has docked up: center cross: station left: travel ship to move passengers between Kerbin orbit and Duna orbit bottom: Duna/Ike - Lander right: fuel supply tanker Meanwhile on Ike my mobile Karbonite refinery is busy harvesting and converting more fuel for future needs...
  10. About to launch my Kerbonite Reffinery to harvest and produce fuel on Minmus. 1400 tons on the pad. It could go SSTO, but for safety reasons I strapped on a few Thor boosters and will launch it completly vertical. Then circularize in space...
  11. Working on a new cargo lifter SSTO. Not sure about capacity yet. But should be at least 50+ tons... Re-entry... High aerodyn pressure...
  12. BTSM career mode. I forgot to strut up the booster stage.
  13. Make use of the B9 aerobrakes (see under controls). They make re-entry with with DRE super easy by slowing you down very quickly so that you dont run into the high temp zone at all. If you need more stopping power, just spam more / bigger brakes.
  14. Your cosmic thingy is nothing compared to the BIG BANG!
  15. Dont worry, guys... we just do some basic evasive maneuvering.
  16. Kraken has new chinese supercavitating submarine prototype to escape
  17. Decomissioned the Prometheus II for several reasons, most importantly a lack of torque when fully loaded and the requirement for a second Cyclotron to be able to run excentric quark experiment pods. So with that in mind, I designed the upgraded Prometheus III (which was payed for with the cash-rewards of the contracts that the Prometheus II completed during its trial run to Minmus). Take off... Getting rid of the launch-boosters during the gravity turn... who said KSP doesnt have pretty explosions? Circularizing into orbit. The lander at the tail right between the engine exhausts... Achieved orbit, solar panels deployed... Now it was time for the logistical network to do its part... tanker coming in to refuel... But one load wasnt enough. So the Karvester at Minmus got busy drilling Karbonite and refine it into LFO... The tanker then transported it to Kerbin. Here it is coming back and aero-braking into orbit... Furthermore, I also launched the first set of experiment pods for Duna... Preparations are almost complete and it looks like this version will soon start its interplanetary journey...
  18. Silly me. Of course... Kasuha is right. Sorry for the brain-fart.
  19. The center of mass moves between the "long ends"... vertically on a vertically (default) placed tank and horizontally if you tilt the tank over. You can check it visually by activating the center of mass display in the VAB and adjusting the fuel ammount within a tank.
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