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Everything posted by ExavierMacbeth

  1. SpaceMouse, If you take a look at the development thread for it he actually discussed the issue with WaveFunction (KSPI-L). The reason for the Xenon drives is because the Throttle Control on the engines require being linked to an engine that actually has thrust, To get thrust the propellent actually needs mass. The Exotic Matter doesn't have mass because it originated from KSPI (even the version in the CRP) so Rover left it unchanged for compatibility. The Xenon provides what the KSP code needs to make the throttle work As for the realisum of changing direction of the warp bubble... why not? Just shift the fields to rotate your orientation within the bubble. After all if you have the technology & power source to play with those kinds of energy levels in a controllable fashion it can't add that much extra complexity to the system EDIT: KSPI doesn't need mass on the resource because it doesn't use throttle control for its version of the drives. You just set the speed in the right click menu and turn it on. But a mass on the resource would effect ship weights when you have a few hundred thousand of it in storage lol.
  2. Well... Seems my final excuse for keeping KSPI installed has just vanished Looks great & can't wait to try it out.
  3. How long have you guys let MechJeb sit before determining its not functioning? I have had the same problem but its not completely failing but rather the "warp" function is stalled. For me this can happen when its trying to switch between High & Low orbit burn mode. Instead of autowarping to the burn point it will sometimes remain in 1x speed ALL THE WAY to whatever invisible maneuvering node it is using for that phase. I had it get stuck for 1/4th an orbit once where I just left it and when it finally got to the point where I am use to seeing it do its de-orbit burn it kicked in properly the rest of the trip down. Also just a side note, If you have to tweak the engines for any reason (realized you don't want to give Mechjeb 6+ TWR with the way it likes to flare the engines sometimes), make the changes BEFORE you initially engage the autoland. You may not be able to see the maneuver nodes but it still follows them, and changing anything thrust related (including staging) after you tell it to calculate the path initially will result in bad contact with the ground since the path doesn't get updated for drastic changes.
  4. Lol we should probably get back on topic before Rover yells at us for derailing his thread One of these days I will be able to actually test one of his asteroid mods... Have to learn how to stop colliding with them on rendezvous first though
  5. Unless your running the buggy as heck 64bit exe, Kerbal will only use 3.5gb before crashing due to out of memory errors.
  6. Hmm. I solved my memory issue and I have 40 mods installed (62 if you include the required extras) Agressive Active Texture + Forced opengl = 2.2-2.8gb memory footprint
  7. Looks like its based on Procedural Fairings but you might take a look at this one: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91920-0-25-Oblivion-Aerospace-Pack-New-heat-shields-for-DRE!-%28v0-1-3-2014-09-18%29
  8. As mentioned if your only looking for local control around Kerbin the default Comm 16 (3Mm radius) Omni is plenty. That is a range of 3000km so as long as you drop enough of them to act as relays (If you sync them up right you can do full coverage with 3-6 of them) they will provide all the control needs you need for local area around Kerbin. Often the reason to include a directional is to set it to "Active Vessel" so that they always point to whatever ship you are actively flying. The usefulness of this depends on the goal & the antenna stats. To use your two examples... DTS-M1 - 50Mm Range, 45 Degree Angle Reflectron SS-5 - 90Mm Range, 25 Degree Angle (Remote Tech Hard Dish, Non-Deployable) 88-88 - 40,000Mm Range, 0.06 Degree Angle If you are trying to remote to the Mun the DTS works fine. You can point the ones in Kerbin Orbit targeted to "Mun" and the cone will cover the entire orbit so any ship with a DTS with the target "Kerbin" can form a link. The SS-5 can do the same thing from Minimus, where the DTS doesn't quite have the range. However using the SS-5 in Mun orbit results in a cone too narrow to cover Kerbin's Geosync orbit so you might loose connection if the sats pointing at the Mun leave the cone. For the 88-88 you MUST point it directly at something because the cone is too narrow, it is designed for interplanetary after all. Using it on your sats with the target of "Active Vessel" will let them point at whatever you are flying, but on the ship you are flying you would have to manually choose the target you want to point it at rather than just pointing it at the planet and letting the remotetech auto pathing forge links. You can intermix the antenna though so if you do use the 88-88 on your dump sats your active vessel could mount something with a larger cone & still get a connection... at least until the range is enough to prevent a two way link. Also the SS-5 is nice for remote launches since it can be deployed & linked before launch and doesn't sheer off during flight.
  9. MKS/OKS uses Minerals, Ore, Substrate, Water TAC LS uses Water Extraplanetary Launchpads I think makes use of Ore Several of them are "community pack" resources that are used by several mods as a common resource. EDIT: I gots ninjaed
  10. Now if only the community tree would be expanded to this level it might finally support everything I play with... not even this one covers all my mods http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78103-WIP-Reorganized-Tech-Tree-Alpha-0-2-0-Added-NFT-and-MFT
  11. Looks like it might depend on what you want to do with the asteroid. Hollow it out and turn it into a large configurable storage tank, use ART. Mine it out with a high mass:resource efficency, use Regolith. Can't wait till its more refined, don't want to break my current save so not adding more mods to it atm.
  12. I have found that mapping Pod - Evacuate, Pod - Activate Generator, Engine - Activate Engine, & Engine - Deploy (Last one assuming you pre-set an atmospheric density to the chute) as a single activation key works really well. Once I switch to it I don't have to play with any of the right click menus to turn anything on, which is nice if your using it as a during launch evac and don't have time
  13. I agree with Gryphon. Installing this package did spike my memory as well so one of the needed mods is doing something behind the scenes. I had to switch to Aggressive (Instead of Basic) Active Texture Manager & go into my game settings and change the texture res to "Half Rez". That took about 1gb out of my memory footprint and everything except the Toolbar mod icons I use for a cpl of my mods still look beautiful This fixed my Toolbar icons so it worked out in the end: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-25-Release-3-8-Oct-16-2014-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM!?p=1512428&viewfull=1#post1512428
  14. I have to say I love the DERP Pods as it makes returning from missions where you want to leave everything in orbit alot easier to plan for. I have a request for the Airbags if its possible. Can you give (or make a set) that has Ablative Shielding for Deadly Renetry? Would be nice to be able to create an interlocking drop shield for some of the oddball payloads I try to launch, especially when I am trying to land a mining/converter/refuling rigs since they tend to be spread out (to prevent being top heavy), heavy (so I don't have to assemble them EVA style), and hard to cover with the normal DR heatshields.
  15. Figured I would check and see if this is still being updated. Been quiet in this thread for a bit
  16. @laggerd: Thats because the cfgs for Modular fuel tanks links them to the default Tank Definition which is only configured to handle those default 4 resources. You would need to add a new TankDefinition with the resorces you want (just create a cfg, copy the default defenition, rename it, and add more types of resources to it). After that add another entry to run a Module Manager check to update all the tanks to your new tank, an example is below. TANK_DEFINITION { name = NameofNewDefaultTankType basemass = 0.000625 * volume TANK { name = NewResource1 mass = 0.000825 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = I am a note } } @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]:HAS[#type[Default]],!MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks] { @type = NameofNewDefaultTankType } } Just make sure you include the default resources in your new tank definition if you still want them to be an option. Especially since the above will essentially update ALL default tanks to the new one which would make them all incapable of holding normal fuels if you don't EDIT: The ":FINAL" on the Module Manager listing forces it to run after all the other processing has been complete. So this will update ALL of the other tanks that Modular Fuel Tanks already provides cfgs for... So your KW Rocketry tanks will get the correct module before you update it with a new tank type
  17. Ahh ok that makes sense. I don't mind having a single scanner/detection mechanic, keeps the part counts down. But could I put in a feature request for a randomize option? Say I add 10 resources to the potatoroid could we have the option to set a "chance" value and have the system say randomly select up to 3 of them to use and then remove the rest? That way each astroid that spawns isn't guarenteed to have large quantities of everything. That would allow people to use MM configs to hook new resources into the system & let them set a rarity chance
  18. Had an odd question for you. Your "Important Note" suggests that the available resources get changed after you run an analysis. I don't see any editable cfg file for this process (Beyond the initial 1000 in the potatoroid) so I am guessing it is something you have hard coded. Would it be possible for you to make it configurable so we could add other resources besides the Water, Ore, & Kethane? For example I have an MM config file I have been putting together to replace KSPI's land based unlimited mining (using ORS) with a Kethane style system. So far its working well and I would love to be able to randomly assign the 6-8 new kethane style resources to asteroids... how to make a reactor run for ridiculous amount of time, find one with a massive stockpile of He3
  19. Depends on how you set it up I think really. Your could take a look at the Spherical & Toroidal Tanks mod as a working example. It has built-in configs for both Modular & Real fuels without actually requiring a dependency for them. Its actually what I used to learn how to set up Modular Fuel files configs Optionally you could do what I would have ended up doing (if i cleaned my file up) is setting up a separate MM cfg file with a requires flag. If it doesn't find the modular fuels dll (I think thats what it looks for for that flag, would have to double check the module manager thread) then the code in that extra config file would just be ignored. Use that to insert the tank module so it only runs if its needed As for the tank capacity its more or less arbitrary depending on how much you want the tank to hold. For the most part I think most of the resources (unless you fiddle with the "utilization" values/overrides on your tank is a simple 1:1 ratio, though XenonGas is like 56:1 ratio in MF lol. Fuel mass is auto calculated based on whatever the actual Resource Definition is, so while setting up a Jumbo-64 for 6400 metal (Extraplanetary) sounds good in theory, doesn't necessarily mean you can get it into orbit lol. The Mass override n the Tank is used to add "extra" mass to the tank total to account for things like cooling/compression systems. In theory you could also penalize someone for choosing to "cheat" with a specific resource... its an option but its going to be hard to get in place & start up EDIT: Figured I would just post mine as an example TANK_DEFINITION { name = ExDavonSuperlist basemass = 0.000625 * volume TANK { name = LiquidFuel amount = full maxAmount = 45% } TANK { name = Oxidizer amount = full maxAmount = 55% } TANK { name = MonoPropellant mass = 0.000625 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 } TANK { name = XenonGas mass = 0.000625 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 utilization = 56.0 note = (pressurized) } TANK { name = Argon mass = 0.000825 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = Ammonia amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = LqdWater amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = LqdMethane amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = RocketParts utilization = 0.17391 mass = 0.0025 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (EL) } TANK { name = Metal fillable = false utilization = 0.17391 mass = 0.039 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (EL) } TANK { name = Ore fillable = false utilization = 0.17391 mass = 0.0275 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (EL) } TANK { name = Food utilization = 0.78207 mass = 0.0003166535 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (TAC-LS) } TANK { name = Water utilization = 0.78207 mass = 0.0017977746 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (TAC-LS) } TANK { name = Oxygen utilization = 0.78207 mass = 0.0004290144 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (TAC-LS) } TANK { name = CarbonDioxide fillable = false utilization = 0.00010214628 mass = 0.000511 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (TAC-LS) } TANK { name = Waste fillable = false utilization = .0000112361 mass = 0.000056 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (TAC-LS) } TANK { name = WasteWater fillable = false utilization = 0.00039530614 mass = 0.001977 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (TAC-LS) } TANK { name = Lithium amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = Deuterium amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = Tritium amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = Helium-3 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = UF4 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = ThF4 amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = Uranium Nitride amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = Actinides amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = Depleted Fuels amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 note = (KSPI) } TANK { name = Kethane amount = 0.0 maxAmount = 0.0 } } @PART[DavonStationLogisticsHub]:FINAL // Logistics Hub Update { MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = 7150 type = ExDavonSuperlist } @MODULE[DavonRestrictedResourceSupplyModule] { @ManagedResources = LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, MonoPropellant, XenonGas, Argon, Ammonia, LqdWater, LqdMethane, Ore, Kethane, Food, Water, Oxygen, Deuterium, Lithium, UF4, ThF4 } } Not all the resources are managed and some like Ore & Kethane can't be "preloaded" into cargo before launch which makes them hard to enable a station for. I use them mostly to save me the frustration of mining on Kerbin lol. The volumne I have set is just simply added up the resource values that where on your default hub. This version doesn't use the "requires" to prevent the thing from adding it if MF isn't installed but that could probably be added easily.
  20. I don't believe this is such a good idea. Mostly because the way I see it (and decided to treat it for my own personal MM configs) is that Lqdwater is unpurified water while TAC's water is drinking water. My main reason for wanting to keep them separate... Imagine accidentally killing off all your crew because your thermal/plasma rockets depleted your ships entire "water" supply... including the stuff stored in your life support modules
  21. @PrivateFlip : Btw I found a cool mod synergy with your station component. - Install Modular Fuels - Use Module Manager to remove default resources & assign a MF tank type to your part - Use the same Module Manager config to update the "ManagedResources" to everything possible in the tank type. - Add part to ship & assign my choice resource loadout I tested it and it properly ignores anything you don't choose, requires everything you do, takes its 3x supply to activate properly, and delivers proper resources with no glitches. Now have mine configured to handle Extra-Planetary Launchpads, Kethane, Near Future Propulsion, KSP Interstellar, & TAC Life Support resources. THANK YOU for simplifying my LKO resource managing nightmare If you do another release you might want to consider making a built in definition for Modular Fuel Tanks so people don't have to guess how much it should hold (I just used an arbitrary number). Would solve alot of the requests you get for customized resource mixes. (EDIT: Or I could clean mine up and post it for people if you don't mind)
  22. Found a minor bug/annoyance. When you increase the size of the fairing and then add additional nodes, the newly generated nodes are minimum size while the ones that where there are the correct size.. Workaround though is to just pull the fairing base away from the rocket and re-attach seems to correct it.
  23. I don't know if this has been asked but I couldn't find an answer. Is there a way to define a custom split configuration? For example you have by default the very convenient button that automatically fills Liquid Fuel & Oxidizer 45/55. It would be useful for things like life support or other mods that add alot of extra resources to have set balanced configs. Manually setting up a tank to hold a little bit of each life support resources (6 total for TAC if you want it hold a little of everything and their byproducts) can get a little tedious. Would be nice to be able to hit 1 button and get 16% of all 6 instantly
  24. Did you test it using a power relay network or just with an attached reactor? Your probably not seeing a difference if your using an attached reactor because the reactor isn't generating any additional Thermal Power for the thruster to actually use.
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