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Everything posted by Shootertrex

  1. I got this mod for the reason stated in the description (fixes RSS's bouncy water), but whenever my ships touch the water, they just evaporate. The capsule touched the water at ~12 m/s and it was just gone. No splash, no explosion. At first I thought I was somehow just coming in too quickly and misread the speed, so I tried a new launch and ensured that I was coming in slowly. The same thing happened. If I take the mod out, I can splashdown safely, but with the addition of the new button for returning to the space center being below the recover button, I am not able to recover ships in the bouncy water. Any ideas?
  2. Okay thanks! The load times are better, still long, but livable now. I'm getting a good fps now as well.
  3. So I have been having the "KSC underground" problem again. In the last version of RSS, I was able to fix it by just editing the locations, but in the new version, nothing seems to change when I edit them. Setting the terrain detail to high puts everything in the correct positions, but then I don't get much fps and the load times between scenes are much, much longer. Setting it to default or low both cause the problem. I have read your page on the wiki from your last post, but I still wasn't able to get any of the locations to change. I don't know if showing my output_log will help, but I guess it can't hurt: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pgbb3ur7s5yvztn/output_log.txt
  4. Ok, so after messing around a bit, I think I figured out the problem. I don't know why it is, but when I have the code for adding the skin to Pluto in, it causes the SoI problem. I took that part out and now it works fine, but I still have the KSC underground. It did that when I put a fresh install of RSS in as well. I have KSP version and RSS v6.1. I'm pretty sure I didn't run out of memory. I checked with the task manager, and I still had a lot left (I'm pretty sure KSP can only use 4gb of ram, right? even with that, I still had a 1 or 2 gb left)
  5. I have no idea why it posted twice... OK, I guess I'll just push my orbit out a bit. And I'm rather certain I'm running the latest KSP alongside the latest version of RSS. I just downloaded what was on the first post in the thread, and the file I have says v6.1 I'll double check each of those. How would I know if I am running out of memory? The game runs fine otherwise and that is the only thing that isn't loading correctly. Ok, so I edited the KSC location a bit so now it looks like this. I added the repositionRadial line and changed the radius. I read someone say that that fixes it from being underground, and it does for the most part. Name = Cape Canaveral PQSCity { KEYname = KSC repositionRadial = 158200.0, -220.0, -570000.0 lodvisibleRangeMult = 6 latitude = 28.608389 longitude = -80.604333 repositionRadiusOffset = 53 } PQSMod_MapDecalTangent { radius = 75000 //10000 heightMapDeformity = 80 absoluteOffset = 0 absolute = true radius = 10000 latitude = 28.608389 longitude = -80.604333 } When I altered the planets a bit, here is just a bit from Pluto, not all found in this order, but just pieces. I changed the inclination like this, and if the config didn't have a skin for a planet/moon, I found some and added it in.: inclination = 0.21236405752844 //inclination = 23.61236405752844 SSColor32 = GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/PlutoColor.png SSBump = GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/PlutoNRM.png PQS { Vall { PQSMod_VertexHeightMap // doubles { heightMapOffset = 0 //-2000.0 heightMapDeformity = 17300.0 //15600.0 //7000 // 5000 heightMap = GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/PlutoHeight.png } } } I didn't do a lot with Earth because it already had skins and such. I only changed the orbit inclination and added a body description. Now that I think about it, it is probably relevant to say that I also downloaded the RSS Planet Replacements V1 that I found in this thread, which replaced the config file. I just looked at dates on the 2 files, the stock RSS and the replacements mod, and the replacement one is newer, so I don't think that would have an effect. I guess I should also say that I am not running the planet factory addon. Whenever I had RSS and planet factory together, the game never finished loading. It went to the black screen after the loading page and stayed there. It does that a little bit for me when I run only RSS, but it does make it to the main menu after a short wait. Should I just be waiting longer?
  6. I'm having a problem when heading to the moon from Earth. When I set up a maneuver marker, it says I am leaving Earth's SoI and heading for an escape trajectory, but the altitude is only around 77 million meters. Then strangely, when I increase the marker more, it will give me a moon encounter. The encounter is also really weird. The trajectory within the moon's SoI is almost just a straight line from where I enter it to where I leave it. I had assumed it was just a graphical glitch and followed through with the burns. When I got to about the point where it said I would have had the escape trajectory, I left the Earth's SoI and floated off into space. Extra info: I had edited the RealSolarSystem.cfg file a bit. I only changed the inclinations, a handful of skins, and the KSC location (it was underground for some reason). I don't think any of that would have affected this. Another minor problem I'm having, though it is tolerable, is that I can only use physical time warp when under I think 185,000m even though I am in orbit around the planet.
  7. I'm having a problem when heading to the moon from Earth. When I set up a maneuver marker, it says I am leaving Earth's SoI and heading for an escape trajectory, but the altitude is only around 77 million meters. Then strangely, when I increase the marker more, it will give me a moon encounter. The encounter is also really weird. The trajectory within the moon's SoI is almost just a straight line from where I enter it to where I leave it. I had assumed it was just a graphical glitch and followed through with the burns. When I got to about the point where it said I would have had the escape trajectory, I left the Earth's SoI and floated off into space. Extra info: I had edited the RealSolarSystem.cfg file a bit. I only changed the inclinations, a handful of skins, and the KSC location (it was underground for some reason). I don't think any of that would have affected this. Another minor problem I'm having, though it is tolerable, is that I can only use physical time warp when under I think 185,000m even though I am in orbit around the planet.
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