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Everything posted by TheDamDog

  1. It crashes for me in 64-bit. 0x00000005c (or however many zeros) access violation. I miss my Interstellar :<
  2. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/ Atomic Rocket is really the go-to resource for science fiction and near future developments, it's comprehensive, detailed and explains all the little details a rocket scientist might want (or at least sets you on the path to being able to find those details out.) Further, it's comprehensible to people without degrees in Advanced Hypermath. Even if you're not a modder, give it a read. Particularly the part about the Orion Drive. Using nuclear shaped charges as a means of propulsion is the best thing ever, and I'm sad the KSP Orion Drive mod isn't under development anymore.
  3. Translation, from what I can see: OS and OS version Mac or Windows Whether or not you use Steam Time you start the game Time you finish the game Game crashes If the game was installed with Steam What version of the game you're using (Build ID, major revisions, minor revisions, if you're using a beta version or not, if you're using 64 bit or not) System information, including number and speed of CPUs, GPU(graphics card) memory, GPU manufacturer, system RAM Yeah, not OK with that unless you ask me to opt-in.
  4. For future reference in any weapon-making shenanigans, I highly recommend: http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/spacegunconvent.php It's quite possible to skip all the science if you like, but then you'd miss the part about using nuclear shaped charges as giant x-ray laser cannons.
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