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Everything posted by munseeker

  1. Here is a greenhouse designed for TAC life support, based on the stock KSP cupola model. It converts Electricity (lots of it!), Waste, Carbon Dioxide and Waste Water to Food. There is some loss in this process, so the crew will still need to be supplied. Growing food in a cramped greenhouse in zero G is very energy intensive. One Mk1 greenhouse uses about 1.4 Electrical Units per second, or about 5000 per hour (the RTG produces about 0.75/second, so two RTGs could supply one Mk1 greenhouse). My goal was to realistically extend the food supply for a crew of kerbonauts without completely removing the need of regular resupply missions. This is a good companion to the TAC Carbon Extractor and Water Purifier. The greenhouse is heavy and needs oodles of energy, so its use requires careful consideration. The greenhouse supports Connected Living Space and Kerbal Crew Transfer and provides crew science reports. The greenhouses should live in the /GameData/MunSeeker folder. UPDATES for July 30, 2016: - tested with KSP 1.1.3 One Mk1 greenhouse will use 100% of the waste products of 3 Kerbals (waste, waste water and carbon dioxide) and supplies them with 30% oxygen, 60% water and 70% food of their total needs. Model is based on stock Cupola. Download here: https://github.com/MunSeeker/Greenhouse-Mk1 This project is licensed non-commercial share-alike with attribution.
  2. Thanks for all the responses. I'd set up and executed maneuvers inside Kerbin's SOI for all ships and sent them off and had then been on max warp back on Kerbin's for about 20-30 days. I had planned to stop at the Duna SOI change, but had not even considered that the Kerbin-solar orbit transition would mess things up. And yes, Kerbal Alarm Clock is necessary, but this was a user error.
  3. Currently working on my first interplanetary mission with multiple craft on way to Duna - or so I thought. As it turns out I had warped each craft out of Kerbin's SOI and when I checked in with each craft dozens of days later, they were all in solar orbits not even close to intersecting with Duna. One of them has a crew of five Kerbals with TAC Life Support, so I have some pretty hard deadlines on when they will need to be resupplied. Doh! So I have now at least four craft that need refueling in deep space and next time I will make sure to go through those SOI changes in real time.
  4. Flight testing my Duna lander design un-kerbaled to the Mün. On the first landing I discovered that a 30-ton lander does not come to rest easy if there is any horizontal velocity left. All I found of the lander+rover once the dust had settled was one command chair at the landing site and one docking port in a highly eccentric orbit around the Mün. Second try with various improvements went much better, but I'll upgrade the engines since the lander has a hard time slowing down, which feels like an oversight by the Kerbal engineers involved.
  5. Hey RogueMason, what mod are those greenhouses on the Duna station from? Nice station btw - I wish I could get anything like that to Duna!
  6. No pictures, but here's some learnings: When you decouple a lander from an orbiter in prograde direction, then switch to map mode and fire the lander retrograde, you may turn your ships into confetti. I don't think I'll ever be able to use the 20k orbit around the Mun for anything else after this desaster...
  7. This looks fantastic - I'm so glad I asked before working on my own recycler textures.
  8. These are great. Do you mind if I use these as basis for some new textures for the scrubbers and filters in Tac LS?
  9. Does the latest version still need the Module Manager installed? I'm having issues with lag since I installed Tac LS and I'm trying to figure out where that is actually coming from. Otherwise, Tac LS is great!
  10. Same here. And those maps are great! Immediately saw several spots on the Mun I will visit as soon as I get more fuel to my lander there.
  11. Here is Hammett Station in a 163km orbit around Kerbin. Houses currently 9 Kerbals, but has space for about 20 if need be. There are several research facilities (there's a tug docking an open science platform in the picture right now) and fuel for various expeditions to the Mun and other planets. There are two robotic tugs and one manned tug plus one life boat. I've actually found it useful to keep an empty tanker around since sometimes I have experimental flights that abort in low orbit and I can then dump fuel at the station before deorbiting the remaining mess. The station is growing without any planning - I like to call it "organically". Parts are currently all stock, but I do use Docking Port Alignment and Enhanced Navball as well as EVE for visuals.
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