Here is a greenhouse designed for TAC life support, based on the stock KSP cupola model. It converts Electricity (lots of it!), Waste, Carbon Dioxide and Waste Water to Food. There is some loss in this process, so the crew will still need to be supplied.
Growing food in a cramped greenhouse in zero G is very energy intensive. One Mk1 greenhouse uses about 1.4 Electrical Units per second, or about 5000 per hour (the RTG produces about 0.75/second, so two RTGs could supply one Mk1 greenhouse).
My goal was to realistically extend the food supply for a crew of kerbonauts without completely removing the need of regular resupply missions. This is a good companion to the TAC Carbon Extractor and Water Purifier. The greenhouse is heavy and needs oodles of energy, so its use requires careful consideration.
The greenhouse supports Connected Living Space and Kerbal Crew Transfer and provides crew science reports.
The greenhouses should live in the /GameData/MunSeeker folder.
UPDATES for July 30, 2016:
- tested with KSP 1.1.3
One Mk1 greenhouse will use 100% of the waste products of 3 Kerbals (waste, waste water and carbon dioxide) and supplies them with 30% oxygen, 60% water and 70% food of their total needs. Model is based on stock Cupola.
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