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Posts posted by Kamuchi

  1. The biggest beef I had with the plug is the lack of info, besides if you want it to auto update.

    Not who created and maintained it, link back to the forum post and a statement it`s "Mod Statistic" and is bundled with another mod.

    That is the issue that got me abit fedup from the start.

  2. I find it rather refreshing as in my previous career I could launch the biggest disasters.

    I never built or used SSTO`s because a rocket was 100 times simpler and you could send 100 times more mass into space, this time around I`m still in early career and switched to, attempting, to use 2 SSTO`s to reduce costs [crew&satt]

    Going to other planets isn`t a simple "strap on 100 boosters" but requires some planning so that you don`t lose all your funding.

    Unless using the fail cheat and return home a millionaire :P

  3. Stupid question as I was attempting to modify the 6403 truck&trailer for use with infernal robotics on the Mun and Minmus.

    Are these made in 23/23.5? cause 24.2 is going nuts when changing back to any version you are sharing here :(

    Hopefully some one will have an idea how to fix it for 24.* as it`s base parts, as they are looking even better ingame


    Actually wonder if welding it will work...

  4. Building a simple SSTO so that we can bring crew up&down for our future space hub in LKO.

    Few glitches posponed the creation and SSTO #2 didn`t go exactly super...

    Wanted to start playing with music editing, but after all the problems it was wiser to keep annoyance to my self.

    Hit your fav tunes again ;)

    SSTO #2 will be awhile, 13 recording and 22.9gb of disasters to go through.

    This is showing how easy FAR is, next version will show what a *bleep* FAR is xD

    Thanks for enduring & untill next time!

    [if you see no pic, it`s just uploaded]

  5. After Wanderfound mentioned about upping the scale in another thread I have been thinking about it.

    With also the mentioning of creating a rocket sledge around the Mun, I am considering using Extraplanetary Launchpads.

    Haven`t used it so far so that would be the third challange, moving sooooo many parts from Kerbin to Mun is a waste of time when you only need to either mine it locally or transfer materials.

    Doing an SSTO recording in career but it`s next on my todo list :)

    Need to rescue the crew anyway :P

  6. Another sidetrack and a couple of hours later... this time a simple album as with no result it isn`t worth vid editing launch, orbit and several docking attempt[boring] :)

    The Kerbin low orbit Torus attempt:

    Javascript is disabled. View full album

    Great fail because of the end being sooooo wobly it was nearly impossible to even dock part #8, let alone a couple hundred more lol

    Idea shelved for now, but already thinking if it can be done with 10m diameter parts using PP to create 100m sections and quantum struts for increased strength.

    To be continued in the near future... :D

  7. I`m actually starting to think that building a torus around Kerbin might be impossible...

    Trying to connect the 8`th pipe and so far it`s failing hard because of wobbling, it`s like a dog`s tail wispering lol

    [new pics added to the album]

    Thanks for the link Wanderfound :)

    My swing was more of a quick [several hour] lulz moment, didn`t expect it to even succeed :)

    Rocket powerd monorail will be added to my wishlist, it`s an interresting challenge that might me pretty neat if it works lol :)

  8. :o

    You brave, brave soul.

    Having my log called Rekless, this fits the build and it beats doing contracts :sticktongue:

    ANyway, going at it right now, 100 crashes in the forseeable future but with no FAR, I can launch with mechjeb for the hundred of repeats lol

    Doubt it`s doable but is going to be one hell of a lol of an attempt xD

  9. Has anyone attempted to completely encircle a planet with docked space stations yet? Not sure if it's possible but I thought I'd ask.

    I like that idea hehe

    If it`s doable with the 2.4km distance is another question, but challenge accepted :sticktongue:

    Will start after the movie and do it live+record for the lulz again :)

  10. While doing alot of bug hunting with conflicting mods and recording new missions, some one mentioned a challenge, wich was kind of funny smiley.gif

    Presenting: Jeb&Bill swinging on the Mun!

    Lack of trust for the lander made me crash a couple of times, untill I had a more controlled crash and managed to keep the swing intact.

    Build/launch stage was a disaster aswell and required a couple of saves/reverts as FAR made it explode or topple and ofcourse the launch clamp bugs that snap to your ship mid launch for instant destruction :P

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