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Posts posted by Kamuchi

  1. Presenting: L.O.L. WhatEver

    Greatly improved anti-vomit technologiesâ„¢

    Think ahead recordingâ„¢

    Brainfart time lapsesâ„¢

    In short: learned how to edit...

    Recorded with keeping in mind that at 400% speed the 1000 movements make you seasick

    Time lapses are cut, 400% and reinserted for smooth transition.

    Getting transition under control, both cross and speedbumping [abouve point]

    It`s still abit long for such a short mission, but how much can you timelaps befor blurring what people want to see, flying the ship.

    Jury is still out on that one...


    I did when creating it ;)

    For some reason Lightworks exports just a tad lower quality then you would expect from a 1080p export :/

    The hickups in the vid are also from Lightworks as the original is just fine :(

  2. I like playing with mods as they add alot more versatility? to the game.

    Ofcourse some could be seen as cheat lol

    I use MJ so it saves me time as I usually f`it up one way or another, but can do it manually.

    Efficiency with launches, yes and no, adding mod parts now with contracts just makes it more expensive and if you use, say RT2, you can`t just shoot probes around the solar system.

    maybe it`s just me, but I`m not a fan of efficiency and throw on all sort of junk on my ships for fun, overkill or a complete lulz moment.

    Did a orbital rescue from contracts and built the most stupid thing for a lol instead of a simple pod :sticktongue: [will be posted in a couple of minutes as I just finished the edit]

    It all comes down to what each and every one sees as fun in KSP :wink:

  3. Right, i was to vague. You certainly wouldn't misread a post. Allow me to ask you a question, do you always expect others to be wrong? That's quite rude.

    Because he`s right.

    With the mass updates of all mods, some include old dll`s without waiting for other mods to be updated first.

    Your problem may even be related with another mod that included an old or already outdated dll.

    As Starwaster said on the previous page, attach the KSP.log and KSP_Data/output_log.txt or KSP_x64_Data/output_log.txt if running the 64-bit version.

    I`ve had the weirdest issues because of 1 single old dll that people still included.

  4. Pretty much what physicsnerd has said.

    Also, I've found a sweet new mod that might help you if you need to dock in the future: NavBall Docking Aligment Indicator. Yes, I know you have a docking port aligment indicator mod alterady, but this one is much more simplied and lightweight; all the info the original mod displays is compressed into just one red icon in the NavBall, so it both saves Computer memory and Brain health.

    Many thanks for posting that link and a bunch of luck of seeing it, this makes docking sooo much more easier :P

  5. How the heck did I miss this mod?

    The need to deploy beacons, aka eve style, makes it a great RP spect as you will have to send something ahead first.

    Doing it with abit more imagination, you could make it a requirement to send a small space station ahead with kerbals onboard to dopy and maintain each beacon befor it could estblish a jump point for resupplies :)

    Working with RT2 this is kind of a requirement early in the tech tree :P

    Looking forward to play with this as my career is still at mission 2 :blush:

  6. With the 0.24 update and required mod updates I just decided to abandoning my old log and start a new career.

    My Star Citizen corp mates were nagging to just create vids instead of picture albums, so what the hell!

    This is my first ever video with a program I knew absolutely nothing about to create episode 1.

    It all started off so well that I forgot to record KSP sounds, 45 minute recording instead of something simple and a forrest of options to wade through.

    With the new Kerbal Space Program 0.24 update and release of career mode, I decided to start from scratch and instead of making a screenshot mission log, try it with video :)

    Most of the recording is time lapsed at 400%, next time I will try to balance/cut&paste more to make it feel less of a drag due to it being 1 recording.

    This is my first video ever, and yes, I forgot to record KSP sound and as I don`t listen much to music I had no idea what to include so left it silent.

    Learning Lightworks is quite a learning curve, but hopefully the first attempt isn`t to bad!

    I am far from happy, but with knowing jack about anything, it could have been worse :blush:

    At the end started to get text overlay better under control, crossfading and actually considering if to get a mic and start yelling at my kerbals :)

    Please let me know if to continue while learning Lighworks techniques, doing it for fun and sharing but not for the amount of work lol

    You can also say it sucks, would have thought the same most likely, but the attempt is worth atleast a "2" :P

  7. After alot of testing yesterday while having the same issue, the invisible menu might be caused by an older KSPAPIExtensions.dll somewhere.

    Do a search of your GameData folder for "KSPAPIExtensions.dll" and check their sizes, from what I can see, the latest version is 112.640 bytes.

    This is just a hunch so backup befor doing this: replace each KSPAPIExtensions.dll with the one from Tweakscale/IR

    I have had a headache trying to get it to work yesterday and all came back to this dll, the thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-24-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Infernal-Robotics-0-18?p=1288218&viewfull=1#post1288218

    No promises but it might help you on your way with the invisible menu :)

  8. what graphic mods are you using, Kamuchi?

    Modlist I used for the visuals:

    Texture Replacer as basis: http://tinyurl.com/kxuau79

    EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements for city lights and clouds:http://tinyurl.com/optb7wa

    Green Skull MEGA texture pack for backdrop and new suits:http://tinyurl.com/px4smrx

    Distant Object Enhancement so planets and moons are visible:http://tinyurl.com/ph3yhef

    As last install Better Atmospheres: http://tinyurl.com/kpxwkjm

    High res packs and ofcourse max res in ksp settings.

    Just watchout with installing as some distribute old dll`s with their mods and you will have to get the updated RealSolarSystem dll.

    Just know that I`m running on a slightly better pc that it doesn`t affects my framerate even as it`s run on 1 gpu due to the lack of sli/cf support so milage will really vary depending on your pc :)

    CPU: 3960X purring at 4.5ghz

    Mem: 4x4gb G.Skill 2133mhz

    GPU: 4x XFX 290X DD

    SSD for games/programs [it really helps for ksp!]

  9. Glad I decided to jump on the debug train, it appears that the ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads KSPAPIExtensions.dll [115,200 byte] was now starting to cause the problem and after being a nice guy and asking it to stop *delete!* the menu is back once again

    This was with a clean install of Tweakscale 1.22, IR 0.18 and PF 3.06

    AAHhhhhhhhhrrgggg the headache! :D

    Sirkut, Biotronic, many thanks for the help, updates and ofcourse great mods!


  10. Sirkut, great news :P

    But... did you get the PF 3.06 without replacing/deleting the KSPAPIExtensions.dll? [112,640 bytes]

    I just restored the PF 3.06 with the supplied dll and after updating IR to 0.18 [mediafire link ;)] the menu is invisible again.

    Replace it with the one from you and Biotronic and it works fine and is also 112,640 bytes.

    Is there simply something wrong within the dll that comes with PF to cause this?

    Edit: something weird is now happening for me, it remains invisible even after changing the dll back lol

  11. Repost incase not seen in the other thread as I`m soooo greatful that a 64 version was released!

    It did require a little debugging with mods as we`re all in update mode, but after starting a new career, I am speechless!









    Trying my hand for the first time with recording as mission log instead of screenies and it looks 10 times better!

    Thank you Squad for releasing the 64bit and modding community! xD

    THIS is how I imagined my ksp to look when I first got it along time ago :kiss:

  12. All: the issue with TweakableEverything should be fixed by removing the ":FOR[DecoupleForX64]" from the @PART lines in DecoupleForX64.cfg and changing the decouplerModuleName for stack decouplers. ModuleManager doesn't allow multiple pass declarations and just uses the first; by saying ":FOR[DecoupleForX64]:AFTER[TweakableEverything]", the patch applies during the ":FOR[DecoupleForX64]" pass, long before the TweakableEverything pass. Also, the DecoupleForX64 cfg mistakenly used ModuleAnchoredDecouplerX64 for the ModuleDecoupleX64 decouplerModuleName; just a copypasta mistake.

    TE and DFX64 should play nicely with this cfg:

    @name = ModuleDecoupleX64

    @decouplerModuleName = ModuleDecoupleX64

    @name = ModuleAnchoredDecouplerX64

    @decouplerModuleName = ModuleAnchoredDecouplerX64

    Thank you! :P

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