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Everything posted by LitaAlto

  1. Thanks for the encouragement! FWIW I find Air-Race isn't very memory-intensive. I've also found that Astronomer has some very useful performance tweaks, including a recommendation to use a patcher to allow KSP to access a full 4 Gb of memory on x64 systems. I've used it successfully and the extra half-gigabyte has made crashes few and far-between, even with all the mods I use. OTOH, if you're using your KSP game for development work, I'm sure you've got better use for your game memory. I'm using Nertea's Heat Control mod for its radiators, and I'm likely to add its heat pipe system to ensure the heat is spread evenly. I'd go as far as to add a heat exchanger, but since there isn't a Mk2 shaped exchanger yet, I'm holding off. For straightaways I'll keep your advice in mind for the future. I was loathe to throttle down for the most part, however, since I needed the engines to help steer the craft. Check out my YouTube channel for some of the Project Manta videos I made--that was the first speeder I had and, for all its blockiness, it was rather good at the task.
  2. Good question! While there are still differences between stock aero and FAR, I don't think the differences are so extreme these days that it matters much. So, sure! Do make sure you indicate you're using FAR, though--if it emerges that there are significant enough differences, I might make a FAR category of winner separate from a stock aero category. If the problem with video is expense, I think there are some free options like CamStudio that you could use.
  3. You'd be most welcome, and I hope to see your entry soon! I used Bandicam because it has some nice features that made it worth the expense to me. But I think there are some free options too, like CamStudio Open Broadcast Software. (Update: I struck out CamStudio due to malware being included in the installer. Many thanks to magico13 for proposing an alternative.)
  4. I just posted a challenge, using KerbinSide Air-Race alongside Kerbal Foundries. Build an anti-grav craft that can complete the KSC course! Details here, video below:
  5. I just threw down a challenge for Kerbal Foundries users--see if you can build a craft using antigrav repulsors that can successfully navigate the KSC course in KerbinSide Air-Race! The challenge is posted here--but here's video of my attempt:
  6. Take the Kerbal Foundries vs KerbinSide Air-Race Challenge! Use the exceedingly slippery anti-gravitational repulsors from Kerbal Foundries to build a craft that can complete a lap through the KSC course in KerbinSide Air-Race! CURRENT LEADER BOARD: [TABLE=width: 302] [TR] [TD]JackDuggan[/TD] [TD]stock aero[/TD] [TD]2:44[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]greydragon70[/TD] [TD]stock aero[/TD] [TD]3:30[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]the_BT[/TD] [TD]FAR[/TD] [TD]3:40[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]AlphaAsh[/TD] [TD]stock aero[/TD] [TD]3:40[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Signo[/TD] [TD]stock areo[/TD] [TD]5:00[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]smjjames[/TD] [TD]stock aero[/TD] [TD]5:02[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Soda Popinski[/TD] [TD]stock aero[/TD] [TD]7:18[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]LitaAlto[/TD] [TD]stock areo[/TD] [TD]8:57[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] An honorable mention goes to Soda Popinski for his podracer entry! Since it uses surface-mounted repulsors it won't be included in the leader board. (Update: Soda Popinski clarified that he was using the standard repulsors, but clipped inward. That's allowed on this first challenge.) But given how dangerous podracers are in any universe, his ability to finish the race at all is very remarkable. The Force is strong with this one! CHALLENGE RULES (REVISION 1.2): MODS: Must use Kerbal Foundries antigrav repulsors. Not the surface mounted repulsors! And they must be powered at all times! [*]Must use KerbinSide Air-Race--first course near the KSC. [*]No overpowered or overly buffed engines. [*]Otherwise all mods (including MechJeb) are permitted. FLIGHT RESTRAINTS: No wings! That includes wing segments! Control surfaces with lift up to 0.5 are permitted. They can only be used for control and stability--not for gliding! GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS: Record your run & time from starting line to finish. Use F3 at the start and finish to register the times. (Optional but highly recommended!) [*]All crew must survive the experience. [*]Fastest time wins! MOD LINKS: Kerbal Foundries KerbinSide (Air-Race in the Downloads section) Here's my first attempt at the challenge. Given this is a heavy craft that overheats, my time was not that good. Surely you can do better than just shy of nine minutes! A special shout-out to Jatwaa for running The Fast and The Kerbalus challenges which got me interested in anti-grav racecraft. TFATK I: KSC to Island Runway TFATK II: KSC to KSC2 TFATK III: Speedin' Deemin'
  7. Hey, just wanted to report that I installed 20.6 today and that works flawlessly. Thank you for the fix! (And yeah, I had ATM 5-0 as well. Still need it for a couple of mods, regrettably.)
  8. I've been playing around with Kerbal Foundries' anti-grav repulsors again, alongside the Mk2 Expansion pack and its nuclear jet engines. The result is a craft that I call.... Floaty. (Don't ask.) And between testing Floaty and the usual hijinks, I had enough outtakes to put together a little video celebration of the most popular holiday among Kerbals--Explosion Day!
  9. Today marks the 58th anniversary of the International Geophysical Year, an 18-month period from July 1957 to December 1958, where scientists from 67 countries collaborated and shared data about the world and the space it occupies. Among the space-oriented aspects of the IGY: The launch of Sputnik 1, demonstrating the viability of artificial satellites; The launch of Explorer 1, which gathered the first evidence of the Van Allen radiation belts; and Major advances in our understanding of space weather--how solar activity ties into auroras and radio disruptions. Other noteworthy but not-necessarily-space-oriented achievements: The mapping of the sea floor, revealing mid-oceanic trenches and confirming the reality of plate tectonics; The establishment of a permanent, non-military human presence in Antarctica, with multiple research stations providing a treasure trove of meteorological information; The cooperation of the US and USSR in a joint endeavor, in the middle of Cold War tensions. (That last one is so huge in my mind that it deserves the italics.) It was the largest and most comprehensive scientific project of its time, and it had a profound impact on how the modern world evolved. Both NASA and NOAA, for example, owe a massive debt to the IGY. There were numerous books and films created to document and analyze the IGY's results. Here's an archive of films, created by the US National Academy of Science, covering the gamut of research done--and in Flash format for your easy consumption! http://lasp.colorado.edu/igy_nas/
  10. This would be a really cool mod--but I can't help with the technical question, alas. I suspect that the game checks to see if you're on the surface of a world, and toggles animations based on that.
  11. It isn't KAS/KIS, but marce made an EVA transfer mod that lets you use a (modified) stock fuel line that you can connect to another craft. Unlike KAS, the two craft remain separate craft, so it's very useful. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93627 (Yes, it works in version 1.0.4.)
  12. If you have installed Kerbal Engineering Redux, you can attach those parts to your rocket in order to get detailed information about your rocket, in both the editor and during flight. This includes delta-V budgets, which makes it very worthwhile, but also details like aerodynamic conditions and orbital data. Of course, if you also installed a script to place KER on every command pod and probe core, you won't need those parts to use KER.
  13. Yeah, I thought about that, and deleted the ion drive--after which it just hung after another part. Bummer. I'll keep trying and let you know if I find anything. Thanks.
  14. SXT 20.5 is making KSP 1.0.4 hang. Here's the relevant output_log.txt info: PartLoader: Compiling Part 'SXT/Parts/Aero/airIntake/part1/LRadialAirIntake' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PartLoader.ReplaceTextures (UnityEngine.GameObject model, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 textureNames, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 newTextures) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.CompileModel (.UrlConfig cfg, .ConfigNode partCfg, Single scaleFactor, .AvailablePart partInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  15. Great Naked Man Space is of course the home of the Great Naked Space Man, so this is a reasonable concern. But despite the intense homoerotic undertones, GNSM has never been observed with genitals.
  16. Because the truck cabin is treated as a command module (that's from SXT, right?) and the contract generator in Career will use any of those. I once had Take Command installed, and played Career--and had to rescue a command chair. No Kerbal sitting on it either. No, the game put the Kerbal inside​ the chair. ObScreenshot: . I have another I could share but I'm saving it for Halloween.
  17. A general question about rules: Does the limit on thrust apply to ion engines too? They're practically ineffectual for thrust, but work great for various effects. Also, what about HotRockets/CoolRockets, Engine Lighting, Scatterer, or other visual mods like that? I have an idea for a scene that involves one or more of these. (I won't say what because SPOILERS.) Now I want to make Kerbals eat peanut butter. More seriously: You can barely make them change expression as is. I'd love to be able to articulate them within KSP itself. But I suspect you have to do it in Blender, and I don't think anyone outside Squad has the models to do that currently.
  18. I'd like to see a DDS version of this, as well. Also, are the Dunar auroras like those on Kerbin and Earth? Or are they more like Mars--only one at a time, very faint, but covering a large part of the hemisphere?
  19. I do love this mod, but there is one little thing that bugs me. Shouldn't the atomic jet be named Pluto, after Project Pluto, which explored atomic aircraft propulsion?
  20. ...And now we know what RoverDude meant by "super cool".
  21. Thanks for checking on that! I'm really enjoying the expansion set, and the new parts look amazing.
  22. I used CKAN, which recommended CTT--but I see nothing in CKAN or on the OP saying CRP is a dependency. And I didn't see CRP bundled within the zip file. I installed CRP, and it works now--thanks for the guidance! But would you consider updating CKAN and the OP to reflect CRP as a dependency, please?
  23. So far it looks like my KSP 1.0.2 game hangs on load of version 1.4.1, when trying to load AtomicJet. And output_log.txt gives me this: PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Mk2Expansion/Parts/Engines/RONTGEN/part/M2X_AtomicJet' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) [ShipTemplate]: No Resource definition found for RESOURCE (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) IntakeAtm not found in resource database. Propellant Setup has failed. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ModuleEngines.SetupPropellant () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ModuleEngines.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PartLoader.GetDatabaseConfig (.Part p) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.GetDatabaseConfig (.Part p, System.String nodeName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DragCubeSystem.LoadDragCubes (.Part p) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1)
  24. First--since this is an advice thread as well as a sharing thread--does anyone have a decent way of removing duplicate frames from AVI files? I've noticed that, roughly every 7-8 seconds, my game will stall for a half-second. (Usually it works out to 18 frames, I've found, plus or minus two.) Editing all that out is time-consuming, so is there a faster way to handle it? Second--here's my latest video. It doesn't tell a story, per se, but... it's art. I assure you, it's art. No, really.
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