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Everything posted by AccidentalDisassembly

  1. I'd have to concur with this, in my own little way - it's completely possible that I'm just horrible at designing airplanes, but when I put something together that both looks like it ought to work and has a decently-well placed CoM and CoL and whatnot according to what I've read here -- trying different parts from different mods, stock, whatever - it's mostly uncontrollable. I can get things off the runway and have them fly straight, but if I try to maneuver, unless I turn veeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrryyy slowly (as in a few minutes to complete a full turn, just barely tapping controls), just about every plane I've built flips over or goes into a spin. It's as if there's not actually any lift perpendicular to/pushing upward from below the wings anymore if I move the plane off of straight and level, so if I pull up - the angle of the plane changes, but not its actual direction of movement, if that makes any sense - or at least it doesn't change at a rate that that makes any sense for the size of wings or how the plane looks. Result: shortly thereafter, when I pull up a little more, the whole thing flips very quickly. Is it just horrible design? Does it "feel" right for others? Are most parts/wings not compatible with NEAR? Sorry for lack of pictures, probably makes this rather difficult to answer.
  2. Works fine for basically all parts, so far as I can tell. I created my own custom config for it that produces abominations such as 6x scaled cargo bays. Seems not to break anything! May or may not look good when you try to mate these to other parts without additional adapters with ratios that don't exist in B9.
  3. I put one out in the Dev forum. Or here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/Karbonite_TweakScale.cfg Requires this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/ExtendedScaletypes.cfg
  4. I'm not sure what you mean - there's a PDF with instructions in the custom converter ZIP and comments in the config files that more or less explain things. Or are you referring to the EPL/TweakScale config files? The only dependencies are the mods for which the configs are made: Karbonite for the Karbonite converter, EPL + Karbonite for the EPL configs for Karbonite, TweakScale and Karbonite for the Karbonite TweakScale configs.
  5. I've put together a few configs and a basic custom Karbonite converter/generator creation kit that might be useful. Here are some links with short explanations EPL configs for Karbonite Configs that add the ability to convert Karbonite to Metal, and add converters to EPL parts that allow for a Karbonite -> Metal -> RocketParts production chain. These essentially allow the use of Karbonite instead of Ore and (probably) makes EPL production possible without Kethane or MKS. Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/Karbonite_EPL-Patch.cfg (MM patch to add USI_Converter modules to EPL parts) Link 2: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/KarboniteConvert_EPL-Metal.cfg (MM patch to add Karbonite -> Metal conversion to the Karbonite 2.5m converter) TweakScale configs for Karbonite Please note the parts' scaletypes rely on the ExtendedScaletypes config, but you can easily change that if you want to. The ExtendedScaletypes.cfg file provides handy new scaletype definitions you may or may not want to use for other applications as well: essentially lower-mass scaling (4.3x and 6x mass for 2x radius), extended stack scaling definitions (normal or lower-mass), and my own personal preference for Surface-type scaling. Will not interfere with standard TweakScale scaletypes (stack, surface). Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/Karbonite_TweakScale.cfg Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/ExtendedScaletypes.cfg A ProceduralParts tank definition for Karbonite The resulting tanks are is roughly equivalent in Karbonite per volume but slightly heavier overall than tanks included with Karbonite. Contains technology definitions that may or may not be appropriate. Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/ProceduralKarbonite.cfg A template for creating custom Karbonite Converter parts With instructions! But no promises that they're good instructions. Choose your own inputs, outputs, part band colors, and efficiencies! Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/CustomKarboniteExtractor%20%28v2%29.zip Feedback is welcome! Hopefully they will be useful. I gather that licensing information is necessary, so... License: you can do whatever you want with everything, but provide credit somehow if you redistribute/incorporate.
  6. I just realized I've never actually started a thread on any KSP forums. I assume I should do that in the releases/project showcases forum, but would it be better on this one...?
  7. If it interests anyone, I put together a TweakScale config that applies to the 0.1.0 release - if names change, it will break, of course. PLEASE NOTE that the config relies on a set of scaletypes I put together to supplement what BioTronic already bundles with TweakScale. The names of these scaletypes correspond to the exponent used to calculate the mass of the part in relation to its volumes. The scaletype "stack_low" (the "low" meaning low mass, or something) will make doubling a part's radius/size result in it having something like 4.3x the mass rather than 8x the mass like the default "stack". The type "stack_mid" is a middle ground between 4x and 8x (I think it's 6x the mass for 2x the size). It's what I use for engines, for example, so that scaling one up results in reduced TWR, but not so severely as with regular stack where scaling a 0.625 or 1.25m engine to large sizes starts to result in an engine that can barely push its own weight. You can just replace stack_mid or stack_low with stack if you don't like this. It also includes additional surface scaletypes ("better_surface" and variations) that provide more and more regular (0.25, 0.5, 0.75 etc.) increments between 0.25x size and 4x size than the normal "surface" scaletype. It's just my personal preference and you can change them all to "surface" or "free" or whatever you prefer. Linky: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/ExtendedScaletypes.cfg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/Karbonite_TweakScale.cfg The latest version of TweakScale should support stuff like the converters' rates and power consumption scaling with their size, and the drills drilling more and so on. So in theory you should be able to scale drills up to gargantuan sizes (also gargantuan masses) and fill up your Karbonite tanks lickety-split.
  8. Question - why do the distillers have Karbonite as both an INPUT and OUTPUT_RESOURCE? If you're inputting 0.6, outputting 0.35, and getting 0.05 monopropellant for your trouble, how is that different from just inputting 0.25 and getting the same MP out...? Is there some process going on here I'm (very likely) not understanding?
  9. Updated configs to use Karbonite with EPL (does not need MKS): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/Karbonite_EPL-Patch.cfg (adds USI_ResourceConverter modules to EPL parts so the production chain works) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/KarboniteConvert_EPL-Metal.cfg (makes the Karbonite converter also convert to Metal)
  10. Oh right, wasn't even thinking of KSPI, I was just thinking of it as a generator in general. In that case what you've got makes perfect sense. I was thinking the glowing could be rationalized as hot metal or something - it's pretty illogical, really, since a radiator would be something that PREVENTS things from glowing hot red, but mostly I just thought it would look neat - whatever you decide on will be cool!
  11. Dunno if this qualifies as a thought, but what will the ends of those pipes look like if you put the reactor part in the middle of two standard tanks? My only other comment would be that it might be cool to put a little radiator grill piece on each side below the reactor part, maybe you could steal one from the vents on the various LLL engines. Perhaps it could even glow red underneath the grill when the reactor is cookin' - that might be kind of neat! Maybe that's where the pipes could lead...?
  12. Yes it is. Try this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/CustomKarboniteExtractor%20%28v1%29.zip It's a quick and dirty custom converter template thing I put together, with instructions for those who don't know what to do with it. Both the instructions and the parts may or may not work, RoverDude was going to take a look at it at some point, but haven't heard one way or the other (or am blind, which is very possible).
  13. Looks pretty cool - if you use a texture that has space for a colored band or splotch somewhere, it could be modded for any other mod's various resources too - like LiquidHydrogen or Argon or whatever!
  14. Cool, thanks! I just didn't know if that Resources {} bit would apply to anything TweakScale could find, or whether it was based on a list of "known" resources, so to speak. Good to know!
  15. I think maybe if you include a Karbonite converter module in your part config, like this: .. that might work. I don't imagine the conversion ratio of 1 Karbonite to 1 ElectricCharge is sane in any way, I'm just using it as an example.
  16. Hello! Just a quick question - was wondering if you would consider adding support for Karbonite parts in some future version, unless TweakScale already automagically understands the ORSModuleResourceExtraction and KarboniteResourceConverter modules. Those modules look like this, in case it helps: MODULE { name = ORSModuleResourceExtraction powerConsumptionLand = 2.5 extractionRateLandPerTon = 10 resourceName = Karbonite unitName = Karbonite Extractor extractActionName = Extract Karbonite stopActionName = Stop Karbonite Extraction resourceManaged = False resourceToUse = ElectricCharge } --and-- MODULE { name = KarboniteResourceConverter deactivateIfFull = true deactivateIfEmpty = false displayName = LiquidFuel INPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 1.5 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = Karbonite rate = 1 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel rate = 0.9 } } Anyway, not exactly a pressing concern and I'm sure you have better things to do, but it would be neat! Also, does TweakScale automatically find and scale all kinds of resources? Does it scale anything in a part that's in a RESOURCE {} no matter its name, or do you have to specify what the plugin recognizes & scales and what it doesn't? Thanks!
  17. I would imagine so. My thinking was that, at least in the absence of other mods like MKS, Karbonite is essentially an Ore. It's just that it can also be converted in to LF/OX/MP.
  18. Also, in case anyone finds them useful, here are updated versions of the two patches I wrote for EPL compatibility. They do the following: 1. Adds the ability for the Karbonite converter to transform Karbonite into Metal for EPL. It does it at about 60% efficiency. 2. Adds KarboniteResourceConverter modules to EPL parts so that the complete manufacturing chain is available with only Karbonite and EPL installed. The larger the part, the more efficient it is at converting stuff. Smelters convert Ka to Metal somewhat more efficiently than the Karbonite converter part, since they don't discard ScrapMetal, which can be reprocessed into Metal. Smelting takes more about 5x the electric charge of Karbonite's included conversions to LiquidFuel/MonoProp etc. 3. Adds the ability to drill Karbonite to EPL drills and Baha's EPL drills, but I have no idea how to animate them. Link 1: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/KarboniteConvert_EPL-Metal.cfg Link 2: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/Karbonite_EPL-Patch.cfg These probably work, but if they don't, let me know!
  19. If you want, I had already written a PP config for Karbonite including tech limits. Posted it many pages back. It creates tanks slightly heavier than and with the same amount of Karbonite per volume as the one provided with the mod. Here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/ProceduralKarbonite.cfg
  20. Dunno if this is something you'd want to include in the release or not, but I took the liberty of whipping up a quick and dirty set of textures that could be used to create visually distinct Karbonite converters for different inputs and outputs (I changed the hue of the color bands). I've compiled them into a ZIP with instructions on how to make your own converter. The instructions might even be accurate, and the textures might even work! No guarantees. Here's the ZIP: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59567837/CustomKarboniteExtractor%20%28v1%29.zip
  21. It scales thrust and mass with size - according to exponents that you can tweak, if you want. I think they're in ScaleExponents.cfg or something like that.
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