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  1. I don't manage it anymore though. If someone wanted to succeed it they would have my support (not that they would need it). I don't visit here as often as I used to. In the end it was quite difficult to keep updated, the forum isn't exactly the right tool for such a thing.
  2. It's Squads fault, they pandered to the "'sploshuns are cool" crowd and advertised it as that. It lost a lot of credibility as a fun and educational game because of their choices.
  3. Regarding the state of this thread, I simply don't have time to fight with the awful forum software in order to continue to add new patches to the original post. If someone out there has the time on their hands and wants to continue in a new thread (or better, find a good platform to host it rather than here) you have my blessings to do so. I'm afraid it just became too successful for it's own good and without any kind of markup editing like BBCode, it's become un-maintainable.
  4. I don't have a lot of time these days due to a new job, so while I do plan to update this mod I'm not keen on doing it 20 times while the developer tries to figure out how to make a stable game. There will be an update, just not until I'm convinced this version 1.4 has had it's actual release.
  5. You just click the app launcher button again. Maintaining the separate button caused a lot of inefficiencies in the old Unity system because it had to constantly check to keep the two buttons in sync. With only one button, it knows when it has been pressed so no need to run checks every frame.
  6. Not as far as I am aware. We could use a Chinese translation.
  7. I have finally managed to get time to update the thread to this point. I apologize for it taking so long. New job has been keeping me busy.
  8. No, they said it was stock. Several of us asked that question. That's the issue, it doesn't technically have what you would consider and "API". It just leaves it's members public for us to access. A true API is a 'translator' between the primary code and the mod developer, the code of an API serves no purpose but to format the inputs of the primary code and make them accessible to the mod developer. If the primary code changes, the API code is changed to adapt without changing the method headers (as much as possible, sometimes you just have to but then you use deprecation) and that way the mod developer never needs to see the change. That's an API. KSP doesn't have that and you can't avoid changing the primary code headers.
  9. We do know 1.4 will have a stock texture switcher.
  10. DStaal is right, though in my context I was trying to differentiate between assembly (like the Lunar rovers which had to be built on the Moon) and actual onsite fabrication (like the proposed "3D Printed" bases by NASA and ESA.) USI would seem to favor the former, while Pathfinder along with OSE Isa better match for the latter.
  11. Pathfinder is the best one I've seen if you want to construct bases insitu. USI is moving away from the idea of insitu construction. While it technically supports it, the developer has been working with other mods like Ground Construction that emphasize insitu assembly, rather than construction. That goes for EPL too, while it supports it, the USI developer really wants to support Ground Construction which requires you to ship a box for every craft you want to build and then assemble in place after it has landed. It's also tends to be very buggy in my experience. I've never played with Planetary Base Systems, so I can't say how it would compare, on paper it looks pretty good. Add KIS/KAS for with that and you can construct and assemble. The USI construction parts are a neat idea, and they extend the range abilities of KIS, but in my experience using them with the mechanical parts is just too difficult (though the mag lifter is probably the most useful if you can keep it from dropping the payload). The big problem is not necessarily the mod or the parts, but the controls that we are resigned to with KSP and servos. I long for a mod that can add Farming Simulator style servo controls to KSP. In any case, I found when using Konstruction, I never used the servo's and instead just used their KIS range extending abilities. You might consider adding OSE Workshop to that list for constructing new base parts insitu.
  12. Just be aware if your mod had bugs in that version it is unlikely to ever be fixed in that version. Assuming the new author uses Github. A lot of people don't know how to use Git (though I strongly recommend reading the book) so they just abandon it entirely.
  13. - Version 2.2.1 Released - No changes, just a fix for 1.3.1.
  14. That is correct, AGM does not actually interface with the MiniAVC DLL, it is a standalone mod included in the package. Also, I just want to point out there are ~450 mods that use it (and that's just the ones using Cybutek's service, you can host the version file anywhere) and I doubt half of them are GPL. I'm not sure why this is an issue in my mod, this whole conversation seems a bit silly.
  15. Well, anyway. There is a 4th option. As the copyright holder he can give written permission to circumvent a part of his license. So all I need to do is get written permission from Cybutek to include it my package.... http://ksp.cybutek.net/miniavc/Documents/README.htm " Bundle the MiniAVC.dll file into your packaged add-on directory along with your version file. " Done.
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