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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. Be aware that tutorial is old, and the parts about KSP's Drag Model are now obsolete. In fact KSP's Drag Model is now more like FAR was back when that tutorial was made. So fairings and nose cones, swept wings and angle of incidence all have effect in stock now.
  2. Kerbal Konstructs works flawlessly with RemoteTech... or rather, the two simply don't interfere with one another at all so there is no problem. I don't think there are any mods that can move the KSC though, I'm not sure that is even possible for a mod.
  3. I absolutely agree. I mean, you can get kinda close, and if you install the StockFairingTweaker mod, you can get a little closer with it's smoothing option, but even then it just still looks bad when put side by side with Proc Fairings, even if you replace the texture it looks bad. This was the best I could do, it took Stock Fairing Tweaker and KSA Better Fairings, plus 20 minutes of my time trying to get it right, and still doesn't look as good as the 2 second Proc Fairings.
  4. Alright, so it's valid for 18 people.
  5. It depends on the parts. The wheels, if done like @BahamutoD's implementation would not kill the Lego-like aspect as the type of the wheel (i.e how many wheels and therefore strength) is still part based, just the length and angle of the wheels is procedural. His implementation also has scale as procedural but that could be sacrificed. The main need for stock equivalents is length, leg angle, and wheel angle. Fuel content selection could be limited, but most tanks need to be selectable between LFO and LF-only, simply because of the LV-N. Carrying large tanks that are ~half empty just for nuclear engines is senseless and stupid, and the LF tanks we have aren't available in Size 2 and Size 3 variants. They could add MORE tanks, but honestly I think more versatility so we can design our craft to look the way we want would be better. Egg shaped fairings are real, though their technical name is "elliptical". I think Proc Fairings calls them egg shaped or something. http://www.spacex.com/sites/spacex/files/spacexfairing.jpg
  6. The answer to your question is already in this thread. Can we not go backward please.
  7. This is exactly why I say these lists are meaningless. They are only relevant to the guy that wrote it. Absolutely everyone else has a different view. If I were to make such a list. Portal would be lower, Portal 2 would be higher, Half-Life 2 is about right and the rest of the top 10 wouldn't have made the top 100. KSP would have been #3 behind Final Fantasy VII and SimCity 4. But my tastes differ from everyone else, as does everyone else's tastes differ from the author of this silly list.
  8. That's why I said make it a tweakable option. I knew there would be someone out there that wouldn't want this change.
  9. Different feedback, same result. No eggshell fairings will be used with stock fairings. Well I don't know then, every time I've tried the piece the fairing is connected to rips the fairing apart as it separates. It's like it won't let go.
  10. @Claw I think he means something like this. Which you can sorta do, but it's more difficult than it is worth to attempt, especially if you decide you need to alter the contents. The one I made in that image I have been unable to reproduce since. It's just that hard. As far as interstage fairings go, you don't appear to have attached yours to the top so it's aerodynamically unsound, and if you did attach it and attempt to do TD&E using a decoupler underneath, the fairing would break the away anyway and without decoupler force so it would just get in your way during transposition and docking. You can do interstage as long as you stage the fairing away. So, Interstage fairings: yes, TD&E: no.
  11. As I understand it Fallout 4 mods are scripts, not really mods. They are about the same as World of Warcraft Mods. That is a completely different animal from executable code like KSP mods, which are in dll format. Maybe (and that is a BIG maybe) you could add support for part mods that only use stock modules. But things like KER or Firespitter or Alarm Clock are likely never going to happen.
  12. This following is my opinion. Procedure Wings: No Procedural tanks: No Fuel Content Selection: Yes, please! Procedural Landing Gear: Out of necessity, yes. Because aligning landing gear from a mere 5 fixed heights is annoying. It's pretty much the same reason fairings are procedural. Procedural Engines: No Procedural Solar Panels: No (why would you need that?)
  13. These "top [insert something here]" lists are so meaningless. Sorry, but this isn't an accomplishment.
  14. You don't have to remove them, but DMP will not allow you to use them if it is configured correctly so removing them is just an optional speed up. DMP tells you if the part is not allowed, it won't allow you to launch your craft due to invalid parts.
  15. Oh ok. That is irc.esper.net (I hate Kiwi, mibbit is just so much better )
  16. I suppose so, it shouldn't be that hard if I know which parts you want to keep and which you want to lose. After you get DMP set up to reject the parts you don't want, just shoot me the list. This is of course assuming you are trying to restrict to airplanes/jets, and not spaceplanes (or other rocket planes). I may be misreading your meaning. It may not even be necessary but it would probably make the game load faster for those who wanted it. Ok, well I was a bit confused because you can't do contracts in sandbox and you had said contracts in the OP.
  17. Oh, I can do that myself. We are now in QA so I would expect if all goes well and assuming it's length is that of other releases, less than a month. That is of course hoping that wheels do in fact get fixed, as we expect them to. As far as mods go, IMO, there are very few good plane mods (that aren't redundant) and given that you want to concentrate on planes it may be a good idea to work with those, especially given that KSP has no stock prop parts. You could possibly even remove some of the rocket parts. You could make a simple batch file to prune an installation of the unneeded stock parts and that would of course open memory for mods. KAX and Firespitter would be essential, IMO. Airplane plus is beautiful but I'm not convinced it is balanced just yet. Of course since you are using KerbinSide you may take a look at GAP and KerbinSide GAP (based on your description you may already be considering those). Take command is going to be necessary if you want to do ultralights. A module manager patch could be used to make a custom plane-based tech tree if you plan on doing some sort of career mode.
  18. I might be interested after 1.2, but right now planes are just an annoyance. Playing on a server dedicated to a broken aspect of the game doesn't sound like much fun.
  19. Oversight... or completely intentional design.
  20. I question why you would leave aside the question of available memory? Don't assume that having 4 GB of memory means it can't help you. If you have dedicated video ram, that counts toward the total. So if you have 512MB of VRam and 4GB of ram, you are losing 1/2 a GB of RAM if you run the 32-bit version.
  21. You should simply be able to tweak it on or off on any given control surface, engine, or RCS, or Reaction wheel so you can choose how you want your craft to behave. Then we can create module manager patches to set the default for that tweakable and everybody is happy. However, the bigger issue for trim at the moment is it's completely locked to the keyboard. I have an 8-way hat switch on my flight stick and I would love to use it but instead I get to ignore the fact trim even exists because I'd rather not use it than use it on the keyboard only. The fact that Mod+Key inputs are not an assignable combination in the control configuration is a big problem. As far as I'm concerned, any development on the trim system that doesn't include adding it's control assignments to the list is nothing but a waste of development time.
  22. NMS and ED are a Science Fiction approach. KSP is more real, there are no "airplanes in space" like E:D and NMS. These are real rockets that observe real orbital mechanics. If you go with KSP, expect to learn stuff. For this reason I don't think they can be compared. Realistically they shouldn't even be considered the same game genre.
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