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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. Those aren't versions. They are patches. 1.0.5 could be considered a version, KSP's numbering system has never been very intelligent, however 1.0.5 mostly added parts that would be beyond the demo anyway . That would make it at most 2 versions behind, 1.0 to 1.0.5 to 1.1.0 (1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 1.1.3 are all patches) but if you eliminate 1.0.5 for the above reason, it's really only 1 versions.
  2. @Tex_NL No need to list them all, you'd be hard pressed to find a bigger one than this.
  3. Dres and Ceres? Mun and Moon? Even Moho is as close to Mercury as Jool is to Jupiter. I mean, I agree, I don't want to see OPM in stock but that just struck me as an odd justification. Also Eve and Venus are both historical beautiful women in different theologies.
  4. There are plenty of mods to do this. I wouldn't count on Squad straying that far from the Space Travel theme (I don't speak for them, but don't get your hopes up)
  5. @fourfa The staging control really only let's you turn off staging. I can only add control for staging on items that already implement staging. If it doesn't already appear in your staging list it will require a plugin. I can think of good reasons you might want that for fairings and engines. Not sure why you would want it for clamps or chutes but I figured, why not? I'm really not sure why Squad didn't just add it to everything in stock (same for deploy limiter), its not like having the option hurts anything.
  6. Depends on what you call an "average ship". Reactions wheels can be quite powerful. As an example, the Hubble Space Telescope has been compared to the size of a school bus and is maneuvered using reaction wheels/gyroscopes. That's about 4 times the length of the Apollo command module and twice it's weight. Not only does it use reaction wheels but... http://hubblesite.org/the_telescope/hubble_essentials/quick_facts.php Nevertheless, I'm not here to judge. Whether a player uses a patch or not is up to them. I've added your patch to the database, thanks!
  7. That's one thing I've never been able to write down as a number or even a loose rule of thumb. I've usually been able to eyeball about how much is good by how much it looks like a real plane, occasionally only needing to add more. I guess you could call it experience. You might compare to a real plane, we know the Mk3 is based loosely on the space shuttle. Look at the ratio of wing to body on that, and don't forget the wing extends under the body. Or perhaps a more conventional plane....
  8. I don't find sounding rockets very fun, just tedious and boring. All that would do is extend the existing career-start tedium. It's long enough as it is.
  9. It's sounds like you are looking for HullCam VDS. It's a slightly different approach.
  10. I would disagree on that. The International Space Station is the perfect example of what people can do when they work together. We already have the ability to dock and build stations, surface bases could certainly be better, but that would help single player as well. Doing similar missions of joint construction in KSP would be a lot of fun, just to see what you can build together. Space Races are definitely a fun idea, it doesn't necessarily need more KSC's though. DMP as an example has a protective bubble right around the launch pad which hides you from other players till you get into the air a bit, and at that point it's unlikely anyone would be able to target you easily unless you purposely coordinated your launch. For space races, there would have to be some achievements implemented. Not like Steam achievements, but more like the Final Frontier mod, except instead of recording Kerbal achievements, it would record the player name. That way you can see who landed on the Mun first, who landed on Duna first, etc. However, space races do have a downside. It's less casual. Players would have to all have the same amount of playtime and start on the server at the same time or it becomes unfair. That said, you could have a gameplay mode where you start a new game and play the entire game to a predetermined goal... like landing on the Mun or Moho. Unlike traditional KSP this game would end once the goal is attained and you would start a new game, rather than just being a persistent game where you keep ticking off check boxes on a list. That would be a good way to do a space race as well and would be in short scope like an FPS or RTS game, so it would not have the issue of needing players to spend every free moment in a persistent game. There are a lot of possibilities, I suspect, at least initially, that Squad's implementation is going to be pretty much just like DMP, which a lot of people find fun but buggy.
  11. It's flipping around backward because the center of mass is so far behind the center of the craft. It's behaving just like a command pod, only that isn't really what you want. To make matters worse it has no lift to stabilize it because the wings are incredibly small for it's mass. My initial thought is that you need way more wing, and if you can bring the Dry CoM a little forward, it wouldn't hurt.
  12. Not sure why you would do that. Why would you buy a PS4 to wipe it and put Linux on it when you could just buy a lightweight PC for that purpose and plug it into your TV.
  13. I don't think anybody is suggesting a mandatory multiplayer. That would be a rather extreme approach. I really don't think Squad would take such an development stance.
  14. It's just a matter of building a lifter big enough to carry both the lab and the fuel to get you there. It's certainly possible. I don't use the stock ISRU at all, and don't even use Kethane as much as I used to, yet I can get large interplanetary transports out to Eeloo, and back again without refueling.
  15. One more thing to add, 1.2 is supposed to fix a lot of the wheel issues. You are probably running into issues that aren't normal plane construction issues (such as the above mentioned clipping and collider position). Hopefully this goes away after the next patch, the wheels are very buggy at the moment. You can also deploy those flaps on landing to stay in the air at slower speed, how much depends on the plane. Not really necessary on the KSC runway, but it helps if you are shooting for the much shorter island runway.
  16. It isn't. His method doesn't work as the game will stop loading if you do that without first putting it in fullscreen windowed mode as I suggested (unless that changed in 1.1, I haven't tried it since then) Typically normal-fullscreen mode would stop all execution of the program if you changed focus away from it.
  17. @AlamoVampire I sorry to say I don't understand your fear based on one single game, when I posted several companies that added multiplayer their game/franchise without abandoning single player. Games begin to decline for multiple reasons, unfortunately that's how things go, but that doesn't mean KSP will. I don't know what to tell you except that if we didn't do things because of the fear of the unknown, KSP wouldn't exist today. Harvester took a bold step and created a game, but more than that if we always took action based on our fear of the unknown we would have never landed on the moon, so Harvester wouldn't have had content to base his game on anyway. I'm not sure if that is what you would call irony or not?
  18. It's certainly possible, it could have also been a potential taxiway access that got dropped. Or perhaps @bac9 just wanted to leave that possibility open for future expansion. There is a blog post detailing his work on the project, sadly he stopped before detailing the runway and SPH. Maybe he will be kind enough to stop by and tell us himself, though he hasn't been online in a month.
  19. Found it! Sadly the accompanying mod is long dead, unless someone revives it. I remember when I first read it I thought it was a terrible idea, but once the mod came out I realized how brilliant it was.
  20. There was a tree like that, it started in this forum and then someone made a mod from it. Each node was practically a single part. I thought that was the best tech tree I'd ever seen, but I can't remember the name and I can't find it now. If someone can point it out, that would be awesome. It was a year, maybe two years ago.
  21. You've contradicted yourself in the same sentence. If it summons the Kraken, I'd say that means it doesn't always work. OP: It sounds like you might be using Infernal Robotics. I think that is what adds the winch (I could be mistaken though). If that is the case, you might consider building something more like a forklift, just make sure you have a proper counterweight!.
  22. It just confuses me that many people only wish to discuss not putting multiplayer in the game rather than discussing the possibilities of multiplayer. You say you might want multiplayer in the future but that is what this thread is about, the future. We are discussing the possibilities of Multiplayer. You say you might want Multiplayer but earlier you said KSP isn't KSP with multiplayer. The two statements are exclusive. I would much rather discuss possible implementations than this silly "should it or should it not be in the game". I don't have to even convince Squad, they are already convinced... which makes the discussion of not adding multiplayer even more silly.
  23. Attach it however it attaches native. Do not move it. You can rotate it as needed but do not move it inside the wing any further than it does when you place it, and definitely do not place it on the fuselage and then put wings that clip into it. The angle I was referring to was on the wing itself. It's mostly a flight issue, the crafts heading relative the artificial horizon on the navball is based on the cockpit position. So on your plane design if the your heading sits at a perfect 0 degrees, the wings will be angled down, this will remove lift and the plane will descend as if the nose were pointed down. As for wheels, this is one of the biggest issues in 1.1, which has broken wheels. The game only registers a specific point on collide. Wheels in this version are only a visual illusion, in fact there are no wheels as you know them. If you slightly turn them at any angle to the collider, the wheel is no longer making contact with the ground. The angle built into the model is insignificant, the wheel colliers have been placed to account for that, just don't rotate it yourself and if it is rotated due to it's parent part, try your best to rotate it back.
  24. Sure it does. @THX1138 From Steam, right click the game, click properties and add -popupwindow to the end of the shortcut. example: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64.exe" -popupwindow For other versions, edit the desktop/start menu icon and do the same (you may have to create a new desktop icon from the exe to open the option). Then start the game, go into graphics settings, and turn off full screen. From there you shouldn't have any more problems with it.
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