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Found 4 results

  1. Jeb, being the badass spaceship pilot he is, wants to circumnavigate Kerbin with a plane without landing in between. However, Wernher von Kerman only designed the plane to have enough fuel for half the trip, because the space program was on a tight budget. The plane can do seriously sharp turns and transfer fuel to identical planes while flying though. Luckily for Jeb, Gene managed to rope Bob and Bill in as "willing" helpers to fly two identical copies of the plane. How can Jeb fly around Kerbin without him or his helpers crashing or landing halfway through? Kudos to @camacju, who solved it with one method.
  2. I love the OPT J "HT" cockpit. It feels awesome to use but it has a very specific design niche that's near-future spyplanes and spaceplanes. It's not exactly a design you'd imagine would fly civillians or common cargo around. Still, it has very immersive flight instrumentation thanks to MoarDV's ASET upgrade/patches and edits. Are there any other cockpits and IVA mods that are not on CKAN (I searched) and might not be obviously indicated on the forums? This is the flight instrument panel I'm looking for, including the radio dials for picking a nav beacon to give you VOR, ILS and DME. I'm fine if it has no MFDs at all:
  3. Hello, forum-goer! This is my first KSP craft collection thread, and I'm hoping to fill it with my random aerospace-related craft and vessels. This includes replicas and original craft, jets, props, and maybe helicopters if I'm feeling especially adventurous. All craft will be downloadable through KerbalX. Also, to make things easier, I tend to stick to standardized action groups, which also helps because AFAIK KerbalX doesn't save action groups. So here's the standard set for BDArmory fighter jets: CRAFT LIST
  4. anyone interested in being in a luna server with scheduled skirmishes with jets and such, still working out the details but I'd love to start something like this! im kind of invisioning this where youd have a site for a match release a few days in advance, and you would (optionally) move jets, isru's, etc to said location, and the winner of the match could build a site with KK their, making it their territory for deployments etc, the person setting the sites would be like a dungeon master allowing for neutral deciding of locations, this could also allow for rematches over territory without things being unfair
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