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Found 7 results

  1. I'm very excited and impressed by the idea that we may be able to build boats and submersibles.. ekranoplans. At the very least the water will have physics and the docks will have gantries and cranes to fly through. Maybe there's also stuff at the bottom of Vall's lake now. Thank you dev team!
  2. This specific hull form was inspired / a response to @Yukon0009's Neidon-Class Light carrier and was the first time I had seen a properly hulled carrier for a reasonable part count that included a lift and lower deck. I initially based the deck shape off of a shipbucket drawing of an alternate invincible class aircraft carrier focusing on rotary wing aircraft versus the V/STOL aircraft that the real world invinvible class used. Deacon-Class Landing Platform Helicopter https://kerbalx.com/chadgaskerman/Deacon-Class-LPH Priest-Class Landing Helicopter Assault Featuring a stretched hull with the stern width being widened out to be flush with the central section, the Priest-Class utilises two internal decks for aircraft and amphibious vehicle storage. The standout aspect of this vessel is it's well deck, allowing it to launch and recover amphibious vehicles without the use of cranes or other means. https://kerbalx.com/chadgaskerman/Priest-Class-LHA Bishop-Class Light Carrier Based off of the same hull form as the modified Priest-Class, the Bishop-Class features a further modifed flight deck that has been angled for the ease of launch and recovery of aircraft. The Hanger has also been moved into the space where the well deck once was, freeing up the forward section of the hull for better weight balancing and would allow for the installation of a catapult if the need arose. https://kerbalx.com/chadgaskerman/Bishop-Class-CVL
  3. Having been through some threads I've found some excellent craft from both World Wars scattered throughout. I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread for these craft to be shown off properly. Absolutely any plane, vehicle or ship designed and/or built between 1914 and 1950! Here are some of mine to start off: Hawker Typhoon IB Hawker Tempest II & V Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire, way too many marks
  4. I had a thread with a bunch of WW2-era themed craft (Mainly planes) but I never provided any pics for it.... But in this new thread, I'll be posting all the craft I've made that's as close to a replica or a recreation of the real life thing, or something that was inspired by it. Within each link I provided a little backstory/advertisement for my craft, as well as stats, payload, and armament I'll be posting mostly WW2-era themed craft, as I find them easier to make compared to modern-day jets. But I have a few I'll be updating this as I get each craft finished/screenshot. THREAD RULES AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS AIRCRAFT: Sorry not sorry for the long post, but it'll only get longer
  5. I've been a little obsessed, as of late, with making WW2 styled aircraft and boats. So I've decided to share them with the world.! You can get them here: https://kerbalx.com/hangars/13273 And, of course, here's some pics of each. Aircraft The KBD4- Sinker The K810 The K17- Tsyphon Boats The Firedrake Class Flagship The Zephyr Class Destroyer The Zulu Class Battleship Edit: Thought I could have embedded the albums, but can't. unfortunate
  6. Can you add boat parts and make that World War 2 engines used in planes like P51-Mustang or Yakolev Yak-3?
  7. So far i have not seen many boats made in 1.0.5 none at all actually. So i want to see some boats made, and not just any type of boat i want to see some H1 unlimited hydroplanes. These boats can go up 200 mph, which means only 89 m/s . I challenge anyone who reads this thread to try and make one of these boats, but the specifications are *the boat has to go over 100 m/s (that is the max speed it can go the minimum speed is 70 m/s) *it can actually float *try to keep the weight close to 4 tons have fun and happy building .
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