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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. What gear is reversed?
  2. With KSP's success that is sure to change very quickly. Look how many Minecraft/Terraria clones there are now. It's in Unity's best interest to fix it.
  3. Yes, that is correct. By raising the mounting point of the gear to half way up the fuselage my plane no longer oscillated on the suspension. However the veering issue introduced in 1.1.1 was then apparent. I couldn't take off because my tail would have hit, but even if it wouldn't have I couldn't get up to speed on the runway. Good find @Bedwyr Here is a new video demonstrating this.
  4. Yep, that is a classic sign of SAS over-correction. Get rid of the active winglets. Put fixed ones on there, or really none at all would be necessary if you had a fairing.
  5. Enhanced NavBall has been doing it forever so I don't think so. I think it's just more likely it was on the back burner and when they resized the NavBall to be more console friendly it became an issue and thrust to the front burner.
  6. Yeah, sorry Terensky, I realize the problem is worse than I thought after trying Bloody_looser's craft (assuming yours is the same issue). I made a video of his craft. None of my existing craft seem to do this. It's quite odd.
  7. Well I agree there, the only time I use 6 SRB's is on Size 3 when there simply are no larger LFO engines. I do use 4 SRB's in several cases though. Using SRB's is still better than using radial LFO, because that is incredibly expensive. I don't have any radial LFO stage on any of my lifters up to 120 tons payload, and anything larger than that I usually just break up into dockable components. I see what you are saying now. That does seem buggy, definitely not a strut or aero issue. It's really strange.
  8. They are also cheap, that makes them good for augmenting lift and range capabilities of an existing lifter. I've found in my lifter designs that the SRB's scale nicely. I have designs up to 10 ton payload capacity that just add larger SRB's as they go higher in capacity (2 SRB's and 2 LFO stages stacked). After that, might as well go with Size 2 as it will end up cheaper using a Poodle/Skipper center stack.
  9. They appear to be in the first screenshot, but in the second there is at least one that isn't. If you are using symmetry, sometimes it fails to attach. It can be, if a rocket is too powerful, you get a distinct loss of control through the atmosphere. Not saying that is the issue, but that is one powerful rocket for such a small payload. Post your craft file and I'll see if the same issue is happening on my PC, none of my lifters with radial boosters are doing it.
  10. Yours has no fairing. Most likely your violent shaking is due to air pressure, which isn't the same as his. You are also using active winglets, are they disabled? A rocket that size probably doesn't need fins at all but 4 active winglets will often work against your engine gimbal. You can complain about how they worked in 1.1 or you can fix your design and have them work in 1.1.1. It seems to me the latter is the easier route.
  11. An unsound design is and unsound design, whether it worked in 1.1 or not. The top of his SRB's are not strutted and are flexing on the decoupler, it's pretty obvious in the second screenshot. Asside from that, it is a very over-built rocket.
  12. I'd settle for being able to just disable the suspension. There is a button there, it just doesn't have any effect. As it is now, I'm scrapping all plane designs that used those wheels. Planes won't be possible till tier 5. Hopefully BahamutoD can get his working soon.
  13. Useless is useless. No point in having the parts in the game if you can't make them work.
  14. Sorry, but they are more unstable now than they were in 1.1. It's incredibly difficult to get off the ground now without hitting a wing on the pavement. This is a video of 1.1, that effect is now significantly worse, and the work around we had in 1.1 cause the plane to veer off the runway in 1.1.1 before it even comes close to flight speed. They were pretty unstable before now they are completely unusable.
  15. Because it was in 1.0.5 and it's not really usable beyond a certain point anyway once yaw control takes over. I tested it, in 1.0.5 steering control disabled somewhere around 30 to 40 m/s, in 1.1 it never is.
  16. That isn't 1280p. Those numbers (which technically only apply to TV programming, despite computer monitor manufacturers marketing schemes) are always the height in pixels and always for 16:9 aspect ratios. So, 720p is 1280x720, 1080p is 1920x1080, etc. The 'p' is Progressive Scan which is a video transmission method (and why it only applies to TV).
  17. According to one of the Squad employees, bug reports on the forums pretty much get ignored.
  18. Even if it supported it, there is no guarantee the mod developers would bother. They may or may not have those consoles or want to buy KSP on them even if they do. I doubt it will be supported though.
  19. Single Stage SpacePlanes aren't all that hard, you just have to bring them up on a slow and steady climb. Finding the right balance of speed and climb is the hardest part.
  20. I agree with @NathanKell, I drop my Pe down to 10km. The lower your Pe, the faster you hit the hard air, the hotter it gets but also the faster you slow down (speed = heat in the atmosphere), this is better than the alternative which is sitting less hot air for a longer duration because the air isn't slowing you down fast enough. Heat is cumulative, so extended periods of low heat ends up being worse than a quick extremely hot burst through. Really if you enter the atmosphere at 69,999km with a positive Pe, you are probably going to be ok, so don't worry about being too steep, as long as you don't take it negative (until you start getting slowed by the atmo of course).
  21. After trying 1.1.1 I hope so. I am seeing a crash level improvement, but landing gear seems to have taken a step backward. Granted I did say the crashing was more important.
  22. Oh, well I meant while taking off.
  23. That's actually the mod telling you that and it may be lying. All it does is check the version number to see if it matches and if not it gives you a message, nothing may actually be broken (in fact there is an incredibly high likelihood nothing did break for this patch). The mod developer puts that check in there, not the game. Not all mods do it.
  24. Or the easier way... in the graphics settings dialog. Personally, I like it reversed and full strength
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