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Everything posted by jeffjeff

  1. Thanks Makrond, that makes perfect sense. I'm going to go rework my rocket designs and play with the 'Thrust Corrector' settings. I'm also guessing that the 'Extend Curve to Zero Isp' setting will only take affect in atmospheres with pressures greater than 1 atm. So theoretically, I may get engines that don't work at all (0 Isp) on the surface of Eve for example. Am I correct in that thinking?
  2. Thanks for the input Boosterspice. I'll definitely give these a go. I can already see how Realchute is going to be invaluable to my space program.
  3. Hey everyone, my name's Jeff. I'm 25 years old and currently working as an engineer in oil and gas production. I played KSP a few months back and did some Mun and Minmus return missions, then sent some probes to interplanetary bodies. That was cool. However, I just discovered FAR, KIDS and DREC, and I don't think I've ever had this much fun with a video game. Now I spend my free time researching and studying rocket designs. It's taking over my life. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions of other plugins to try to give a more realistic simulation of rocketry. Or suggestions on tweaking these Mods. I like the stock Kerbal solar system so I'd prefer not to do the complete Realism Overhaul. Thanks, glad to part of this community.
  4. Hey Ferram, I've been playing with FAR, KIDS, and DREC and it's been loads of fun. Thanks for all of your hard work. I'm learning loads about rocketry. Anyway, I prefer playing stock KSP solar system, so I was wondering if anyone could help further explain the two presets for that in KIDS. First, I don't understand why 'FAR to Stock KSP, Universal' penalizes vacuum ISP. I'm using FAR and KIDS to get more realistic rocketry in an atmosphere, but wouldn't I want my ISP's to basically be stock once I'm in space. Next, I see that 'FAR to Stock KSP, Atmosphere Only' is an answer to my first question, but why does it penalize me so much in an atmosphere? It makes my rocket designs super tall like this http://i.imgur.com/WKAjehd.jpg?1 (I also don't have many parts unlocked. Just a few nodes on the tech tree.) Would a happy medium be more suitable for me? Maybe I should adjust the settings to allow thrust to vary with ISP. I just don't know too much on that subject or how the game handles things like vac/atm rated engines. Thanks!
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