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Everything posted by ximrm

  1. Let's say I have a stationary station in orbit(~2.9k km after wiki) and a mün-base directly below. It should theoretically possible to just directly thrust into the sky and rendez-vous with the station. It would make transfers a lot easier,without having to establish a phasing orbit etc. to eventually meet up with the station. Or are there (m)any problems I did not think off?
  2. After I lost my KSS, I decided to go for a new station. a refueling-only station,maybe two or three,scattered around the solar system. Also with the option to transform into along range-ship if the right modules are attached. Decided to go on with my work on the Kethane-Kyper-Kelix-Drive. Textures and design by far not finished and I might change a few things.It's a fast flower power (keth) powered engine with a small supply tank and an animated viewable fuel stat window from an outside view if possible... Small rant: Modelling is no problem , Unity's stupid gui is also manageable but I have no clue about the config files,and I don't find any tutorial on it. My problems are especially the attachmentpoints and telling it when to do what animation.ksp factory even "broke" my test-model(it didn't even load)
  3. I finally brought up my Ket-Scan-Q-1 into orbit. I forgot how many kethane scanners I had,it weren't 16, they're 40. I hope I didn't forget to activate one. Oops... Enough struts and... The magnificent flower unfolds Before activation Before decoupling The kerbal engineers can be proud And yes,we have enough energy for the night.
  4. Something funny happened to me. It looks like a glitz. A monolith like object,(I'm pretty sure it was part of a button was slowly orbiting counterclockwise the solar system. When I turned off unknown objects,it disappeared,and did not reappear as I reenabled that filter. Sure it was a glitch,but why was it orbiting there and for what object was it a placeholder? There were no asteroids as far as I can tell. I bet it's the NSA,scanning my system!
  5. Since I still don't believe that the kethane scanners work,even though not facing the ground and that the wiki lies. I built a new Satellite ,the "Ket-Scan-octo-octo". Name Says all.: 4up,4,down,8 at the sides, with every sciency thing imaginable. I's basically a 7m ball of scanners and solar panels. as beams I used an array of those small thermo generators with a hull of small radial radiators.
  6. What about solar sails? Haven't tried them yet, but after some time,they should have some speed facing the outer solar system. For the voyage home I would then use electrical engines. btw: Does anyone know how long it would take for a certain acceleration ,with let's say 8 sails,pulling 500tons?I(f 8 are enough) Or a way to calculate that?
  7. Also I could use the docking washer from the servo parts plugin. That'd make attachment to more ports easier.
  8. I don't know why, but the quantum struts have vanished from my inventory,reinstalled the file,moved to parts folder,reinstalled ksp completely(there was an other issue, but still no guns.) I think I'll stick to the pulling method,the docking should be easier and i think i can build a long ship this way. After all, I lost all my vessels.Time to start something new.
  9. the new version of tweak scale killed my performance, things with more than 50 parts and i was not more in control of the camera at 3 fps. took me a while to figure out which plugin it did. I lost my space station and various satellites. please fix this issue.
  10. Tanks you for your answers. One more question remains. Are claws an option?
  11. I started to build an interplanetary spaceship.The first part is aestheically pleasing and was easy to get into orbit. Its basically a cockpit,with crew compartments and docking hub in the middle and a detachable fuel&engine part. My plan was to add the rest by docking it at the hub,just like my KSS(should have named it KISS). It's a nice solid body. However,my concern is that after seeing my other ship,the moho-1(the number should be at least 15) losing a few struts and bending like a boiled noodle, I have no idea how to add the rest via the hub and not ending up in a dozen parts floating around after accelerating. Now, is there any wayto add stabilizing parts ,after it was launched into space? Or how do I build such a long range cruiser?(Kind of a Queen Mary in space,not the exact design) Optional question: which kind ofengine is the most efficient?(Ion engines seem too slow to me,despite of their hunger for electricity) I want some speed but not carry around kilotons of fuel if possible. Currently it has three large nuclear engines(not the one that need a generator) which I haven't used yet.(I thought it was harder to get it into orbit,but my boosters and substages did very well.)
  12. On another mission to moho, i decoupled some empty tanks,before braking. Sadly,they broke off all my struts that i placed around the tanks to keep the top of the ship rigged. The result was a spaghetti like ship,everytime i accelerated. "Ok, I'll decouple the satellite and lander " I thought. pff..pff.. Oxidizer has gone bad...I forgot the exact definition, but my fuel was worthless. Now which mod is accountable for that? I didn't carry freshly picked bio raspberries as an oxidizer 8[ edit: I just saw the new spacedock. You're a mad man. A mad man in space.
  13. Moho, you soulless brown piece of rock! The gods shall curse you into oblivion! Remember how enthusiastic I was a few hours ago? Even though it resembled a miracle to get a 300 tons ship into orbit (95% fuel). But still nt enough fuel to brake and circularize that damn flying stone. It was a nice fly-by. Looks like I have to switch to nuclear power,or antimatter.. And a few minutes ago, I was about to send a tiny probe...at least. But the game crashed,due to heavy memory load or the 7 stages consisting of 1.5 kilotons.(this stupid thing made me a bit paranoid about fuel)
  14. Dito. I'm still struggling to get to moho. My first try,yesterday,or maybe the day before was quite successful. I just didn't have any fuel to circularize an orbit. 2k fuel. Then I improved my ship...and since then I didn't even get into mohos SOI. But NOW I have a ship in the orbit,perfectly inclined,ready to go to moho.The alarm is set. I hope 13k fuel last this time. Trial and error could be my middle-name.. or a racehorse's name.
  15. I think i solved the case. This happens to me after i reach 30km and sometimes in space. I think it has to do with the new version of smokescreen. These flares should normally be at the end of the vessel.
  16. year 6..i don't know if it's the same system, but most of them should be around 12. What are teenagers mostly interested today?...(obvious answer is obvious) First, don't tell them it's an educational game(empahsize that,it's really important) You have to open their minds for it,so they don't reject it immediately. Show them how fun it is to be an engineer.(of course that's not true,but let dream for a few years until the harsh reality gets them) Start off with a simple rocket. Give them some premade crafts and subassemblies and let them explore the smaller parts by themselves.When they read the funny descriptions,they'll be more open to the game. Just don't install FAR, they'll end up frustrated and hate you for that.
  17. My first atempt at importing a model into ksp. Well..it didn't really have the right attachmentpoints,but i did not get an error and it was animated but i forgot the textures.Sadly it didn't propell me.Looks like ive taken the wrong part.cfg. Even though i don't have any experience with unity ,nor programming.(except Q-Basic)) Yet First try! Made my day. I think I'll start with my flower powered Kelix-Kyperdrive Runs on Kethane(green)
  18. Thanks,that answered my question. Yes, a 6k battery, an emergency capacitor,solar panels and heat radiators. They wont turn off anytime soon.
  19. I hope it wasn't the misspellings that confused you,i reedited the post and didn't give it another look. However it is the kethane scanne,scan sat makes no problems but it seems that if not is not facing the surface,it doesn't scan. As far as my observations go.
  20. Is it possible, or is there a plugin that allows my satellites to point at the surface,no matter where they are on their orbit(poles,equator)? Some of my science modules ,scanners, don't work if perfectly aligned.
  21. Same thing happened to me too! Did you mean this ?
  22. I just revised my official avatar yesterday for a flag.
  23. In my opinion it is for everyone who ever had fun building things.Legos for example. I todays schools(not only in Korea) they use actual videogames like Total War to show and interact in in the napoleonian wars. KSP would be a perfect fit, as it requires a lot of different skills.Especially how to cope with problems.I bet this would interest a lot of children to become engieers or even astronauts/cosmonauts. I learned a lot from it(I'm 28) and still keep learning.With that many young scientists, I could witness the advent of interplanetary travel during my lifetime. Go Squad...send free copies to every school that has a computer!
  24. I almost forgot Crazybump and Pixplant.Both are cheap and useful if you want to make height/bump/disp,normal and spec maps quickly. you can also polish the diff. texture. There is also Photoshop plugins(from nvidia if i remember correctly) that do the same.(i think there may be more) Ndo2 looks to be a fine tool.(no experience with that) (too many brackets)
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