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Everything posted by lo-fi

  1. In Gimp, layers, right click, add layer mask, select Layers Alpha Channel. Right click again, select "Show Mask". You'll need to add the transform to the model that you name in the config. HTH
  2. Actually, good call on both counts. Always liked that mod, and nli2work came up with a similar, but even more cool leg related idea.... Hmmm
  3. Didn't you have a thread going with the models etc. posted (if so, that's the best place)? I'd suspect missing thrust transform on your model from what you're describing.
  4. It's the nice looking medium size one that breaks all the time, digs into the terrain and has more grip than fluff to Velcro. An evil contraption. I can't comment on the hair. Send the Squid code over, it'll be interesting.
  5. Big, big problem with attached but undocked is the on rails system. Doesn't seem to matter what you do, if the two vessels are, indeed, separate "vessels", then in the eyes on KSP, they have different trajectories, and there is naff all you can do about it. I've posted a thread in the plugin dev forum asking for info, but nothing is forthcoming. I think this one is intractable, as it would require messing with the most fundamental parts of KSP, so it's the docked way, or the highway. I did try disabling the flight integrator, which is hilarious, as it makes the world move around the active vessel at anything over 800m/s, very interesting things happen... There are two ways to do magnets: with joints, or with forces. adding a force against another part will be hard, as unity applies forces simply to a gameobject, not from one to another like a joint. Joints are not practical for wheels, as we need them to move. So magnetic wheels, you might as well forget about - they just won't work. Spiked wheels? Yeah, but you're only going to end up with another TR-2L, and nobody wants that, do they? The fundamental problem is that we expect to drive too fast in low gravity. Realistic speeds are just deathly boring in a game :/ As a visual thing, hey why not, though!
  6. Yeah, I get the hint Nice work as always! Busted wheel could be really simple, just Boolean a chunk out with something craggy, or apply some kind of bend modifier. If you want the wheels to stop working when busted even if there's no busted model yet, create an empty object for the module to activate and assign in the config (IIRC - it's been a long time since I messed with the stock module).
  7. Yep, you need fuel for the APU. Not a lot, mind, they're very efficient. I've never seen those engines before either, they're really nice. Spiked wheels? Maybe, if the mood takes me. Magnetics are a no, I'm afraid. Too much messing, and as Gaalidas points out, too easy to create phantom forces that mess with orbits, landings etc. I kinda have an idea, Madrias... Will get back to you. Btw, anyone hunt down a better, softer turbine sound for the APU? As a guide to what I'm looking for, the sound the drive makes at the start of Interstellar would be perfect.
  8. They can be a little quirky if mounted off axis. Thanks for the log, but could you post a screen grab of your craft please?
  9. You can config bash one up pretty easily, actually. Grab the APU config, slap the engine and apu controller module on whatever part you want. You'll have to know a game object name inside it to give as the thrust transform (not that it matters for thrust, but the module will need it), but I think that's about it. You can add resources and change what the engine runs on too. I can do a config for my rover body if you need a few pointers, or did you have something specific in mind?
  10. Good evening! This is a long shot, but as the title says. I've got them connected by a joint, (but not docked) in realtime. Obviously, as KSP treats them as the same vessel, when time warp hits they drift apart. There may be no solution to this, other than "dock them for timewarp", but it's worth an ask. I've fiddled about with a few things - setting positions or whatnot - but most seem to get overridden by the flightintegrator. I tried disabling it, then remembered about the KrakensBane stuff when things hilariously shot off a speed Any pointers? Even a little in depth knowledge of the on rails system may prove helpful, so please chime in with info if you have any. I couldn't find a huge amount through searching. Thanks
  11. Cheers dude. Was getting so many "Wheels not work :(" posts from people putting them upside down, I hadn't even thought of turning the marker off completely! They do, or should, disappear when you move out of the editor. I've no idea how to make a global config yet - I'll look into it.
  12. I did it by having a public float as a ksp field, and setting it up as a value that tweak scale modifies in my modules. It's defaulted to 1 and used as a multiplier in the code. It's necessary for wheels to scale torque, power consumption, suspension movement and a load of other stuff. You'll find it in the Kerbal Foundries (KFWheel) source and configs if you want to take a proper look. Or, at least I think you mean making a part module aware of what size the part is scaled to?
  13. Cheers You're very welcome, we all have to start somewhere!
  14. Config error. Or animation error, depending how you want to look at it. There's no animation called LB10, so ModuleAnimateGeneric was throwing an index out of range exception. Diagnostic steps, for future reference: Always look at the ALT+F2 log if you're having trouble. In this case, an error shows up in red, though it's not very helpful as it doesn't tell you what threw the exception. Output_log in the KSP_Data directory is more verbose and tells you this, though: IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. at ModuleAnimateGeneric.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 This tells you that there's an issue with MAG. Remove it from the config, and everything starts working. If you do want an animation, there are some tutorials in the mod dev links that will run you through how to set it up. Otherwise, it looks fine in Unity. Good luck!
  15. Cheers fella, though you missed the scene file with that (little 3D black and white cube icon). If in doubt, File, Save Scene As. Select with the rest, just as you have and re-export.
  16. You could use Marce's Active Struts to secure things in place once loaded, they ought to be perfect for the job. Great work, as always.
  17. Bundle it up and send over if you like? Best way to do that is - in Unity - select your scene, model, material and texture (anything that's related to this part), right click and select Export Package. This will spit out a .unitypackage, which includes all the metadata to link the game objects to the bots of mesh etc. Zip that up, post the link and I'll see what I can do for you. Should look something like this:
  18. Ah, very cool! They look pretty badass too. You could maybe try mounting the repulsors lower down, or use the surface mount version underneath the hull to give you a little more clearance under the tracks.
  19. That's pretty much my thinking. The tug mistakenly got bundled with my development plugin originally, which included the early hitch module Agreed, it's a bit heavy. Things ought to improve greatly with some model nodes for texture sharing, though you'll find the rover body texture much improved in 1.8c (if you use it). This will also fix the ATM first time loading hang. Ignore Warrodasdhsdf3903902389023, it is a troll. Spammed posts here there and everywhere "It's broke, fix it, waaaa, waaaa, waaaa". Never produced anything I can work with, so I'm not giving it the time of day any more. Honestly, it's idiots like that that make you wonder why you bother sometimes!
  20. Is the collider definitely a child of the game object that part tools is applied to? Very easy for it to look like that's the case, when actually it's just in the scene. It caught somebody making an engine out recently. A definite way to tell is delete the object with part tools applied. What's left in the scene wasn't underneath it in the hierarchy, and won't have been exported. It's showing all the signs of being a plain old missing collider issue.. surface attachment doesn't rely on there being a collider, while selection for moving, rcm and highlighting does.
  21. Having a little trouble figuring out what you're doing, but I'll try and point you in the right direction for best practice.. Adding mesh collider to a visible mesh object and clicking convex is the worst thing you can do. For some objects, it won't even work. Others, as you've found, will go over the 255 poly limit and won't work either. It gives the already over-worked physics engine a hard time too. The best solution performance wise is to use the primitive colliders added to empty game objects. These can be children of the mesh objects, and this is usually the best way to do it. If you must use a mesh collider (cone or pyramid sort of shapes are a great example of this), make a dedicate mesh that's as simple as you can and add the mesh collider component (with convex) as you've been doing. To prevent this being visible in game, remove the "Mesh Renderer" component on that object, but NOT the mesh filter. You'll find that setting collider objects to certain layers stops them being used to select a part in the editor or for the RCM. WheelCollidersIgnore is a great example of this. The collider will still function for collisions, but the mouse will totally ignore it. Unity 4.2.2 is the best option, as the later versions have animation mechanisms that KSP doesn't support, and you'll struggle with animations. I doubt that's the problem here, though. I suspect you've got some errors in the console in Unity when you click write? Part tools little or no error handling. It will merrily go about its job until it can't, then stop without warning or message unless you're looking at the console, and this can lead to half exported parts.
  22. There is an option for blending multiple animations together in Unity, but I don't believe any KSP animation modules currently support this. You can tell with a little code diving, if you're so inclined: If the module uses Animation.Play, you're out of luck. If it uses Animation.Blend, you might be able to make use of it. Amination.Blend works like the .Play version for playing a single animation, but if you play another clip which animates the same things, it averages the result, rather than snapping explicitly to the keyframes of the second animation. This is all from memory when I was playing around, and I don't have a ready made module you could use I'm afraid. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
  23. Sorry I can't be more helpful. Details may actually be in another thread, in which I remember CK saying "hey, that will be really useful for changing the control plane for my skylon". I've got a feeling it was something to do with docking ports in the modelling discussion thread, would have been late last year.
  24. That's what she s..... Anyhow, moving on... I found something interesting in the Lazor mod. In the small print of the robotic arm, it says timewarp capable. Now the source is under a restrictive license, but it is there and has some interesting things that happen with joints when entering warp. Experimentation is called for. If I can crack this, then the trailer hitch, robotic arm and rover tie downs become a releasable possibility. Thinking the mod needs splitting into three parts: KF:Mobility - for most of the current stuff KF:Structural - for rover bodies, rollcages and that sort of thing. I've been quietly remodelling the DSR3 for a while now. KF:Utility - trailer hitch, tie downs, robotic arm and that sort of stuff. No dependencies between the three, just grab which packs you want. NB: Yes, I'm still working on things, but it's at a slow pace. This is development stuff. Most of it is just ideas, proofs of concepts and methods at this stage - all of it is ambitious to say the least, so don't expect anything going out for release any time soon. All of it will lead to cool things if I can pull it off, though
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