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Everything posted by lo-fi

  1. Hmmm, that's a very tricky one. It's also possible that the same bounds detection bug that makes the editor icons go all tiny is to blame, so it may not be TS at all, and actually a KSP bug... Well caught, I hadn't even thought of this, and I don't play career so wouldn't have seen it. Could you do me a favour and do a little config edit to rule out TS issues? In the config for one of the sets of tracks you've had a problem with, remove the tweakscale module, reload the game and try again? Cheers dude. Got a nasty feeling this is going to be a KSP bug I can do nothing about, though (other than report it again).
  2. They'll be released fairly soon, Horus. I know, Gaalidas, I'm still staggered. BTW, I got bored and decided to create something completely insane again... Sorry. I just can't help it. Details later... EDIT (Some time later): Yep, asymmetric tracks. That's a single part. The plugin was always coded with this in mind, but they're a *%*(£+)*£ to set up, so this set will probably be the only set I'll ever make. Yes, I know you want to make a Thundertank now, you'll have to wait until they're finished Other than that, I'm just waiting on some textures, then everything is good to go for beta release BTW, Gaalidas. The software you're using doesn't seem to realise the importance of braces, and it took me some head scratching to realise why the suspension had turned to jelly on all the tracks and wheels I have a feeling I know why your dll's keeps failing to load too: "print(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version);" This pulls the version info from AssemblyInfo.cs, which I don't think is copied with the source. Try commenting that line out where you find it and you may well find your compiled versions start working again.
  3. If you're feeling really brave you can try setting it up with my KF plugin at some point - that'll allow you to have all the legs on one part. It's complex (but very flexible), so I'd suggest running through the Squad way of doing things first, and by the time you're ready to move on (should you wish to), I'll hopefully have it documented.
  4. No drama, you just happened to ask about a couple of things I actually have some experience with
  5. I've seen people try that and struggle with multiple legs on a part but never succeed, so I think no. Having said that, I've not tried it myself...
  6. As they're KSP fields, just put entries for the values you want to override in the config section for that module. They'll be given a default value in the code, but config values over write those when the part is loaded. For default values, that would need some plugin trickery, though: find the module in the part, spit the values out for those variables to the log or whatever.
  7. You're best off using the landing leg module, it looks like KSP doesn't take into account the leg extension and doesn't allow clearance. It's really not hard to set up the proper module and there is a thread NecroBones started recently which goes through a lot of troubleshooting stuff. Watch my wheel modding YouTube too, as most is relevant to landing legs. Good luck and shout if you need a hand.
  8. Multiple materials is normally the issue there. KSP only supports one material per object.
  9. Love your videos, you always pick a great soundtrack. Thanks for posting
  10. Well that is rather odd... I can't recall doing anything funny with references, other than updating to 0.90. Try updating the KSP references maybe?
  11. Weirdly, this is similar to what AccidentalDisassembly was having with the texture animator. What happens if you try the compiled DLL in the dev repo at the moment? I'm beginning to suspect there's some third part mod shenanigans going on here, especially when reflection is mentioned.
  12. Also, a word of warning to the dev guys: I've done a major refactor and re-organise of part names ready for beta - will break saves and craft, I'm afraid. Easy to fix with a find and replace in .craft or persistence file, though. I've not committed the changes yet, will wait until tomorrow. I realised while updating that the descriptions in most of the parts is lacking, so does anyone fancy having a pop at that? Gaalidas, your zany humour springs to mind Thanks kerbas_ad_astra, I'll give it a whirl.
  13. Hmmm, well I've not looked at action groups since updating to .90, nor loaded the game since merging your changes. I can't think of any that should have stopped the dll loading, though. Edit: working fine after compiling your changes
  14. ^I cannot encourage this enough, it makes life so much easier. My entire workflow is based around having the model export ready to be dropped into Unity, colliders, textures and part tools applied, then just being able to click the 'write' button after double checking the config values match and I haven't typo'd anything. Your second set of landing legs will be much easier Great to hear that you got it working, though
  15. Not sure what's going on there tbh... Those DLL's don't actually belong with KF, so I've removed. Thanks, great work with the code tidy, Gaalidas. I've updated my source now; compiles fine, and will look at some of the other suggestions, though I think are mostly in experimental stuff and I've created a variable or two that aren't really used yet or any more.
  16. If you're using mesh for a collider, you'll need to remove the mesh renderer component from that object. Do not remove the mesh filter component, though. Having said that, unless you really need a specific shape, do look at using Unity's primitive colliders instead as they're easier for the physics engine to handle.
  17. I can't quite believe how well that works! Seems a similar wheel is definitely in order OK, exactly the same setup as me, then. Could you post me a whole output_log? It shows every sign that another mod has over-ridden something, but it's such a simple util (and not strictly anything to do with KF actually) that I just can't see what it might be. Hmmm, I knew someone was working on some kind of floatation code, but I lost track of it. Let me know if you remember what you were thinking of, it's probably worth a look, Sometimes you have to wonder what happens in QA... Hype train is raising steam, Mike
  18. I don't get the TypeLoadException from textureanimator. Which version KSP version you running?
  19. Hehe! Yeah, it is supposed to be tiny, but then we realised it has mafia connections... The names will get refactored for beta - no point in keeping the alpha suffix, so I'll sort some point soon. Good catch on texture animator, must be a .90 thing. I'll see what's going on. Good stuff, keep it up!
  20. Yeah, that would Bork it. Another gotcha I had was a game object which had mesh collider applied, but no mesh filter (it was an empty object), which I'm pretty sure won't be applicable in Camacha's case but is worth mentioning.
  21. Ahhh, I don't think they've been tested much. Looks like it's a collider hitting the ground (only the wheel colliders should). Thanks, I'll look into it. They're something Spanner came up with: useful for making snowmobiles and strapping Kerbals to
  22. Hmmm, that does give me some ideas... Vids always welcome here! Edit: you may find that's the very strong reaction wheels in the DSR chassis causing that, unless you disabled torque or run in docking mode? KSP floatation is... a law unto itself, though I'm currently reworking the DSR range, which will include some config value tweaking. Yep, they're tough!
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