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Everything posted by lo-fi

  1. One exponent to rule them all.... That is cool, though. Make it so, number one! Actually, could you do me a massive favour with those configs you edited the nodes on, and push them into the github repo please? Same goes if you're setting up the TS config - it'll save me a load of copy/paste and potentially screwing something up in the process
  2. Ah, that's useful to know! I thought I'd done something stupid and was beginning to worry. Are some of the planets more refined in their construction?
  3. Well, I hyperedited this trip Maybe that's the problem, but it still occurred after a save/reload, so I don't think it's that. I think my next proper Eve visit will involve a space plane of some kind to glide down, plus repulsors for landing on those nice big open stretches of liquid, then balloons to get back up out of that heavy gravity well. Haha, shame about your tug experiment, was the other vessel still on rails for some reason? That sound hilarious! Hopefully have better success with nli2work's tug....
  4. Thanks Chris, that's really cool! I'm trying to wrap up my current mini-project, then I'll look at adding the other trimmings to make that little nugget of genius work a fully formed plugin and bundle up with the texture animating util - seems like they ought to belong together. Can't wait to see this in action!
  5. Hello! Yes, it should work fine for wings I ought to write some better docs really! Shout me if you get stuck and I'll have a look at how I can improve the setup documentation.
  6. Haha! Is there a thread of Kerbalised quotes anywhere? This should be in it.. Is there no projectile KAS winch? It's been so long since I used KAS.. if there isn't, there ought to be By the way, climbing 30 degree hills with latest track setups seems no bother on the Mun. Finding some weird issues driving on Eve, though :/ a lot of places the ground collider doesn't match the position of the mesh and sometimes the rover will just bounce weirdly like it's an American low rider. Very strange... Anyone else found this?
  7. Are you setting them up with wheel colliders (like in the Bahamuto tutorial)? If so, make sure any mesh/box/capsule/sphere colliders that intersect the wheel collider are set to layer 26 WheelCollidersIgnore. Pretty sure that's what will be wrong there - had it many times with wheels when I've forgotten.
  8. Thanks the idea I currently have is to write a module that does the actual blending stuff and exposes a control interface, then write modules that tie into different things like reentry heat, or mission time of whatever to control it. My KF wheel modules are set up like that and if works rather well.
  9. Might be a Christmas present, but depends on a few things getting finished in time and a few issues getting wrangled out of the TS support. wow, that's cool! The repulsors are just heavily abused wheel colliders which get disabled when the repulsor is disabled, so I'd imagine there's some other issue at play here, though I can't think what... So the longer you make the track the more drag you get going down it? A bit baffled and rather intrigued by this one! Loved your rescue kit vid, btw!
  10. @corovaneer, that's seriously cool! Cunning use of rails, I like that. I've done a lot of tweaking of the grip and torque values since the last release, so I don't think you'll be disappointed with 1.8
  11. Thanks, appreciate it! I work in 3D Studio, so I can send .dae, .fbx or .obj that should import into Blender OK. Any preference? I usually work with .dae for Unity import, but I doubt it makes much difference. Long tracks are in desperate need of some love.. That would be ace, I love your work! Judging by the activity in the KF thread, more rover parts ought to be welcomed with open arms. Looking forward to hearing what you have in mind
  12. Thanks nli2work, that's helpful info. Might have to tap you up for some shader knowledge, along with nosing through the Unity API and working out what is possible with KSP. The layered mesh thing occurred to me as a potential solution, so I'm glad I wasn't too far off the mark with that. I assume you need to have a tiny bit of separation to stop z-fighting? Either way, if it can be achieved in code without a special mesh setup, that would be sweet. Hooking into what actually drives the blend change is less of a concern at this stage than achieving the actual effect, so that's what I'd work on first. I usually just bind experimental stuff to a UI slider for testing, it saves a lot of hassle while setting things up. Be interesting to see what Starwaster is up to, though. Not sure exactly how it might work yet, but I'd aim for a configurable module so you can mess with bump/spec/diffuse as you please. It's going to take some research to work out what's possible, though.
  13. If it is indeed possible, that shouldn't be a problem I'm involved in a little plugin side project with nli2work at the moment, which I'm quite excited about - this goes on the top of the 'to do next pile'. This is going to be an interesting one to code, as it has far wider applications than just reacting to re-entry heat. With the blending mechanic working, you could weather stuff that's been out on long missions, add micro-meteorite marks.... an almost endless list of things which will enhance the look and feel of KSP. I really hope it's possible to do in KSP!
  14. Someone else recently requested exactly this feature and was asking if my texture animator could be used; not really for this, sadly. However, blending textures.... That sounds promising! You can only apply one shader per object in KSP afaik, so I assume you mean blend at diffuse level within the shader, stupid_chris? I'll see what I can dig up in Unity docs.
  15. Been six months and it's still inspiring when someone drops by with feedback. Cheers I've really broken KSP many, many times, Gaalidas! Most notably when I first started using coroutines and forgot to add the yield return; statements. KSP merrily entered the while(true) loop I'd asked it to, and stayed there with no way out. Broken load, three finger salute coming right up... Errr... By the way, there's a skunkworks project on the go with nli2work. Gonna be seriously cool!
  16. Ah, wicked. You've clearly got a better handle on the TS stuff than I do!
  17. Have a look at source and configs from FireSpitter: https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/blob/master/Firespitter/wheel/FSwheel.cs What you're looking for is [COLOR=#333333][FONT=Consolas]part.Effect([/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#DF5000][FONT=Consolas]"YourEffectName"[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Consolas], [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#0086B3][FONT=Consolas]0f[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Consolas]);[/FONT][/COLOR] and this in the config [TABLE] [TR] [TD]EFFECTS[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD]{[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] YouEffectName[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] {[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] AUDIO[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] {[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] channel = Ship[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] clip = YourModDirectory/Sounds/YourSound.ogg[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] volume = 0.0 0.0[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] volume = 1.0 0.8[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] pitch = 0.0 0.7[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] pitch = 1.0 1.0[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] loop = true[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] } [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD] } }[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] The volume and pitch keys are affected by the second argument in the part.Effect method. HTH?
  18. Yes, I need to dig them out too Ummm, yeah it should be fine at silly scales, provided I've not missed something. I take it you mean make one of those Module Manager patch things that TS spams the loader with that I keep having to delete? I think most stuff in the plugin is driven off the tweakScaleCorrector config node - I've not really got round to updating the replusor TS yet, just the wheels for the moment. The variable is necessary to deal with a load of stuff that just doesn't scale when wheel colliders are scaled. It's a crazy world in there, took me a while to realise what's going on! I still need to do a lot of testing with the wheels, as I may well have broken the deploy/retract stuff, along with lots of other things, so don't be surprised if there are major gremlins.
  19. In OP here, it's just a copy of what's on mediafire. Hoping to get 1.8 out soon, just textures and Gaalidas' config updates outstanding.
  20. 1.7 is now live on KerbalStuff. I refuse to use Curse, it drives me nuts.
  21. Hello, non-artistically challenged people! As you may have seen, over the past few months I've been busy creating new wheels, anti-gravioli repulsors, caterpillar tracks (along with resurrecting some existing ones) and a bunch of other stuff: Kerbal Foundries As you can see in the album above, some parts are textured, some are part textured, others have almost nothing.. Justin Kerbice has been kind enough to join me on the journey so far, and has done some brilliant work texturing the crazy parts I've been creating, but sadly he's moving on to pastures new, and despite hours of texturing tutorials, buying a graphics tablet and reading endless graphic design blogs I'm still no better at creating textures myself I've come to realize my time is probably better spent working on plugin stuff, quietly toying with things that didn't seem possible a few weeks ago, creating models and rigging parts. I'm simply not artistically talented, so in the time it takes me to produce a naff looking texture, I can probably write a little plugin for some odd job, create three new types of wheel and a set of tracks - which is why I'm reaching out to see if anyone with a bit of texturing talent would like to joint the project? I know most people are busy with their own projects, but I figure there's no harm in asking. I tend to do most of the unwrapping work during the modelling stage, so all that's left to do is arrange the components in the texture space and actually create the texture (the hard bit, I know). I've got everything neatly organised in a GitHub repo, along with logs for all the parts in their various stages, and all the parts retain prefabs in Unity so updating is a doddle if UV placement is changed - it's quite a slick workflow. Be good to hear from you if you're interested
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