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Everything posted by lo-fi

  1. Interesting. Research this morning reveals that the problems I've been having are Unity/physX specific rather than anything KSP related. The pulling to the right is a well documented Unity issue, and updating the spring property dynamically is just as funny without any stock KSP stuff applied (though I do, at least, have a workaround for this one). Fixing the pulling under acceleration is going to be fun :/
  2. Thanks, I'll look into it. Sounds like it's not calling the plugin or its not loaded properly
  3. _should_ be available in the editor. Which parts are you on about? In-flight has been tricky as there is a bug/feature that has been preventing update in flight - options were left in for investigation only and are intentionally disabled in the release. I've now overcome the limitation, but it's going to need a lot of testing before I declare it safe for release.
  4. I wish I had more time, I have about a thousand ideas for more parts and little finishing touches for the plugin :/
  5. Ah yes, the anchor. Quite.... Kerbal, I suppose! Thanks for the reminder, I'll add the heavy-duty RCS .cfg. Someone has already mentioned landing gear, I'll get round to it eventually. That may be where the repulsors really make a difference...
  6. Nice, thanks for posting I'm thinking of making a separate thread for people to post their creations. I love seeing how people use the stuff I'm creating and it's quite useful to know how they're being used.
  7. I'VE CRACKED IT!!!!! I can now initialise WheelColliders without ModuleWheel. This. changes. everything. Thanks to the RBI guys for some clues in their code. This probably won't mean a lot to most of you, but it opens up a great many possibilities and lots of limitations are lifted. Testing team, expect some crazy stuff to start appearing Lots of work ahead to recreate the stuff ModuleWheel does that I want to retain (rotating the wheel mesh and moving suspension helpers, for example), but it will be worth it to have complete control, and I can _possibly_ set up the anti-roll how I want now. Tracks are back on too, though ignore them for the moment. They were set up for a very light craft and don't work well as they are anyway. thanks for your confidence, spanner
  8. Hahahaha! That looks suitably Kerbalish, I like it Is it odd that it took me a few seconds to realise that was backwards an upside down? Strangely, I can read it fine! Not sure how I feel about that..
  9. Definitely put the warning on the model. In backwards Spanish, of course The ideal place for instructions is in the editor info field - I'll update the .cfg
  10. It's proven tricky to pick up. I have something semi-workable, but ksp funnies are keeping me from pursuing further at the moment. Particularly, the tank steer mode does weird, weird things. And there is something subtley wrong with scaling and placement of wheel colliders. However:
  11. Hehe. I should add a disclaimer in the OP explaining that silly questions/statements will be met with sarcasm or simply ignored. Possibly both. I'll write some instructions for the repulsors, they do probably need a little explanation... Interesting, spanner. Ackerman is on the way, though it's an interesting algorithm to create given the range of design possible in KSP. Repulsor wheels should be out next, by the way.
  12. Ah, you'll find the height option only updates after you retract and deploy. The UI stuff needs some work, but it's in a long list. You'll find there are a few action groups. Thanks It's funny, the model from the OP was a 2 minute bodge I threw together to see if it would actually work. I always felt it was too.... simple? Several different versions and some alternate textures are on the way, so we can have a bit of a discussion about which version goes into production.
  13. I messed up the linking into the public repo. Will be back shortly once I sort, I made a real mess :/ EDIT: It hasn't changed much, but I also realised some of my classes were not linked either.
  14. I've just smashed out my alpha parts, so I now have a bit of time. I'll get onto it. Thanks for alarm clock, by the way. One of my essential mods I have more info to add and there were a few bits I missed out in the stream. Got a project in mind?
  15. ^Thanks for chiming in, a few minutes saved here and there soon adds up into more bug whacking. See OP for alpha release link. Repulsors are up, along with the two wheels. ElectricCharge consumption and action groups implemented.
  16. Stunning work on the visual effects! Nice mod. Do you mind if I cheekily ask how you set up the energy effect shaders? It's similar to something I'd like to put on my anti gravity repulsors, I just haven't figured out how to do it yet
  17. That's a no I'm afraid, they'll come out as they come out. If you want to modify your .cfg's I'm not here to stop you, but I'm not about to recreate (and maintain!) the TR-2L nasties! I'll come up with something reasonable, but its never going to please everybody. As Sirkut said, I believe: it's a game with little green aliens and 1/10 scale planets. I learned to suspend disbelief long ago. Be great if you've got some ideas, Sumghai
  18. And I desperately need a logo... Any budding artists want to have a go?
  19. Thank you, constructive thoughts like that are most welcome. There's a lot to consider, so input/reminders on details like that is very helpful. And thanks Keep an eye on the alpha repo for more parts coming through: https://github.com/KerbalFoundries/WheelAlpha?files=1
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