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Everything posted by Spacepigu

  1. Theoretically, one could come down and turn off their flaps, and just use SAS power to pull up or down I don't know if this would actually work. I am currently occupied, so i can't check. Correct me if i'm wrong!
  2. Could i get the subassembly for that kraken drive? it would help a ton with my endeavors.
  3. I think i have a cool idea for this... Challenge video soon!
  4. That is mah blimp! sorry it took so long. i had to sleep, you know?
  5. I would probably win that, with about 6.5 m/s for each.
  6. It is pretty slow though, so be warned. It is a blimp after all. Surprisingly though, it is pretty tiny, or it wouldn't have been able to get under the first arch
  7. My times 9:39 in a blimp class. Barely any use of engines! yay! Rendering video now.
  8. I will do it with a blimp! certainly won't win any speed awards, but it will make it through and through!
  9. I think it just needs some control surfaces. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66465-Work-in-Progress-WIP-Design-Thread/page68 halfway down.
  10. Also, kissSh0t, could i get the subassembly for that k-drive?
  11. It may be a bit late, but the landing legs do break. Sorry!
  12. 1, my bliplane prop is my own design, but based off of his. And to start the wheelchair i had a decoupler that i put the chair on.
  13. I personally think this counts as a jetpack, but more of a jetpack that you sit in. Still good work! That thing is the most adorable vtol i have ever seen.
  14. I have a sort of stock blimp going. It is pretty hard to get it balanced. Pics when i get home! and then, you can marvel and guess how it stays up.
  15. You should make something like a propeller plane, For those are something to really show off. Good luck, if you choose to accept my challenge!
  16. Sorry, false alarm. I found the mod on the MSI infernal robotics page. Sorry.
  17. Well, yes, i got that after a few hours But what i need is the cool orange tinted ones. I can only use the small rotatrons, and can't find the skin!
  18. BTW, what mods is he using? i can't find the itty bitty parts
  19. Also, what is the mod that those swords come in? it looks really cool.
  20. If i did mods, (Which i will for the sole purpose of making this thing,) I would totally do this. Thanks for the inspiration! Pictures soon!
  21. OFF-TOPIC To tangle, I saw your signature and gasped. For i am a homestuck fan too! Also, less offtopic, the dragon is amazing. Keep up the good work!
  22. I personally think that the way that it looks like there are handlebars is my favorite.
  23. I have a sort of electric helicopter going, and i am hoping to get it working. Pics soon!
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