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Maelstrom Vortex

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Everything posted by Maelstrom Vortex

  1. I've not got it to work in .9 yet. I can't figure out why but it does not pop up when I select to dock with another ship. It's strange. It's like something is missing. Update: Problem solved. It was a glitch with the module manager installer.
  2. I'd set an action group to switch from turbojets to rockets once I left atmosphere near top speed rather than use the small rockets in atmosphere where they consume a lot of fuel for little gain. I got the idea from here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43086-Open-Source-Construction-Techniques-for-Craft-Aesthetics?p=1009098&viewfull=1#post1009098
  3. I use a very similar model layout for most of my spaceplanes. Suggestion: Remove the two cycle engine, it consumes a lot of fuel. Instead, use turbojets stacked on top of a donut and one of the small 30 thrust high efficiency rockets. You can then exit the atmosphere at around 33km up and the rocket will push you into orbit and use very little fuel. Also, use a single turbojet. The twin intakes will keep it efficient up to very high altitudes.
  4. And for the unmanned category.. The Rawr Mk 2 .90 Should have named it 2 intakes 1 jet..
  5. Manned Stock Entry The Rawr, a pretty simple but effective design.. .90 Biggest challenge: Keeping it INSIDE the atmosphere.
  6. Personally I think it's useful for crew retrieval missions where you need an unmanned capsule.
  7. Have surface samples been removed? I only get an eva report option when on the ground outside of vehicles as a kerbals.
  8. Do what I do, drive off the runway and launch from the field
  9. I run a 2.0 ghz i5 with 4gb available graphics memory on a nvidia 550ti and augmenting motherboard setup. 16 gb total ddr3 ram. My experience with openGL was that it dramatically slowed down my game experience on the 64 bit version of the game compared to direct draw, I'd say 1/10th to 1/4 the speed. Probably good for those with system memory constraints, but if your computer has the horsepower the direct render is likely superior.
  10. Tip to beat the grind. Go straight for jet engines and landing gear.. jets make GREAT test and survey platforms and if you can land you save 100% on the parts.
  11. Am I the only one who doesn't use nodes and just flys by navball?
  12. Hrm.. would it be possible to set hover rockets at 0-5 meters.. then step out , plant flag and step back in?
  13. So why not use chutes to control the landing? I've literally built craft with chutes designed to have it fall one particular way and sharp edged structural supports to keep it from rolling once it did gently touch down. Just because it hasn't been thought of or done doesn't mean it cannot be innovated.
  14. Can someone pm me with info on how to run it 64 bit? I've gotten it through steam. Do I have to use amod or is there something I can change?
  15. It's all about angling. If your apoapsis goes to high, then start turning earlier into a shallower angle. The apoapsis will come down, but the arc of your orbit will begin to extend.
  16. You use a space plan design very similar to my own. Did you launch yours like a shuttle or horizontal takeoff? Just curious.
  17. Tried looking for said mod, can't seem to locate it. Got a curse link or a forum link?
  18. You wouldn't happen to have a forum or curse link would you? Can't seem to find it.
  19. I'd love a mod that disabled non-active objects vanishing when they went to ground in a chute. That'd let you eat up some of them fancy resources.
  20. That'd be more trouble than worth. However, thank you for phrasing this in a way that makes me feel like more genius than the game can handle On the other hand, I've set max persistent debris.. and I was REALLY hoping I'd be able to set whether or not I would want to keep items around til they hit the ground as I know my computer (it's a monster) will handle it. I am already handling like 20 flights. An idea for cpu usage limitation that's practical and would help players of myself who like career modes and reusable drop pods might be to only let items with parachutes connected be computed once way from the active craft unless it is in an established orbit. That way the reusable can hit ground and the cpu isn't devoured except for by items the player wants to have devour CPU. Everything else not in a chute.. and not in orbit can just poof like usual. The player can manually delete the rest. Does anyone know if there is a mod that circumvents this.. "feature"?
  21. First note, all parts stock. I'm trying to design a space plane with an interesting feature. It can jettison its low altitude engines at it ascends for data delivery.. they're held under the wings attached to decoupler. It's part of a design I have for atmospheric data recovery. Each of the fuel tanks for the engines has a data nosecone. Problem is this. When I jettison them, even traveling slow at high altitude, the parachutes, though they deploy upon decoupling, do not prevent the discarded parts from crashing with the data on board. I've tried 2 side mounted chutes.. pondering 3.. because I've seen 2 slow a module with added components to well under 5 m/s descent.. which those small engines should easily survive on any terrain. I even thought, "well maybe they're rolling on terrain" because they're cylindrical, so I put a couple of stopping struts on each side.. newp.. still vanishing upon touching the ground. I've noticed that when you jettison something with a chute, it seems to follow different physics. Does anyone know if this is true and if there is a work around? To be precise, it's one stock jet engine, one stock fuel tank usually with about 1/2 fuel left, one data nosecone, and 2 parachutes. Do I just need more chutes? Or is there something wonky with detached craft physics that the debris behaves differently than a piloted vessel on re-entry and descent?
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