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Maelstrom Vortex

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Everything posted by Maelstrom Vortex

  1. What could make this work is allowing anything under 1KN to work during time warp at full throttle. Maintains realism, keeps your life. Or making what works at different time warp levels dependent on their thrust.. the faster it is the slower time must operate. Only problem I see that this may run into is a slowdown due to increased rate of calculations, but there may be some tricks to expedite that. 2kn at x 1 < 5n at x 10000. It'd make interstellar trips much more manageable.
  2. Haven't done it yet, but I have a plan for it. I'm going to use a space plane that has landing gear, but can also deploy cutes. Aim for a nice flat spot, chute down.. then take off from the surface after fixing my chutes.. return to kerbin, repeat on re-entry. Saves all that expended fuel on the descent. 1. After 2. On the wings.. more stable with a broader base.. if you need more belly space, add a pylon or two to hold them on, it doesn't hurt stability much. If you want a REALLY stable base, add a few structural panels below your belly.. mount your wings to those.. and then you'll have a practically flat belly making for nigh perfect gear alignments. 3. Put a pair of gear as near to the rear of your craft as possible if you're going for a horizontal landing to reduce risk of bottoming out your engines.. try to land at a nose up pitch of between 10-20 degrees above horizon. Depending on your engine... keep it at 10-20% thrust.. try to balance your speed or glide it down to less than 70 m/s. If stability is an issue for you on landing, consider a strong inline reaction stabilizer set.. one for the front, one for the rear, should give you great control.
  3. Ah, so it is now definitely hard core programmed to obliterate ya. Understood.
  4. I just saw in the science library you can get 1200 science by landing on jool and taking a surface sample and returning with it.. question is.. how in the world to do that. I'm assuming if you got to 0 since someone planted a flag there,, if you eva'd without falling off you might be bale to pull off a surface sample. But then returning.. that'd be about impossible?
  5. I see people who seem to have landed on Jool, but in almost all instances their ships explode. So.. wanted to ask.. has anyone tried making an egg for a lander.. and landing on jool? I'm talking like a diamond shaped structure reinforced upon reinforced by struts to try and resist the pressure.
  6. If you want to do a 50-100 year game technology projection, miniaturized fusion reactor + vasimir could work.
  7. Was wondering if a mod could add me to a group so I can update my profile. I had done my 3 posts, but one of them vanished in the forum update, so I figured I'd make this my third instead.
  8. I designed a craft that could perform all science missions on Kerbin as well as serve as a docking craft or interplanetary vessel. I have not yet tested it for pushing asteroids. It launches vertically and can land as a plane horizontally as per the description of a space shuttle. In the hangar: At Launch before separation: Making the turn to land after pre-detonating the prior stages to demonstrate its landing ability.. even so, look at all those resources it's still carrying. Night landings are hard, the runway isn't lit. I'm going by the position of my debris from the pre-detonation at launch: Safe and stopped.. but not after a close call. I landed on the slope on the edge of the runway, despite landing at 70m/s on a slope, she still held together. Important notes, stall speed on air breathing fully loaded on fuel is around 80 m/s.. you won't be able to gain altitude at weight and speed. Switching to closed cycle to boost thrust and consume any excess fuel helps this and makes for a relatively stable and safe landing. Just don't try to land blind like I did. Landing is best done around 1/10th to 1/4 power with nose pitched at 20-30 degrees up angle over the horizon. The space plane itself was inspired by the designs of the global hawk and predator drones! Enjoy! Science Shuttle
  9. I have used fuel tanks for Pontoons.. and even launched from the water. Structurally reinforce them.
  10. Is anything new or similar to this available? The current mod doesn't work for me. When I go into my career it shows nothing about the completion.
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