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Everything posted by prophet_01

  1. Yeah i've noticed that imbalance aswell, at least in mid game (hard settings). Many contracts give way too much science atm. Most of them should permanently give a reduced amount of science if you repeat them, too. You are not going to get that much new data from doing the same stuff over and over again. I know it's not an eleagant solution, but I don't rly see that many options tbh The timewarp mechanic makes everything cooldown related usless, unless upkeep costs were included and I'm not a fan of that either... And reducing the amount of money gathered for each return is poison for all efforts to get back on your feet after a huge failure. How about this? If you do the same type of contracts over and over again theire payment will be severely reduced, like 50%. And the payment will only get back to normal/profitable if you do a number of other contract before accepting one of that kind again.
  2. 64 bit works or doesn't work. It's rly random at times (refering to glitches, freezes and crashes) and also the mod compatibility is very individual. It worked for me a couple of months ago but some of the mods I'm using now aren't working that good with 64 bit, so I'm back to 32 bit. OpenGL works pretty decently and active texture manager may also help the case. Ksp isn't THAT buggy imo. Sure, it has it's limitations, but it has gotten a lot better over time and the vanilla game works pretty good. Have you played dayz or space engineers? Those are early access titles that were/are rly buggy. Those 2 weren't even fully playable with the released vanilla content at times. Ksp is far ahead of those regarding the quality of updates released. And since we just hit beta, bugfixing is now a lot higher on the list anyway. Btw, mods aren't rly a good point to start arguing about performance. They often have theire own compatibility issues with each other and it's sometimes rly hard to find the origin of a problem. It may not even be the mod's developers fault, maybe they are simply outdated or not yet working properly. It's often possible to get highly moded versions to work pretty stable. Just search on the faq of the mods or google a little. It's tedious, but we are talking about the moding of a work in progress game. What do you expect?
  3. Interesting, I've done that a couple of times and wondered about how it works. Thx for clearing that up. on topic: yep, it is overpowered. My suggestion for an easy fix: you have to complete another 2 contracts before the next gather-science spawns. That would force you to do other stuff. Maybe it's even a good idea toinclude plant-flag in that mechanic. Thoughts?
  4. A total negation of transmission losses seems rly overpowered. How about that ability only affects temperature, atmo, gravioli and seismic scans. The losses here aren't that realistic in the first place. And regarding goo, material bay and surface samples I would argue that the capabilities of analising samples back at home in a large lab will always be superior to doing that on site with limited ressources and equipment. I can only backup the mentioned thouhts on engineers. They shouldn't be magicians an emergency switch for engines sounds interesting (VASIMIR anyone? ), but it should reduce isp and overheat faster imo. Overheat reduction as an ability should be treated carefully, especially with an emergency switch in mind. On pilots I don't rly know about automated burns, maybe it's ok if you still have to start the burn yourself and it only terminates the burn. I'm not at all in favour of automated maneuvers :/ How about a 5 star ability that basically does the same as the trajectories mod -> calculating your course through the atmosphere including drag. That would make them srsly valuable for the player imo
  5. I have build and usd a super heavy shuttle design with a 8 engines on the orbiter, two NASA-sized liquid boosters and a huge external tank. I was still lacking thrust... The final design needed to use the 2 nervas (which were originally supposed to be used in space only) just to get of the ground... that might answer the last question
  6. Since 0.90 the trajectories mod causes a glitch for me. If I launch a vessel from the VAB or SPH the game refuses to load basically everything. I'm simply looking at the sky textures and the sun, no kerbin, no vessel, no buildings, but also the game hasn't crashed completely. If I launch from the space center directly on the launch pad (without entering the VAB/SPH) everything is fine. I'm using a number of mods (including FAR) on 32 bit. I reinstalled the mods one by one on a fresh backup until the problem showed up again, so I'm pretty sure it's this mod I have yet to test if a fresh install with trajectories only will still do that or if it's a compatibility issue with another mod. Will test that later and post the result. Apart from that the mod worked as it's supposed to do, although I frequently had fps drops if it tried calculed multiple passes at kerbin
  7. ^ This... If it doesn't work (it usually doesn't tbh), I dig out my backup and mod it one by one until I find the trouble maker. Yes, that my take hours... and I am sooo freakin happy that bac continued b9 (can't ty enough for that). Those community patches screwed up the compatibility hard and it took me so much time to keep it around along with the other stuff... And last weekend I had another series of glitches caused by mods... So I had to go through that step by step backup dance all over again. And I had to say good bye to a dear friend. Good bye trajectories mod. I will miss you as soon as I get further in my new career safe and see my shuttles pancaking into the mountains near KSC again... I have to get it to work again >. < I don't want to play without it anymore.... -ksp crashing again-
  8. I doubt that zhey are going to run out of money... That game sold and still sells pretty good. It's frequently very high on the list at steam and the steam forum is full of threats with people asking "should I buy this?" and like 100 replies of "do it! You could already spent your time blowing up stuff!!!". I can't think of another game that has such a strong community, with a reputation on the forum that positive (it's creepy at times) and all that over a considerably long time. At the end of it's life I think ksp has a good chance of being on the same level as Minecraft (excluding the huge sales on consoles at least for now)
  9. Pretty much this... there is just so much new stuff that was added. I started over again with every new update. It's been a rly long time since I went to jool Back then when career wasn't even released. I only landed on laythe during that mission... I want to do a new jool mission for like a year by now, but I get distracted by all the other cool stuff
  10. For planes and shuttles I prefer the joystick. It's just so much more precise, especially my landing skills benefit from it. As soon as I fly a rocket or try docking using it, I completely screw up. I touch that stick and bad things happen instantly. I spin wildely lose orientation and loose any motoric skills. I don't have a clue why, it's weired but looks pretty funny tbh just to be clear, I've got roughly 700 hours atm and I usually know what I'm doing
  11. I voted aerodynamics, but since those get fixed soon (rly hope they get it right) the next thing are massless parts. Massless mono prop engines are an absolute no-go imo. Some balance tweaks would be nice aswell
  12. 1 get no one killed, especially not jeb, bob and bill 2 don't recover anything if that increases the danger of screwing up reentry (remember 1!) 3 contracts, especially sat deployments, may be completed as cheap/crappy as possible (1000% return of investment ain't immoral, it's the foundation of my space program!) 4 you shall not quickload unless the kraken strikes hard (soi warping not included, that can be avoided!) 5 if you kill a kerbal or are about to do so, there is no quick load or revert to. deal with it 6 testing new lifters, shuttles etc has to be done in career, it's neither supposed to be cheap nor safe for the test pilots (poor victims strapped to a seat) 7 don't reenter nervas on kerbin. Kerbals are green already, they look weired enough without a suspicous glowing in the dark... 8 do you want to get stuffed into a small metal box and shot to the other end of the solar system? give em a hitch hiker of something for any mission that is planned for longer than a week or two 9 deorbit spent stages yourself, deleting is too easy 10 don't do manned missions after 01:00am... coffee is not the answer to everything I'm using about 10 mods atm: most noticeable DRE, FAR, Remote Tech, TAC LS, b9 and some fancy eye candy mods My current career has the hard settings except for the quick save and revert restrictions. I revert a lot directly on the launch pad due to crew selection and the game still has some bugs that screw up hours of work from time to time
  13. I am deleting them instantly. I already have enough comsats (using RT), stations and ships under construction up there to crowd the place. Also I'm a perfectionist and get my sat networks as simple, cheap and alligned as possible. No need for additional stuff floating in somewhat weired or inclined orbits. I currently don't need comsats in kerbosynchronous orbits for my network anyway my contract sats are labled cSat as they are usually a cheap (crappy) version of my regular comsats for RT. They are my main income so there would be a lot of them if I wouldn't "hand them over". Although I'm thinking about labeling them as debris and simply fade them out. It might be interesting to know exactly how much stuff is floating around up there, as long as it doesn't clutter my map view
  14. I rly hope so. That would be nice. I just tried to do a satelite deployment contract and was close to punch my monitor after failing to keep that damn satelite straight during the burn (had to build an asymetrical stayputnik + basic sas due to part count). And it wasn't my first attempt, I already tried to do a manned mission and just decouple it, but hey: massless parts and the late unlock of smaller decouplers made it impossible as a simple decoupling altered it's course by many km...
  15. That guestimate part is true. I played a long time without mods (300 - 350 hours), but once you are doing more than a mun landing it's not going to work reliably enough to do mission without keeping a massive reserve. I don't consider using a spread sheet to be more or less cheaty than using kerbal engineer. You get a delta-v read out. Gameplay wise nothing changes if you let it calculate or do it yourself (I do not count the spread sheet or the calculations of KER as a part of the gameplay). I'm not saying one thing is better than the other. It's just not related to the level of difficulty. You get that info either way and that data vastly changes the mission profile and efficency. I think that the "iron man" settings are a solution for a number of different styles of playing the game. There might be people who can actually do it without calculating the delta-v. But I guess they more or less do that stuff for the x'th time and now exactly which parts to use for the lander that worked last time. But I consider the use of kerbal engineer as a valid way to play that mode. It's still necessary to be very careful (as long as you avoid the known exploids) Btw, I've got such a save named iron man and I named it independly right after the update release; hail the omnipresent global mainstream
  16. Proc fairings should do the job. At least they would get you up into orbit. Decend is a little tricky, but I think the structural fairing parts with inter stage fairings could be used to do it. Might not be easy though. You might want to land the delivery casing with radial attached engines on the tail and fall over on purpuse to release the rover that could be attached with a docking port inside. If you want to bring it back, you would simply drive back into the casing, dock it and use small engines on the side of the lander to flip the whole thing back up. I once build a big rover with engines on it's back. I landed it without another craft. Drove around for hours (searching and finding the Armstrong memorial on the mun ). And I brought the rover back to orbit without another craft. I used small engines to flip it back on it's tail so I could use the main engines to launch into an orbit. Drop tanks helped to keep the mass reasonable. Especially after landing I don't want to drive around with empty tanks
  17. Thanks for the rep. It's not rly ruining anything. To me it's more about how the gameplay is kinda devided into the planing/testing process and the actual mission. I prefer the given info in flight to be minimalistic, whileI like to have as much data as possible during the design process. Maybe it's more of a personal preference, but once I leave LKO it's just an "all in" situatuion to me and I like the to be reminded that it's hard to predict anything. It's fun to fail once in a while and to not get a solution for a mistake during the design process that easily. It keeps the feeling of being in space and thus being far away from any help or theoretical solution. I have to improvise and use the little info and ressources on site or accept failure. I like that, but again that might just be me
  18. I would like it to be disabled with f2. It can ruin a screenshot especially if you have a brief moment of opportunity to catch a rising planet over the horizon
  19. I would be ok with that. there was a long discussion earlyer this year. Seems like most people would like antenna range to be integrated. I will continue to use remote tech anyway. Just like with FAR, DRE and TAC LS it just feels so wrong to go back to stock...
  20. I know the problem. I fixed it by going to the VAB and tried a couple of variants with docking and different amounts of fuel in each tank until I found a solution. It reminded me of various incidents that NASA solved the same way (apollo 13, mars rover that was stuck in a quick sand like area). They tried different solution back on earth before they told the crew how to best use theire limit resources. on topic: yes it would be helpful in some situations, but it would also kinda ruin the whole "just try it out and hope that it will work" approach. Unlucky coincedents are part of KSP and improvised solutions are fun to me. If I have the COG displayed it's not that cool anymore it's also not realistic and it's not a game breacking problem, it's fun to me
  21. I would love this to be stock. It would be rly cool and give more stuff to do. I would also like the telescope's use being dependent on it's location. A telescope in orbit around kerbol could give additional objects to research and one that is even futher out might provide greater potential. I'm not an expert on this, but I remember reading an article about the possibilties of telescopes in solar orbit. They would be able to track objects that can't be researched from earth orbit
  22. I have many mods installed (including astronomers pack at the push it to the limit settings ). I usually don't build cdafts bigger than 300 parts anymore. The exeption are manned interplanetary missions or very crowded space stations. It starts to lag a little at about 500 parts. I'm a performance junky and I hate fps drops. Recently I've been building smaller and smaller anyway so I barely reach that limit. I once build a jool 5 ship with abou 800 parts, it was soo damn laggy during the transfer burn it scared me now I only get noticeable slowdowns if the trajectories mod has to calculate multiple atmospheric encounters or if I pancake bigger crafts onto the surface
  23. The very early missions beyond LKO are rly nice. Especially with FAR, DRE and TAC LS I have to plan precisely. Doing a flyby around the mun using free return trajactory or executing a slingshot around mun to reach minmus or to get some science from orbit around kerbol. I can be rather creative without the tedious planing of an interplanetary trip. All that orbital assembly stuff, designing super heavy lifters or waiting for the transfer window... usually too much trouble for me after returning from work. I tend to not be concentrated emough and forget an important detail, which screws up the mission so I'll just do some smaller stuff. Also, the mun rly is damn pretty with astronomers pack
  24. I love remote tech but srsly, it takes a good amount of time to get used to it. It's also rather tedious to set up a fully functional network and can be rather boring if you set it up for the third career. It's an awesome mod but not stock compatible stuff
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