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Everything posted by LostOblivion

  1. I love what you've done with the mod adding all this info. I have only two requests, and that is to make it less obtrusive when not having KER open. I'd like to see all info hidden when it's not open, like hiding the bottom left dialogues and hiding the tool tips, only showing them when KER is open. Also, I think having to click the middle mouse button every time I hover over a new part to show its info is not good. Only showing its name doesn't make sense and I think it would be better if you showed everything once you hover like a few versions ago. Hiding the tooltip if KER is not open solves this problem in a better way. Sincerely, Lost
  2. New release v0.1.3 fixes the node sizes pointed out by Hattivat and adjusts some reentry parameters. Download: Get v0.1.3 from GitHub!
  3. Wow, I never would have expected such an insightful review of this. To tell the truth, you have probably tested it more than I have. Combined with your knowledge of FAR, this gives me very useful feedback to say the least. I did not know about the relation between node sizes and FAR, so I'll defenately change the node sizes. They were left over from before the shrouds when I had to eyeball where decouplers would fit, but no need for that now. Having said that, I'm already working on making more heat shields, and the intention of this one is actually to be a relatively lightweight shield designed for small payloads and little weight. I'm at work now, but perhaps I'll have time to release something tonight. :-)
  4. Just thought I'd share my experience with upgrading my career from the previous version of B9 to this one. I only had one issue, and that was that existing craft (VAB and in-flight) missing the old one-nozzle RCS part called R1T, now presumably being merged into one part, the R1. Doing a batch search-and-replace in all files in my career save folder replacing B9.Control.RCS.Port.R1T with B9.Control.RCS.Port.R1 (note the missing T at the end) worked for me. It goes without saying you should do a backup before doing this...
  5. The heat shield works like an engine with automatic shrouds. Just add something to its bottom node (like a decoupler) and the shroud/adapter will appear. And thanks.
  6. New release v0.1.2 adds auto-shrouds to the Conical Heat Shield. Download: Get v0.1.2 from GitHub!
  7. Work on the shrouds are coming along, albeit slowly. I haven't forgotten you guys! I'm using what spare time I have for this, and now I seem to be catching a cold, oh dear... Posted a new screenie of WIP on the textures. Pretty much done with the modeling now. @ColdWarrior000: Look at the example craft included in the Ships folder of the mod for how to make it. Note: There is no integration with e-dog's PF mod on this heat shield, it's just an upside-down interstage decoupler.
  8. Thanks! And no, but maybe NathanKell has some advice for RSS? Anyway, if you made some yourself, I'll be happy to include them as a MM config in the mod itself. I've been busy lately with work and haven't had the proper time to finish the shrouds, however, weekend is approaching.
  9. It's a bug introduced in 0.24.1 that wasn't fixed in 0.24.2. Radial decouplers are broken in 0.24.2 unless you use TweakableEverything mod and set decouple force to 0. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88026-Radial-Decouplers-3-75m-Decoupler-Issues-%28Return-of-the-Kraken-0-24-2%29
  10. They are indeed two different quads with different names, with one FlagDecal module per, so yeah, probably those modules don't get "transferred" to the game state of the shrouds upon entering flight mode. They show in the editor. Edit: No NRE, just a warning in the log.
  11. Oh ok, didn't see it there. And yes, if I reference a quad as flag belonging to a ModuleJettison part, it won't show up in flight with a warning from FlagDecal in the log saying it could not find the quad on the model.
  12. Great! Thanks for the prompt reply and good answers. Is there a way to add flag decals to my model without doing it in the part's CFG? I see the Mk1-2 pod has flags, but no reference to FlagDecal in its CFG. I'm trying to add flags to an auto-shroud by referencing its flag quad in the main part's CFG. The flag shows in the editor, but once the craft loads, KSP probably separates the two and the FlagDecal module complains it cannot find the quad. Can tie this information to the shroud model itself somehow?
  13. I found there is a bug in KSP that causes flags painted on auto-shrouds not to render. It works in the editor, but once you press launch flags are not shown and the debug log gives a warning from the FlagDecal module. Sorry, I have to remove the flag on the shroud for this heat shield! :-/
  14. What kind of KSP material from PartTools should I assign to flag decal quads? Also, if I have more than one flag mesh in my model, must I use one FlagDecal-module per flag mesh? Edit: Translucent without any selected texture seemed to work nice, but my main problem was that there is a bug in KSP that causes flags painted on auto-shrouds not to render. It works in the editor, but once you press launch flags are not shown and the debug log gives a warning from the FlagDecal module.
  15. What does this do? Is it still necessary? I've left them unchecked in most my parts so far and it seems to work anyway. Also, do I need to do this with both render meshes and collider meshes, or just render meshes? Another question: What material should I use for flag quads?
  16. Thanks for the reply. I got this far, and my shrouds are working perfectly, except for one little issue: the shrouds are showing on the part thumbnail in the parts selection area of the VAB! (They aren't showing once I add the part, though.) I'm looking for something in Unity I have to toggle for this to not happen...
  17. I'll bump this thread since I'm also wanting to make a shroud, but not really sure how to.
  18. I think I can still make it work like an auto-shroud, which is what I intend. Edit: Added more pictures to the development imgur album.
  19. Very early WIP pictures. Feedback welcome. What kind of texture/color do you want on it?
  20. I believe the reason behind all rights reserved is mostly because modders want to have some control over the distribution of their work, and it probably has to do with ego yes. However, the problem is that once you go AWOL, nobody can freely decide to continue work on it without permission, and contacting someone abaent might be difficult when they're not in the right channels anymore. I think that this fright is folly though, because if you keep maintaining and support your mod, there is little chance that somebody will just fork your work and try to compete with it in some way. I support the public domain for my mod because I want my parts to continue to live on even if I go absent one day.
  21. I'm making autoshrouds for the next release. :-) Also, there is a heat shield similar to that on the Orion CSM in the works. It will fit to the Mk 1-2 command pod.
  22. Oh, you mean like an adapter that meets flush with the heat shield? I've thought about it, and consider to make one, but for now you'll have to make do with attaching decouplers to its bottom node. I've adjusted the bottom node so that (at least the stock) decouplers should fit pretty well. Until I make a shroud decoupler, you could fit the heat shield up side down and leave the bottom part free, like MER/MSL. Looksee here:
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