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Everything posted by BananaSplit

  1. Nome: Banana Split País: Portugal Cidade: Lisboa Tempo de jogo: Desde o 0.23 Mods: Vou variando, mas normalmente uso o MechJeb, B9, AIES, Deadly Reentry, EVE, Remote Tech, TAC.
  2. First of all, thanks for answering. I had installed Better Atmospheres in another save, but my computer is not that great so my game got slower. My problem is still the same with regular low-res EVE. :/
  3. Hey . I've installed RSS, but I can't figure out why my buildings load up inside of a crater in the middle of one of the poles! I've tried changing some settings (not all, so I haven't ruled out that possibility), altering the location (none of the space centers in any continent work). However, I can get out of it at ~20 km, and the flight remains nominal. If I look at the map, it says that my current location is above the launch site, not in any of the poles. Sorry if the problem has already been solved, but I just can't figure out this one. good day to you all
  4. Thank you so much! I'm sorry I haven't answered your post (because the forums were down). BTW thank you Nathan Kell for answering my message
  5. Hey. I thought I'd post this here because I've been trying to install RSS for the past weeks, and it keeps having the same error: I place it in the Gamedata folder, and when I open a previous save or a new one I just see the ground and no buildings (VAB, etc.). Now I've finally discovered that if you right click and go underground the buildings are there and they work! But then I tried launching a spaceplane from the SPH, and you can actually go a few meters into the air. However, after 4 or 5 seconds you will crash into the bottom of the ground. I will leave the link to some screenshots to illustrate my problem (lol). If anyone of you has had this problem (or if it has already been solved) please answer this post . Here's the link: http://ignorepleasedude.blogspot.com/2014/05/blog-post.html
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