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Posts posted by USAGuerrilla

  1. What I'd like to see is randomly-generated hazards on each planet, and heavy protective equipment needed to survive those hazards. It wouldn't be practical to protect against every possible hazard simultaneously - there's so many possible hazards that full protection would weigh hundreds of tons. Instead, you'd have to tailor your missions to each planet - but since the hazards are randomly generated, you'd have to send a probe first to know what the hazards are. Heat, radiation, acid, abrasive sandstorms, electromagnetic interference, static electricity discharges, angry monoliths, whatever. You might even make it so that you can't research astronaut protection in career mode until you've sent a probe and found a planet that requires that type of protection. Nobody is going to fund radiation-proof spacesuits at first, but they will when you learn that Duna is a celestial microwave oven.

    That's a really AWESOME idea!!!

  2. Precisely my point.

    KAS may not be able to simulate realistic rope / cable effects, but does a good enough job of operating like a tether.

    Might try to implement a mod for this myself. :) Not sure how customizable game is (that is can I only create parts or can change other aspects of the game). :)

  3. Yeh. And new science experiment where you drop a feather and a hummer also hitting a golf ball with a club. :D

    And maybe saying something stupid once you land somewhere for the 1st time. :)

    "One small step for a Kerbal and a giant leap for the Kerbalkind". LOL.

  4. (Re: EVA and all that) - They do bounce off but it shouldn't be at any significantly higher speed than they were closing. Much as I detest videos it might be necessary to see one of your EVAs because this sounds like you're having bugs, not difficulties :-(

    It does sound like a bug (some people mentioned it before) but bug free software doesn't exist. As I couldn't save my game I would like to have a tether (anybody with some potion of sense on EVA next to a ship will have tether just in case). I mean nobody want's to die due to some stupid mistake.

  5. So what animal replaced the automatic control on the Wright Flyer?

    Or on the x-15 flights?

    The *only* time animals were used instead of humans was with the very first space launches, and then only because a dog or chimp is *lighter* than a human. And cause less negative fallout when they talk to the press afterwards!

    Just as a side note. Wright brothers didn't fly to space. ;)

    On another note read this:


    The balloon was sky blue and decorated with golden flourishes, signs of the zodiac, and suns. The design showed the intervention of Réveillon. The next test was on the 11th of September from the grounds of la Folie Titon, close to Réveillon's house. There was some concern about the effects of flight into the upper atmosphere on living creatures. The king proposed to launch two criminals, but it is most likely that the inventors decided to send a sheep, a duck, and a rooster aloft first.

  6. Would be neat if game has different campaigns.

    - Manned/easy (no life support, etc)

    - Unmanned 1st, than manned/hard (life support, etc)

    This will fit both camps! Don't get me wrong I do love manned mission but when I launch test vehicle I don't want to have a Kerbal in it in case it blows up (and some do for instance on stages separations or overheats of solid busters and I do not revert, failure is a failure).

  7. USAGuerrilla: My point was that we wanted weapons first, and spacecraft second, not "we care/don't care about the safety of our pilots".

    Spaceflight is risky, I think we can all agree on that. Even rockets that fly perfectly every time still have a chance of failing; whether they are crewed or uncrewed doesn't change that. I expect the Kerbals know the risks every bit as much as we do. But since their goals are spacecraft first, missiles maybe or even never, they may as well test the whole package, and would probably perform ground tests more extensively than we would for reasons of safety. But in the end, a Kerbal still has to risk his/her/its life getting into the capsule and lighting the engine.

    yes. How about we didn't know if people,can really survive in weitlessness and we sent monkeys.

    how about lots of failed starts at the beginning.

    anyway discussing social, moral and other issues of code isn't a thing I want to do. My post was more like a failed joke.

  8. Apart from KOS, which is a self-contained programmable autopilot, there are python and Lua mods. *grin* Lua always seems like it should be the choice for any KSP scripting language to me, since it means 'Moon'.

    I've read your complaint about EVA in another post but I'm afraid it sounds like "I don't want to learn EVA". Practice!

    Manoeuvre nodes have recently been improved - what exactly do you think should be changed about them? NOT - what would be most realistic if we had teams of mathematicians and physicists with months in which to plan missions - but an easy way for us to see a 'computer simulation' of the effects of different burns?

    Not sure what you mean about launch manoeuvres, but if you want an autopilot for them use KOS or MJ. If you just want to set and see an ascent path use MJ but don't let it fly the launch, just show it.

    Crew transfer without having to do EVA is a bit of a pain and one of the first things I asked about when I started KSP. Use Crew Manifest or the more flexible Ship Manifest mod. EVA really is pretty quick and easy once you get used to it though.

    I told you that my dude bounces from the ship at high speed even if I am going slow.

  9. 4. That isn't quite a suggestion?

    Sorry should have wrote it better. I meant make collision inelastic (or not so elastic). So dude doesn't bounce from the station with such a velocity from the station.

    Also chaotic rotations of the dude after collision are a bit unrealistic not sure where torques are coming from. Need to think more though.

  10. regex has a point. Kerbal culture and history probably have a different take on rocketry than ours.

    Our development of rockets capable of reaching space happened during one of the darkest chapters in our species' history: the whole nationalistic mess between 1939 and 1991. Dreams of exploring space were only peripheral to our leaders - the primary goal for rocket development was unmanned weapons. First guided missiles like the V-2, followed by long-range missiles and ultimately ICBMs with nuclear warheads. This is not to say that we don't have visionaries who want to see humans thrive on other planets - but those visionaries often had to compromise their dreams: "Let me build a rocket capable of reaching space, and I'll build missiles for you to flatten London." "Send three humans to the Moon and we'll give you the power to destroy all civilization in exchange."

    Kerbals may be different. I've noted before that Squad's insistence on not incorporating weapons into the game suggests that Kerbal civilization is more peaceful than ours. An emphasis on un-Kerballed rockets for war is therefore not present. This means that Kerbals might apply different strategies to getting to space.

    Sadly, this lesson seems hard to get across to people, especially judging from all the fanfic that simply takes our history and maps it onto Kerbin with only minor name changes, and all the cries from fans to incorporate a "space race" mentality into career mode. We seem unwilling to learn the true lessons of our abortive space era and of how nationalism harmed spaceflight far more than it helped.

    Your point about Kerbals 1st sending Kerbals to space can be read as Kerbal government doesn't give a #$%^ if Kerbals will die. So even if we had wars on Earth we did care enough only to send astronauts to space after making sure they WILL survive.

    Also I am not sure if your points are correct based on the fact that planet is empty, they might have killed all but rocket scientists and astronauts already and trying to destroy rest of the universe (they only look cute).

  11. USAGuerrilla, I've actually helped a few people on this myself. It all comes down to the position of the ship relative to the Kerbal, and vice versa. Lemme explain.

    Sometimes, it's impossible to prevent your Kerbal from flying from the ship when you first hit the EVA button, but in 100% of the cases it's happened to me, I'm able to regain control of the Kerbal via their reaction backpack. Therefore, it just takes perhaps .2 units of fuel from the pack to cancel your velocity and get to where you need to go. The problem where you bounce away upon trying to grab the ladder can be offset by aligning your ship North/South and the ladder parallel to the Kerbal when you steady him. This way, there isn't any weird angle you need to rotate your Kerbal to, all it takes is a small jet forward. This has completely solved the problem when I encountered it, you just have to remember to orient your ship before you go EVA.

    If this doesn't make sense, please PM me and I can explain in greater detail and perhaps with a few screens too.

    All I am saying it has to be fixed IMHO. There are way too many issues with it to make it enjoyable, so for now I will skip using it. Happened when I was climbing as well (between 2 ladders at a docking point, after pressing F I flew away).

    Please add tether!!!

  12. Yes, EVA could be improved. A tether could be useful and it would be a good idea to have the ability to toggle fine controls. But most people (including myself) are able to preform long duration EVA missions with great accuracy and precision.

    If YOU can't handle it you don't need an improved EVA system. What you need is practice!

    I fly to my ship very slowly. There is practically no movement. Press F and bounce like crazy from the ship. What do I need to practice?

  13. I would actually love to see programmable flight computers (also enhancing existing staging stack and action groups into one system) so you could design executable commands run by ships, probes and rovers (this could also made signal delay an feasible idea). If anyone here remember Colo-bot will probably know what I mean.

    I was thinking about the same thing. Adding Python to KSP won't be too difficult. Though I am new to the game and only wrote simple mods. Not sure how much I can customize the game. Things which I think should be changed:

    - EVA

    - Orbital maneuver editor

    - Add launch maneuvers

    - Crew transfer

  14. The reason is simple

    Unmanned probes dont smile as they plummet towards the mun at 500 m/sec, all my manned probes looked like they were thinking "Cool, we're gonna be the first Kerbals on the mun, although we are coming in a touch too fas<boom>


    I have no idea what are you trying to say. When probe lands lots of people are happy as well only in mission control. Anyway I like probes and manned missions and that's IMHO. Some people like manned missions only and that's their opinion. Both have right to exist and both groups of people should be able to enjoy the game.


  15. Nope. I did tap. When I was getting close to the stairs I was very slow. When I pressed F my dude bounced from the ship like a rocket.

    Anyway for traveling next to the ship tether is a must have if you value life at all.

    For now I gave up on my Mun exploration as collecting results from labs is too deadly.

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