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Everything posted by USAGuerrilla

  1. again, they couldn't change terms of agreement to make you a slave or harvest your organs, or to make you pay 1/2 of all the money you have. That's illegal. so what contracts can do is limited by the law (singed or not).
  2. contracts couldn't simply change terms any way they want, there are laws, and no contract can cancel a law.
  3. neat way to make people accept any terms, 1st propose some huge changes which cost a lot of money to everybody and make everyone mad, then propose smaller changes but which still cost more than before.
  4. no transition from orbit to landing can be done in UE or other engines. unity isn't special in this respect. LOD exists everywhere. I think KSP2 is using unity because KSP was unity and they wanted to reuse code / maybe keep plugins (or at least make them easy to port) of course there are, you probably count yourself as one. other smarter people say Unity wants to be bought out (by Apple or other large company). (buy everything? some people sell low but in general it is a bad idea, especially as Unity has deal with Apple).
  5. after shares price tanked, they are going to sell it?
  6. yeh, but Unity isn't Unreal Engine. It isn't that good compared to it. How often are they going to revise these chargers? Can they add more? How long user uses the engine $/per hour?
  7. for me it is the most vital element IVA would be awesome and VR for both IVA and EVA would be even better
  8. also maybe planets are hidden on high difficulty, and you can see them through telescope and calculate their orbits.
  9. maps (in tracking center at the very least) should have a layer to show biomes you discovered. and depending on how good scanner is they should be fuzzy and small ones might be missing
  10. - science should take time to perform - animations would be awesome too - you can add experiments which have to be conducted in different situation as a requirement for new tech - science lab should take science experiments modules (different size and weight) and after some time you get them back to kerbin to get science
  11. My UI component is on canvas which has Main KSP Canvas as a root canvas. If I change scaling in UI settings for KSP all UI scales but my canvases do not. Am I missing something here? AFAIK only root canvas can have CanvasScaler component. Do I need to remove CanvasScaler from my canvas?
  12. In unity recommended way to render objects only to a texture is to use layers. KSP already uses all the layers. Any other good ways to achieve this without moving those objects got knows where (so they aren't visible in the game camera)? Thank you!
  13. Yep. Phew. Up is -0.823560798177155, -0.00169657470056815, 0.56722546957986. Thank you! Assumed for some reason that coordinates are in vessel frame. Need to go and sleep before I do something stupid.
  14. Will check that. There seems to be correlation between X and Z. I added graph of acceleration readings over time. Even without thrust they are basically negative of each other with some scaling (one is ~5.1 one is ~4.6 during free fall). Y is correct as ship rotated seconds before flame out.
  15. Sorry couldn't find anything related to this. When my vessel is going vertically up I read this: acceleration.x=-59.1462815188811 acceleration.y=-0.12396669962001 acceleration.z=42.3680960662918 Even gravity acceleration is funny: graviticAcceleration.x=7.95984658295845 graviticAcceleration.y=0.01663098942984 graviticAcceleration.z=-5.6336520486762 Is there some trick on why X and Z both have such accelerations? Here is how lift off looks until engine burn out.
  16. Is it a valid assumption that radius for the planet == where ocean starts? So on altitude 0 there is always an ocean? I only been to main planet (and moons, which don't have oceans). So couldn't test my theory yet. Oh well. Need to create measurement equipment and send a satellite to the planet with the ocean! Woo hoo science project! (I did ray intersection with the sphere to get range in case my range finder is tilted).
  17. Any resolution on this item? I was checking Unity docs and it seems you can do collision detection using different means. Not sure if we can change KSP code to enable water ray casting detection.
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