Do you sometime want to play KSP with different mod-sets? Stock-Vanilla KSP one day, then RSS KSP the next? Do you want multiple Kebal-system each with their own physics? Kerbin-172 with Stock aerodynamics; Kerbin-7318 with FAR and DR? Does this sound like a set of parallel dimensions or a multi-verse to you? This all applies to me, so I'm in the process of developing a VB launcher script that will allow me swap between different mod-sets, and thought people here might be interested as well. Within a Multiverse folder, I have a folder for each individual mod-set containing the GameData and Saves folders for that set, as well as a shortcut to the Multiverse launcher script. When invoked, the launcher script replaces GameData and Saves in the main KSP game-folder with junctions pointing to those GameData & Saves folders and then launches KSP. (A similar thing could be done under Linux and OSX, but would need different launcher scripts.) Would anyone else be interested in this? I've about got this ready for my own use, but would want some input/advice to prepare this for use by others.