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Everything posted by h0yer

  1. Heya! The sequencer seems to suffer the exact same graphical UI issues as discussed and resolved in your IR main thread (beta1-2 glitches, fixed in beta4 and RC)
  2. Since I confused Ziw with ZodiusInfuser, I'm gonna repost some ideas for parts and other gadgets here: Foldatron - inset hinge Basically a hinge foldatron with both ends in the form factor of insets, offset the same way as the normal hinge. Foldability factor: over 9000 Extendatron-truss A dual-rail truss that extends like an extendatron. Additionally including stackable extendatron-trusses. Maybe even combine those two into 'offset extendatron-truss-insets'^^ Aaand, what about applying any of the available TextureSwitcher-modules? Those would be really neat, I guess. The very fist textures could be plain colored, just Kuka-orange, Skynet-Silver and maybe a Festo-gray. And Faro-blue^^ (1x1 px stretched^^) Might be more a joke than an actual idea, not sure, you decide: Since you made that nifty part, that can take surface samples (utilitron - sampler), I'd guess making a 'utilitron - territorial demarkation device' would be the next step. Basically a robotic flag-placing-gadget, with different magazine sizes (a 'single round muzzle loader' for super tiny probes and maybe a '6-shooter' for something in the size of a fully fledged Mars rover)^^ Did anyone mention, that you have done a really awesome job in giving each part an actual descriptive name, adamantly sticking to a certain naming-convention? PS.: Either something on my side is bugged or you forgot to assing your parts to a manufacturer, I can see the moving ones exclusively in the robotics tab, the structural ones correspondingly in the structural tab and some in the utility, one in the science tab, would be convenient to have them all one one page for better overview of the full set by selecting a manufacturer (I have no MagicSmokeIndustries manufacturer icon found so far, if the name applies, or I just looked for the wrong droids at the wrong place^^)
  3. Well ok, the scatterer shadow seems to be my choice of occlusion/occultation^^ No offense to the EVE creator, its' nontheless a neat feat So I bunched them all together, the latest release of EVE, scatterer, SVE-UR and planetshine but now I have the issue, that on the main menu, only the upper hemisphere of the cloud layer is rendered. I remember someone having the same issue, but can't correlate it to any of the mods, so I gotta ask for miniscule help in identifying the source of the issue so I can search for a work around/bug the other mod authors (Arbitrary guesstimation: SVE?)
  4. Thx for the quick reply Uh, sorry for confusing you guys, I'm very weird with names... :-/ Very nice to hear that IR and KISKAS work(ed) together, will give it some tries
  5. Awesome stuff And concrats for fiddling out the UI issue, was going to post some 'helpful' information, but others were much quicker^^ I have a few ideas for additional parts, that would 'complete' your already aweseome set of moving thingies... Foldatron - Inset Hinge: It's basically a normal foldatron hinge, but with both ends beeing of the inset form factor. -> Another layer of foldception Extendatron-trusses: Basically like the mechanical dual-rail parts, which are really cool for enlarging your pe.. err.. Foldatron-contraption, but with integrated servohydraulics. -> Another neat layer of extendception And a bonus idea, which has more or less already brought up: Apply one TextureSwitcher to the models, so we can add different textures. (Kuka-orange, Festo-gray, Skynet-silver, Faro-blue, etc... hrhrhr) Last but not least, a question: Is it possible to use your robot parts in conjunction with KIS/KAS and the IR sequencer to assemble more robotic arms? (Robotic arms=awesome megadrones) I'm going for some sort of Von-Neumann principle, building a drone that lands on a resource rich world, mines and digs, does some ISRU and multiplies itself until the entire universe is filled with... drones... gigantic ones...
  6. Awesome, thanks for the quick screenie! I think one could 'repurpose' the double shadow thingie into some sort of umbra/penumbra mechanic (if applicable). From the first looks, the smaller more darkish shadow seems to be the one... (imho)
  7. Hey, would you mind making a few screenshots of both shadow variants, from EVE and scatterer, maybe even the double shadows?
  8. Uh, my bad, didn't notice the UI brokeness announcement :-/ Take your time
  9. Hi! I gave it a very short (2minutes^^) try yesterday and the only two 'weirdnesses' I noticed, was that the only flag I put near the KSC runway burned up instantly, after trying to launch something from the runway and that the menu was dysfunctional, clicking the (finely crafted) DR-icon didn't do anything, but just changing its visual appearance. KSP 1.1 RC, including all mods (yup, all of them), that have been claimed by their authors to be either specifically pre-1.1 compatible, or already updated for the final 1.1 release, not a single 7th party half baked recompile was used.
  10. I didn't try them in 1.0, since they slightly quirked already in the 0.9, with missing scaling options on the thin strips (TweakScale?) and other UI related missing stuff, but can we haz 1.0 recompilation? The strips are still one the most underappreciated and underrated minimods, imho
  11. Uh, wow, I HAD the same issue about invertedly connecting wedges to the quadcore, although I was absolutely certain, that I got the 1.0 WIP version^^ Rechecked, beholden, D'oh'ed, reloaded the correct version and bewm, nice mod works again Thx for repeatedly faceslapping about the correct DL link, even I "fell" for it, hehehe DMagic Orbital Science 1.0 integrates nicely, everything works on the launchpad, but no hot testing yet Maybe enlarge the link and the hint even more, so people with hyperactive scrolling fingers WILL see...
  12. Hi! Cool mod so far, but i have issues to report: When I accept a contract (plant experiment in kerbins orbit for example) everything works fine (launch new pod, check; start new plant experiment, check; finalize results), until I get to jettison the pods, carrying the data back to kerbin. When I switch the vessels, the contract's points get resetted, as if i didn't launch or perform the experiment, so all pods reenter nicely, but won't finish the contracts. When saving/loading a game, the options of starting/restarting an experiment disappear. Using Win7x64 on an AMD955 with 16G RAM and a GTX560
  13. Well, once our world was a flat disc, resting on the shell of a giant spaceninjaturtle. And above this contraption called earth was that nifty thing called sky, with its nearly countless little holes perforated into this giant tent, backlit by some fancy gods or whatever. And our sun... whoa yea, tons of misconceptions. It was called god, creator, demiurge, sun, glowyfart, slowly oxidizing lump of coal and similar stuff. And some later time, the earth was a ball, circling the sun, which was suddenly a nuclear fusion furnace, driven by its own weight on itself, travelling through something even more adventurous, called a galaxy and this galaxy was our universe. And some more time later, after those funny humans made up some very interesting devices to measure the how and why of all theese happenings and where it wil bring us, they found even more galaxies. Suddenly the universe was uncomprehandably huge, filled with uncomprehendably tiny matter and even more tiny energy. And this all exploded out of nothing into today. The maths behind all this is really intrigueing and leads to many funny theoretical possibilities of which none were ever achieved, observed or recreated. The maths lead to even more fasciniting conclusions, which contradicted most observations, which in the first place lead to theese conclusions, in exactly the way, the universe plays its games with us, in throwing us from one paradox into another. So we refined our methods of measuring and observing. And tadaa, more perplexity in the scientists faces. More contradictions, more paradoxii. So science started to cry and went into a deep slumber. And suddenly a freak (when i refer to freaks, I'm actually giving compliments. Freaks are cool. Ppl need moar freaks), a plasma scientist, a mythologist and tons of other people put really much effort into rewinding, well, all sciences involved in understanding the world, because we obviously took the wrong turn some time ago. Well and this really great number of actual scientist, free scientist, hobby scientist, science enthusiasts and a few information consumers produced a totaly different perception of our universe. By including all sciences. So they came up with the electric universe and plasma cosmology, which explain the universe in a truly epic way, including myths of ancient times as well as revamped modern sciences. I belive the most professional information portal about the topic is the "Thunderbolts Project"'s homepage, which has even an interesting, active youtube channel, containing several hours of informational material and weekly updates on reeinterpretations of scientific space missions, whenever "mainstream scientist" are completely baffled, because their experiment didn't give the expected results. In short terms: (As far as i got it) Space is "electrified" and electricity and its "effects" play a major role in our universe. Furthermore, our planet as well as others were "zapped" several times, a few of those events almost lead to extinction of mankind. Theese zappy actions were recorded by prehistorical dudes and are still feared in form of a collective "doomsday anxiety". And those events are not billions of years in the past, more like dozens of thousands of years. (I'm not posting any sort of links here, since interested people know how to acquire their desired information;) Be aware: The whole theme is extremely controversal, since it nullifies (badly approximated by me) the last 100 years of cosmologic sciences. But it astonishingly explains most (all??) current conundrums of space and it's contents, and as a little bonus, some ancient "myths" were found to be "true", one just had to "look through the lyrical abberation of information". Some might already be involved, some not, some might start shouting " arrhh, heretic! burn him! (jk;)" but let's be cool and open minded about this... So discuss/explode/ask! (I'm familiar with most cosmologic/cosmogonic models and their theologic/theogonic backgrounds including their scientific/alchemistic/shamanic approaches, I have my very own "vision" but I actually know noone to talk about this "topic" so I'm just throwing it in here. Please don't hate me^^)
  14. STILL using this? I'm wondering, why it is not mentioned in this modding mondays thing (or was it?) or under the top ten in the new curse-thing
  15. One of the smallest but coolest mods! I now stick the strips everywhere, lifting stages, upper stages probes and soon-to-be-debris-parts And they make nice cold-light-fireworks, if sticked to a decoupler in the dozens or more... Suggestions: Make 'em procedural, with adjustable length, width and thickness. Eventually even with a curvature slider.
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