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Everything posted by h0yer

  1. I might turn this into an actual "release" later that day after work Added quite a few more logos and entries, probably fixed the folder structure issue, so hopefully no renaming of unpacked folders, and I have prepared the install for applying MM-patches, bringing some order into parts from the same manufacturer, buth with slight naming convention divergence, but first I need to learn how2. Additionally, version checking and I added an extra file containing more detailed credits.
  2. A'ight, round-n..., this time, only the MEM-lab collided into the MEM-base (according to the 'Flight Results'), no more ball tanks flying around, the Kerbals almost looked sad I tested only on the launch pad, on earth. OT: Your NAR logos found their way into the new 'RealAgenciesCollection' mini-mod, thank you again So, if anyone should have a part with the 'North American Rockwell Space Division' manufacturer, without having your NAR-MEM installed, the parts still show up with a tiny icon in the VAB, yay^^ I think they won't conflict, in case both are installed (NAR-MEM and RAC) since I used exactly the parameters you already had set up here.
  3. Heya! I'd like to present my very first puny little mod, although it isn't a real mod, it's just a long list of companies and entities generally involved in rocketry in the real world. Since I'm a newbie in regards to KSP modding and using GitHub, things might be off... Don't hesitate to point out any issues, whatsoever those might be^^ The 'mod' has a GPL v3 license, I hope I applied it correctly and it's the correct one. I need to find out how to 'properly credit' external resources, I want to be thorough with those things. And I'll be of course adding more and more agencies over time, always feel free to suggest missing stuff I gave the mod a dull, but very descriptive name, it is the so called... Real Agencies Collection v0.9.1 - for KSP 1.2.2 The scope is to provide some sort of collection of real world companies, inlcuding logos and what not, so parts from realistic-ish-esque-alike mods, that have a properly set up manufacturer, will show up in their respective categories, with neat logos. I've selected original, as well as fused companies and consortiums, just to have them all. A small agency framework for RealismOverhaul, so to say, and maybe it could 'save' a few minutes of work for anyone making replicas, but being dislikage about making extra logos^^ The indiviual logos were taken from wiki entries, I merely resized and cropped them and made them transparent, where applicable. The descriptive texts are just the very first few lines from the wiki entry. The 'mentalities' are rather arbitrarily chosen, please feel free to point out funky things. Some of the rather intricately detailed logos have pretty washed out downscaled versions, my apologies, I have only paint.net and might have not always chosen the wisest of sources and scalings^^ Here's what's available so far: (More will come, I surely have forgotten the one or other pioneer of rocketry, please forgive me^^) Army Ballisic Missile Agency (ABMA) Aerojet Aerojet-Rocketdyne Airbus Airbus Defence & Space ArianeGroup Arianespace BAE Systems Boeing Convair EADS EADS Astrium GE Aviation International Launch Services (ILS) Khrunichev Lockheed Lockheed Martin NPO Lavochkin Martin USA North American Aviation (NAA) North American Rockwell Space Division (NAR) Northrop Grumman NPO Energomash Orbital ATK PO Polyot Pratt & Whitney Raytheon Rocketdyne Rockwell International Rolls Royce Roscosmos Safran Thiokol United Launch Alliance (ULA) United Technologies A few cropped screenshots: (North American Rockwell Space division) (NPO Energomash) (Rocketdyne.) Intalling instructions: Download the *.zip file from GitHub, open it up, extract the "RealAgencyCollection-0.9" folder into your "KSP\Gamedata\..." folder and REMOVE the versioning suffix from the folder's name, otherwise the paths are all wrong and no logos will show up! This current "RealAgenciesCollection-0.9" needs to look like "RealAgenciesCollection" without any doodads at the end of the folder name! I'll try to fix this after I have found out how to fix this^^ RealAgenciesCollection v0.9.1 GitHub Download Credits: To aaaalll my friends! Wait... wrong movie^^ Credits go to all respective companies and their logo-designers, to all involved contributors on wikipedia, to the entire RealismOverhaul team and to TiktaalikDreaming for providing the 'North Amercan Rockwell Space Division' logo. And to the creator of the SSTU mod, I used one of his tanks as canvas for a screenshot of the Energomash logo.
  4. Huh, awesome, have been doing the same with a lot of other logos, eh he he Thank you very much
  5. Awesome, will give it another few looks'n'tries after work Offtopic: I'm currently creating some sort of ' Real Agencies Collection' from real world companies involved in exploding and lithobraking through history of rocketry and I wanted to ask you, if I may 'reuse' your fine 'North American Rockwell' logos? You'd of course appear in the credits^^
  6. Well, I again landed with excess horizontal speed and lost all legs. And ascent was again quite Kerbal style, accompanied by multiple simultaneous explosions, wee Guessing from the aftermath, there's indeed some collider stuff going on, the ascent engine, the decoupler, the lab and a few tanks exploded... And after staging a bit further, I noticed that 'broken neck'^^ Fun fact: The marooned ascent stage is doing a quite spooky Gandalf/Saruman rotary pwnage reverse backwards upside down breakdance^^
  7. Rather low-prio, but the docking ports' nodes are off a tad, small gap between the chute frame and any docking probe. And the docked probe and drogue have as well a gap. Some pics: Attempting another landing, just for the giggles...
  8. I concur with the coffee attitude (Good morning) Interesting findings, I had thought that the single SRB part and the full block had just their values switched. The one part thingy has about the right thrust, but burns only for barely 5 seconds, so just some propellant would be missing (It has only 172 arbitrary units of SolidFuel). The combined block with seven individual SRBs burns for about 20s and works like a charm and each 'bulb' comes with 103.7 units of SolidFuel. There are quite a lot of different solid fuels in use ingame already, not sure though where their configuration comes from. Quite a lot of HTPB, PBAN, PSPC, NGNC, not sure if Be-doped fuels are available, but I guess you could just configure one.
  9. Well, I attempted a landing, and indeed the kerbals could walk away after, but ascend staging caused an explosion and the engine was gone^^ I think the deployment altitudes of drogue and ballute are switched. And I have the feeling the decent stage has very low RCS fuel. I wasted some of it during an unwise maneuver but it still depleted somewhere during lower atmosphere descent and control got quite hairy on lower thrust^^ But technically it works all very well already
  10. A'ight, that fixed it Scaling looks OK on all parts and both ballutes and drogues show up. The monoblock deorbit motor seems to have very low Dv, about 20m/s, the multipart one seems OK with about 80m/s. The fuels on both is ordinary SolidFuel, but I guess that was intended.
  11. Huh, the new file I put in the cofig directory was indeed 'treated special' by win10, as I downloaded it directly into it, I should have known better, sorry^^ However, I deleted the old install and gave the new release a try and the scaling looks OK so far, as well as the fuel configs and TACLS configs A few oddities though: There are now both old and new parts. The entire old ascent stage and the old chutes and ballutes popped up again and no new ballute is available, only the old 'flat' one. I dispersed my last venus multiprobe right after a quite successful aerocapture, when decoupling from the aeroshell, I ran the probe complex into it while doing the short burn to get Periapsis out of the atmosphere^^ Lessons...
  12. A'ight, I've dumped the new config file into the narmem's config subfolder. (Gamedata\NAR_MEM\Config\...) I'm not really sure what exactly changed, besides a few stock fuels, so I made a few screenies: From the looks, the capsule, the ascent stage's core tank, the drogue chutes and the nose section still need to be scaled up a bit. The procedural tank is just for scale, its a 3x3m fillet cylinder. Hmm, I'm sure the MEM was originally designed that way, but wouldn't it be 'neat' to have the little bent crew tube slightly offset, so the lab can be connected centered, without having to twist the entire ascent core tank or colliding the lab and RCS arms? Or move the lab's tube exactly between 'ribs' two and three, instead of exactly onto rib number two (if counting from the right)? Just some thoughts^^
  13. Will give it another look after work ( in ~2h) Which config file needs to be replaced, the original one, or the one in the RealismOverhaul folder?
  14. Now that you mention it, I got the exact same sharp day/night terminator on my 1.2.2 install. My rockets are generally well lit by the sun, all looks normal, but all my procedural fairings have really weird lighting/shading, I think one can see a bit of that on the Energara rocket I posted a few post up, the used Soyuz-fairings are almost completely black, although in the VAB it looks perfectly OK.
  15. Soooo, the NavBall is now turning into a fully fledged industrial scale 3 axis CNC milling machine? That's the spirit Don't forget to make it versatile, like adding a hotend/extruder from ordinary 3d printers/fused depositioning molding machines, and maybe even a UV projector for resin based 3d printing, and if you are seriously serious about it, add a CO2 laser for nice laser cut panels and parts and even the ability to mold iron dust, probably as interchangable modules or all mounted on one tool-magazine-spindle-cartridge thingy^^
  16. Played a little around with the new parts and they all already look very nice Since I usually run the RO-suite, I noticed that the scaling is off on a few parts, I guess that comes from changed part-names and the already existing RO-configs for the previous NARMEM version, where the ascent module was one part.
  17. Wonderful! Take as much time as you need, good things evolve slowly
  18. Hmm, I have the funny feeling that the decent stage lacks its fuel tanks Just a few questions: The old version had that additional vehicle platform (as an option to the actual ascent stage) and the fancy large strutting and fairings, will the re-release have them too?
  19. @Phineas Freak Ah, good to know about how the cloudlet particles work Sounds somewhat inefficient to fill the empty sky with invisible clouds, but I guess again, it's probably easier to code than to apply some funky function, that places cloudlets according to the main texture and apply some sort of error diffusion function to space them out or even scale single cloudlets. I have no idea Organic shapeless wibbly wobbly stuff is always difficult to model and compute. And I had no idea, that TestFlight, which I use as well, (mainly for the rated burn time restrictions) does so many calculations, although the Used RD-0120 on the Energara doesn't have TestFligh configs. Now I understand why a completely procedural N1 rocket with actual 30 NK engines runs with 1-2fps on my machine, haha As always, have fun, and thanks for everything
  20. Heya! I wanted to suggest to make the 'FASA Saturn V APS' pods an RCS only system, not using the engine module for forward thrust. It quite often seems to have issues with mechjeb's special RO ullage treatment, since mechjeb won't 'throttle up' until at least some thrust is available and the main engine is 'stable'. I might be wrong and have overlooked other issues, but that's how it 'felt'. And they mess up the dV readout and burn time. If the APS pods would be an ordinary RCS system, mechjeb would use them automatically for ullage, I guess, and if one configures them from tweakables to run with main throttle, they will as well continue to run throughout the entire burn of the main engine. Still enjoying the heck out of the whole RO suite, it's a wonderful toolset to 'figure out' what theoretically would be already possible with all the technology, disregarding monetary input.
  21. Heya! Just wanted to thank everyone involved in keeping this eye-candy alive! The water refraction looks pretty nice And I totally love the new 'city' textures! My last install made earth look like a ecumenopolean airfield, but now it looks like a 'normal Earth'^^ Not a rant, just an observation, on my end, framerate drastically went down. The drastical breakage of framerate always happenes, when I'm viewing the horizon, or volumetric clouds, I really guess, that I'm simply overstressing my GPU with 4k resolution. But that's OK, was used playing Wing Commander I on an Amiga 2000 with 3-10fps^^ Here some screenies, the rocket is a fictional "Energara", looks like an Angara, but is powered by Energia's RD-0120 blastage. (I love building 'green' hydrolox only LVs) 4k: https://imgur.com/hSkJTAR Does anyone know, from which actual footage that particular hurricane texture was taken? I felt pretty weird during launch, watching american Fox news on youtube about Irma derwishing the craps out of the Cubaeans and Floridians, panning my ingame camera and, booom... Florida with a hurricane, although slightly in the wrong spot^^ 4k: https://imgur.com/IfbPtjw The payload is... Classified^^ Have fun!
  22. Heya fellow spaceonauts! Would someone be interested in writing a mod, that can automatically trim gimbals, so the thrust vector goes exactly through the CoM, while furthermore offsetting the navball's zero position to the new offset thrust vector? The second idea would be one rocket-part that is basically just a multipurpose engine gimbal, but without an engine. It would react to the usual steering inputs and gimbal any attached engine that comes without a gimbal. Peace
  23. Awesome project I totally like how nicely the Navball has been reverse-engineered and even enhanced a bit Honestly, if it's cheap, very reliable and withstands zero G and vacuum, why not try to sell it to any available rocketry involved companies^^ Just some thoughts: A little bit of 'pneumatics' would make great visual simulation of RCS. A carbondioxide bottle (the small capsules for airguns could even suffice), low-pressure regulator, tubing, several electromechanical valves, voila, pfft pfft away
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