Ive been making an avro vulcan replica, this screenshot is quite old as the intakes are completely redone so that they are as thick as the fuselage. The wings are also redone so that they match that distinctive delta shape. The plane weighs ~210 Tonnes with the maximum amount of fuel without disturbing the centre or mass and lift position and that equals around 23000 Litres? of fuel. I need to see how many engines i can get away with as at the moment it uses 12 Turbojets, 3 clipped into each other per nacelle, which drain the fuel like tomorrow unfortunately. She carrys a crew of 6, however historically the vulcan only carried 5 so leaving a seat spare is recommended. Full ladder access is available allowing crew members to dismount and inspect the aircraft. In the centre of the plane is the huge bomb bay which easily allows a 2m missile to be installed. Shes fairly maneuverable too and has the correct number of airbrakes that the early vulcans had of two on the top and two on the bottom of each wing. A drogue shoot is also fitted in the tail for extra stopping power once touched down. She easily leaps off the runway at ~80 m/s and can land at around ~50 m/s. I still need to determine range and maximum speed by tweaking the engines and finding the optimal fuel load. At the moment its hitting out at around ~330 m/s which im not happy with, and the design in the screenshot below had a maximum altitude of around 16,000m, which is similar to the real vulcan however she has a nasty habit of pitching down and not pitching up at that altitude, which hopefully the new wing shape has fixed. I'll get back to you on how it goes, and if it goes to plan then it'll be released relatively soon, so watch out, theres a vulcan ahead...