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Posts posted by MerlinsMaster

  1. On 6/1/2020 at 7:14 AM, Nils277 said:

    The Planetary Cupola and the Central Hub are Survey Stations ;) 

    Oh great.  Thank you.

    On 6/1/2020 at 7:14 AM, Nils277 said:

    From time to time yes, its a problem of KSP from the very beginning. An interaction of parts with the ground are not always peaceful ;) 

    Do you use the legs for placing the bases on the ground or is the base directly in contact with it? I think the legs can reduce this problem

    I'll give that a try.  Pity, though, I was trying to get away from using legs...sick of my bases hopping 5 meters into the air every time they load...

  2. On 4/28/2020 at 11:11 AM, Lisias said:


    @MerlinsMaster, can you send me your craft file?

    Sure.  I'm not at home right now, but I'll get you a link later.

    On 4/28/2020 at 11:11 AM, Lisias said:

    The interesting part of it is that, at least for me, the mangling happens when you Load the craft on the Editor. If you launch it directly into the Airstrip or the LaunchPad (click on them while on the Space Center Scene, instead of clicking on the SPH or VAB), the crafts is all right.

    Yes.  That same exact thing is happening with me, so whatever you're experiencing must be the same issue.

  3. 13 hours ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

    The only way to be 100% on this requires to replicate the issue on a clean install which runs just the mod in question (+ dependencies) and in this case, I have to say that it works perfectly fine for me:

    Try it with a craft that has a much higher part count.  On my install, I could place struts and fuel lines just fine with a craft that had a small part count.  Once I had a craft that had a lot of parts, I was no longer able to.

  4. 18 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

    you need to do some root-part doohickery at some point

    Yes, you're right.  I would bring in a subassembly that I had made, and before i place it I would use the rooting tool to select the docking port.  I suspected that maybe that might have something to do with it, but I've frequently used that method on 1.7.3 and had no problems.  In fact, I just went back to that install and tried replicating it, and the issue did not occur.

  5. Hey guys,

    I've spent the last two days thinking I was going crazy, but now I know that I am not.  Here's a pic of a craft that I built:



    Isn't it pretty?  Here's what it looked like after I left the SPH and returned to the SPH...



    It's as if it is the victim of a transporter accident...

    Is this a known bug?  

    I'm running KSP, with the most recent versions of both DLCs

    I'm using Windows 10 64bit

    Log file

    Craft file

    Save file

  6. I am not using Tweakscale, and I don't think I had any Making History parts on it, so I don't think it's that.  After thinking on it for a bit, I suspect my problem could be that I was using subassemblies that I created in a previous version of KSP, and maybe the current version might have some differences in how it places parts.  But of course that 's just a wild guess, but it seems to make sense.  Plus I rebuilt the whole thing from scratch and I did not have the issue that time...

  7. Hey guys,

    Having a frustrating issue and I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.  I just spent a good hour or two building a craft, went to test it, and when I reverted back to the spaceplane hangar this is what I was looking at:





    I understand it's hard to see what's happening because it's a complex craft, but basically what's happening is that many of the parts have "moved" and are badly clipping into one another.  I have a few mods installed, but aside from TAC LS, all of the parts here are stock.

  8. I've been having an issue off and on where KSP will minimize on me while running in fullscreen.  For example, I was running it for several hours yesterday, no problem.  Now I just started it today, and it keeps minimizing while I'm playing, and I have no idea why, and to my immense frustration, no idea why it only happens sometimes.

    I'm running 1.9.1 with a substantial number of mods, but the same mods I always use.

  9. On 2/28/2020 at 11:57 AM, Curveball Anders said:

    I tested StageRecovery and noticed a little unexpected glitch.

    Using EAS4 struts (yes I like struts) to strut boosters to the core appears to fail when StageRecovery is installed.

    I've experienced the same thing.  It is also preventing me from placing fuel lines as well. 

    Another thing to mention is that it only occurs on craft that exceed a certain part count. Sorry, I don't know exactly what that part count is, as I haven't had the time or inclination to test it (I already spent the entire afternoon tracking down the mod that was causing the problem).  I only know that the problem doesn't occur on a craft that only has a small number of parts.

  10. So I tried to start a simulation, and it's telling me I don't have enough money.  My fault for not paying attention to how much all my simulations were costing.  So I decided to go into the settings and set everything to zero.  But it still tells me I don't have enough money.   What am I doing wrong?

    UPDATE:  Never mind.  The reason is that I have zero funds, and I'm guessing it will not me do it even if the cost is zero.

  11. On 6/5/2019 at 2:24 PM, SerenityPrim3 said:

    First off, if the links to the ship designs are build guides, they're broken. I download them but their either corrupted or unsupported my pc and phone tell me. I've even tried accessing them via google drive as this is where they're sent, but no luck.

    Hmm...I'm at work right now, so I can't test those links, but I will ASAP.  They should be compatible with current KSP, but I will make some new files.

    On 6/5/2019 at 2:24 PM, SerenityPrim3 said:

    Secondly, I've been having issues with the rover design involving no way to brake and stop as well as some unfortunate crashing. Now, I had to eyeball the design with the only picture on this thread, so it could have been mis-designed any number of ways. 

    Okay, so the rover is really just a plane without wings.  To move you need to start the engine, but only a little bit (less than 1/4 throttle), and shut it off as soon as you're rolling at about 10 m/s.  Don't make any sharp turns, and when you want to stop, be gentle with the brakes.

    As for the design, to build it, stick two Science Juniors on the back of a cockpit.  Stick a science container on the back of those.  Put 3 batteries on each side.  Put a small liquid fuel tank on top of the second Science junior.  Put an intake on the front of the fuel tank, and a Juno engine on the back. Then use the move tool the adjust the position of the engine.   Put on the landing gears as shown in the picture.  Also put those additional science instruments on the side as shown.  If you still have trouble replicating what is shown in the picture, then go ahead and wait for the download, which I will prepare when I can.

    On 6/5/2019 at 2:24 PM, SerenityPrim3 said:

    I've been frustrated by the problems I've  had with this guide for a few days now, but haven't wrote everything down. This recent upset with the touring rover finally pushed me to make an account just to post my problems in search for help, and now I find most of my problems have been forgotten as I calm down from the frustration. Ah well, better a calm heart and clear mind for solving problems, right? Anyways, I don't know if the op for this thread will see this, but if you could get back to me on my slowing & stopping problems with the rover at the least it would be appreciated. 

    Thank you for your time and consideration

    If you think of the other issues that you had, let me know and I'll be happy to assist.

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