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Posts posted by MerlinsMaster

  1. Hey guys,

    I've noticed that if I plant a flag, it is listed as a "flight in progress" in both the subheading of the game save title and in the tracking screen. What gives? A flag is not a spaceship. It's not a flight. And I would think by definition, it is NOT in progress!

    Does anyone know of a way to...

    one, fix it so that a flag is not listed as a flight in progress

    two, set it up so that flags are turned off by default in the tracking screen

    and three, on an only slightly related note, set it up so that debris is turned ON by default?

  2. I'm still pretty new and quite frankly, suck at docking. But I found an easier way to transfer fuel, using the grabbing unit (the claw). Make a ship that can carry some spare fuel and put a claw on it, then just fly into your fuel-less ship so you grab it. Fuel can be transferred through the claw into the other ship.

    For real? I had no idea you could do that with the claw. That's amazing, and I can't wait to try that. Of course I will have to wait, because I haven't unlocked that either.

    Thats my main method of transferring fuel from craft to craft at the moment, until I become a bit better at docking :)

    Are you using Navyfish's Docking Port Alignment Indicator? If not, I should tell you that it makes docking a hundred times easier.

  3. It worrks with any type of data. Except that pods can only hold 1 copy of each type of experiment from the same location. So if you did multiple goos in the same place, you can only store 1 in the pod. OTOH, you can send a mobile lab as the 2nd ship, which has no such restriction.

    Ah, good to know. Out of all the things to learn about KSP, the process of collecting science has been the most difficult to wrap my head around. I'm understanding it a bit better now, but I think I'll give your science tutorial a second read anyway.

  4. While your rescue ship is in orbit, go to the map view, find Jeb's icon on the map, and click on it. Select the option "Set as target". Then go back to the space view.

    In the space view, Jeb will now have a green diamond drawn around him, which should be visible from up to 100km away. Also, the Navball will have a purple bullseye marker on it showing you the direction in which Jeb is relative to your ship. This will always be present on the navball, along with a purple inverted Y that points directly away from Jeb.

    I did set Jeb as the target, but I could not see the green diamond. I thought I wasn't close enough. But I should be able to see it as far as 100km? I'll have to try again and see if I can find it.

  5. 1. Abandon the 1st ship. It doesn't matter that its goos are full of data because that data hasn't gotten back to KSC yet. Send a second ship with more fuel this time, repeat the mission, and fly the 2nd ship back. You get all the science.

    Okay, that's what I was hoping. I wasn't sure because I had sent another ship, and ran some more experiments and it didn't seem like I was getting as much. I must have been mistaken, and of course I didn't take screenshots of the second trip.

    2. Assuming the 1st ship is intact, you can fly a 2nd ship to it, EVA the Kerbal, have him remove the data and store it in the 2nd ship, return the 2nd ship, profit.

    Does that work for the mystery goos and the science jr's, or just the crew and EVA reports?

    3. Send a rescue mission to pump fuel into the 1st ship (via KAS or docking as needed), fly 1st ship home, profit.

    No docking ports yet, unfortunately.

  6. Hey Guys,

    I'm trying to rescue Jeb, who's stranded on the Mun because he crashed his ship.

    The problem is, I can't see where he is when I'm descending to the surface, which makes it almost impossible to land close enough to him. Now I understand you don't see the target until it is within 2km (?), so I wondering if there's any way to change that so you can see it from further away.

    Or, if not, is there a way to know where the target is without actually seeing it?

  7. Hey Guys,

    So I sent a ship to the Mun with a bunch of goo containers and science jr's, collected a lot of science, but because I don't have enough fuel, I can't bring the ship home.

    Can anyone tell me what happens to all that science? Because if I send another ship to run those experiments again, there's hardly any science gained because I already ran those experiments. Is the science that I got the first time lost forever?

  8. Yes! Hello mod request :D

    Could be as simple as something that takes screenshots for say, 30 seconds when the G-Forces shoot up... Or when parts get physical stress. Could also have a green/red toggle in the toolbar.

    Could also go by the way car dash cams work; Screenshots are taken constantly, but the mod goes back 10 seconds and deleted them at the same time. If something "interesting" happens, it keeps the last 10 seconds of shots, and the next X seconds after (X can be determined by the player)...

    Yeah...if it could do that, that would be pretty sweet.

    But my initial idea, which would take a screenshot every few seconds, could be done very easily by someone that knows how.

    I am running a mod called FloorIt. It allows you to go to max throttle buy hitting the Z key. It's literally a config file with three lines of code. I bet that this screenshot thing could be just as easy. If I knew the first thing about coding, I'd try to do it myself. Alas...

    The Smart Screenshot idea might be a little more involved, but I'd love to see it.

  9. I can't imagine that would be particularly good on drive space. Capturing video would be a much better alternative for doing such a thing.

    Dude, you have to be high if you think an hour long video file takes up less space than approximately 1500 150k image files. I'm not talking about capturing every frame, just one screenshot every two or three seconds.

  10. Hey Guys,

    Does anyone know if there's a mod that automatically takes a screenshot every couple of seconds? I want to thoroughly document my game, but I also want to just be able to have fun and not have to worry about hitting the F1 key all the time.

    If not, would any of the modders out there be interested in making one?

  11. So this may be a dumb question/user error post but oh well, I'm stuck. I am new to Interstellar, and just downloaded the current version today to install in a fresh, as yet mod-free install of KSP Unpacked into game data and I see the 5 things the installation readme says I should see, resource, resource, treeloader, warp, & module manager version .2.3.5 Then I start up the game to test it out, start a new career mode, and when I go to select the KSPI tech tree like the readme says, it doesn't populate in the drop down menu, all it says is "(selection)" and "(reload)" no matter what I do. Then there is a tree loader update window which I click ok, then restart KSP after and nothing new happens, other than the update window is gone. Read the FAQs on the wiki but they didn't seem to address this specifically. Should I be able to look in the treeloader folder or KSPI folders in GameData and see if the tech tree is there? Because I have looked and can't find it, and this is my second go around with this same problem (the first time I installed some mods in the game before I did KSPI so the second time I started fresh). Thanks ahead of time, and also sorry ahead of time if I've made a stupid mistake.

    I too am having this exact problem.

  12. Hey Guys,

    I just installed a mod that allows you to add resources to the ARM asteroids, and I set it up so that the asteroids have liquid water. Right now I have a craft hooked into the asteroid with a claw. The craft has two ISRUs, and all of the readings in the Megajoules Power Management Display indicate that the ISRUs have sufficient power. Yet in the right-click menu, the water extractor is offline.

    Does anyone have any ideas as to why the water extractor won't work here?

  13. Hey there. Great mod, I was looking for exactly this. Not a huge fan of the Kethane system Myself, so I was trying to build my own sort of resources system that would be much smaller scale. Anyways I can't seem to figure out the ins and outs of the config file. I understand the whitelist, but what exactly do the other three list do? How do I use them?

    I would also like to know this. I'm going through it, making changes to it to see what it does. But with KSP taking five minutes to start up, trying to figure it out is taking forever.

  14. Hey Guys,

    I'm having issues with ScanSat. Can't open up the maps, animated parts don't open up in space (they do in the VAB), and clicking the "start scan" button doesn't seem to do anything.

    I've installed the latest version of ScanSat. I've updated Toolbar to version 1.7.6 Nothing is solving the problem. There was a discussion of this issue on the other thread, but it never appeared to be resolved.

    Can anyone please help?

  15. Asteroids are completely different from celestial bodies. They are ship a "ship" or "part" that looks like a big rock.

    You could easily use a text editor to make them contain any resource you want.

    You could make them a giant xenon gas container if you wish.

    FWIW, its not a comet, it orbits too close to Kerbin to have stable water ice.

    Although the same should be true of Minmus.

    That's what I wanted to do. I'm don't know where the files for those things are. I didn't see them in the Gamedata/Squad folder.

    On the other thing, from my understanding many of the asteroids in the asteroid belt are thought to be composed of rock and ice. Not sure how close to the sun they would have to be for outgassing to occur. In case you haven't guessed yet, my knowledge of astronomy is faulty at best.

    - - - Updated - - -

    There's an addon that puts resources in the asteroids, but not water, though it can be edited to add water :)

    That looks pretty good. Might have to try that one out. Thanks.

  16. Hey Guys,

    Does anyone know if there's a way to edit the ARM asteroids so that the game thinks they're made of ice?

    I think it would be cool if I could use the KSP Interstellar ISRUs to extract water from them, effectively making them refueling bases. I know it would be easier to just use Kethane, but seeing as KSP crashes on me if I merely look at it funny, adding another huge parts mod is not my first choice.

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