That was the guide I was following. I did exactly as they said but when I used the firing button the weapons manager, it just decouples the rocket without activating the engines. I set my throttle to max before shooting. Activating engine and decoupling is in the same stage.
About that... I made a modular missile and selected the weapon in weapons manager and used the shoot button... It decoupled the missile but didnt fire the engine. How do I fix that? I put the staging correctly too
Also, are GPS missiles meant to target ground/non moving targets or is there a way to update the gps location constantly with the targeting pod?
I'm an idiot. I tried targeting ground vehicles using the cone radar.
Im using BDAC for 1.6.1
Are there Air to surface or surface to surface missiles/targeting systems?
Also, will super long range missiles (ICBMs) be added to this mod someday?
Also, How does radar even work for targeting??
I tried the bore lock on... sometimes the lock on just disappears as soon as it locks on.
When it does lock on, the missile doesn't follow it...