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Polecat Industries

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Everything posted by Polecat Industries

  1. After a (long) hiatus from this game and the forums, I'm back. Please, no need to be so excited, autographs at one o'clock.
  2. I hate the H6K. Mainly because it's about as durable as the Catalina, but also has four engines and a variety of additional redundancies to boot. I lost two planes attempting to take one out once, all pilot KOs by the gunners.
  3. I chased after an He-111 in my new Do217. I scored several hits on it with my cannons, unfortunately nothing critical, but then overshot. What do I do? Hop in the gunner controls and start firing away. It worked. I managed to down the 111 that way.
  4. I fly with a joystick, so as I'm flying my plane the fighters assume that it's the AI in the gunner. So, they sit there and allow me to shoot them to pieces.
  5. So, I was flying my new Bf109, that I finally managed to unlock. Getting chased by a Wildcat, decided, "I have to put this thing down somewhere". So, hoping he'd leave me alone, I put my plane down. No such luck. He comes around and strafes me, angled down and at a low altitude. Well, he gets me, but he must have overestimated his elevator authority. He hits the ground, and, since I scored some hits on him, I score a kill. Yay. But, my new favourite pastime is bomber intercepting. I like flying behind those Catalinas with my Bf110, just taking all their fire and murdering their wings with my cannons.
  6. I... I don't think that I've ever designed a rocket to come back from farther than Minmus, and even then they blew up when they arrived, because I didn't add parachutes. It wasn't supposed to come back.
  7. Well, why does there need to be a thread for ANYTHING in off-topic here? It probably already exists somewhere else.
  8. My username is GooPod, and I have some fun with my Bf110. I usually just go "I'll die when I feel like it, but I can't be bothered to die right now". What do I do with the Bf110? I've relegated it solely to Catalina killer. That's about all I do with it.
  9. So, I watched the trailer for equestria girls. I am rather confused...
  10. Nope. We should NOT buy the F-35. Comparatively speaking, it's a slower jet with just one engine. No chance of recovery if an engine goes down. The ability to short-land isn't very useful when the rest of our aircraft need carriers anyway.
  11. Actually, the pegasus/unicorn mix is called an alicorn, it is the official name.
  12. Fear. The answer is fear.
  13. RIP Armstrong. Vale et Fortuna.
  14. I just enjoy it because it's one of the few shows that I can finish watching feeling noticeably happier. Dunno why. There's just a lack of dark humour.
  15. Any chance you could find the Canadian laws regarding launch inside cities?
  16. Hey, Vostok, do those rockets you showed (minus the papercraft one) run on standard model engines or our own concoction?
  17. My first rocket was an Estes Sky Twister. Third launch, hit the ground hard from 650 feet. No chute. Small crater in the snow, and a basically obliterated body tube. Has not flown since.
  18. Would this involve Artak? Ooh, or maybe even RISK?
  19. I prefer to think that time flows like a river. It flows in a line, and endlessly downward, but if we time travel, we go in a straight line. That way, we can\'t interfere with things at our level, i.e. above or below the events. Only observer.
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