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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. Thank you all, very much for the kind words. I will strive to bring my experience as a member of the Tactical Gamer officer corp to the table and be fair and just in all my dealings.
  2. Thank you Harv, As a reminder, Tactical Gamer supports Independent Game Development in all it\'s forms and we are glad to be a part of this community and to help support this project as it grows. -DamionRayne
  3. I\'d really love to see if someone can put an F-18 together or not. I know I can\'t, I suck at spaceplanes.
  4. I\'ve got two versions of it, Intrepid-series and Serenity-series. I\'m working on a third now that is designed for munar landings.
  5. Well, it\'s simple really. I don\'t use symmetry for that much branching, I set it up myself, piece by piece. I\'ve got a forum thread, http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6144.0
  6. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6144.0 I posted my design for an Orbiter here. Mind adding it?
  7. Here\'s my personal project, needs a bit more work.. DRSS Intrepid It\'s only currently designed for Orbital Maneuvering Training, but I have made it to the Mun with it, and almost landed.
  8. Sorry, been busy with a project. Anyway, I\'ll help where ever help is needed in the project.
  9. To think of what we can do with just the new fuel flow system and fuel lines now...
  10. I\'ve not been all that active on these forums, but I\'ve been playing a lot lately, and I wanted to go ahead and get involved a bit more. What am I going to show you, you ask? A stock vehicle intended purely for Orbital Maneuvers Training or OMT. Capable of both Low and High Kerbin Orbit, and descent to Kerbin, this is my attempt and giving a Stock vehicle to those that are playing with out mods or new to the game. If you\'re looking to learn how to maneuver and change orbits, this vehicle is for you! So without further delay, I officially announce the Duchy of Rayne as a nation within KSP and announce the creation of it\'s major Space Vehicle Production and Research Corporation, Sentinel Heavy Industries. -DR Country of Origin: The Duchy of Rayne Manufacture: Sentinel Heavy Industries / LVRD (Launch Vehicle Research Division) Ship Name: DRSS Serenity OV-MKIV-1 Nomenclature Breakdown: Duchy of Rayne Star-ship, Serenity, Orbital Vehicle MK4, Ship 1. Vehicle Breakdown: AAS: Ascent Assist Stage Power-plant: Six LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engines providing 1200TU (Thrust Units) PO/AS: Primary Orbital and Ascent Stage Power-plant: Twin LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engines providing 400TU VAB Image: Mission parameters: T+0: Launch using AAS only, vehicle will climb to an altitude of at least 10-15km. T+1min30Seconds: Separate AAS, Ignite PO/AS Engines T+3min: PO/AS primary fuel block exhausted, vehicle on ascent trajectory to orbital maneuvering point. T+4min: Begin Orbital maneuvering training and testing at or around 50-70km, watch fuel. T+x: Descent at your discretion, making sure to keep enough fuel in the vehicle for this purpose.
  11. I\'ma bird mother F**ker!' That was priceless.
  12. Good write up, but a bit of a 'wall o text' with a distinct lack of formatting and cut\'s from text, such as pictures. While the information is helpful, it\'s hard to glean due to these two issues. I\'d respectfully suggest a re-write with a bit more formatting and proof reading and some pictures. DR
  13. Well for starters, this isn\'t a one off thing. I didn\'t intend to post this and walk away. I meant what I said, I am enjoying this game a good deal and as a member of a large community with a lot of clout, I wanted to show our support of it.
  14. Greetings everyone, My name is Damion Rayne and I am a member of one of the largest gaming communities on the internet. www.tacticalgamer.com. We currently have over 24,000 members and see almost 500,000 page views per day. I myself am one of the lead content development and developer relations liaisons. Recently I\'ve been pushing the support of Independent game development at TG and searching the net to find successful indie games to show support for. KSP is defiantly one of those games, and I look forward to playing it more, watching it\'s progress and getting to know the community and developers. I would like to announce to the developers of this game that I\'ll be pushing it at TG in our Indie games groups. With the permission of the Dev\'s I\'ll be featuring this, along with others, in a front page article to come in the coming weeks on www.tacticalgamer.com. I am also looking for chances to interview any of the development team and place that as well. We support you! Respectfully, [TG-18th] Damion Rayne Tactical Gamer University Instructor Developer Relations Liaison Content Development Officer MMO Administration Game Officer 'Teamwork, maturity, tactics! www.tacticalgamer.com'
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