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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. I show that because I was a Hospital Corpsman in the Navy, and it\'s spelled, 'Caduceus'. So..yeah.. >
  2. [gmod]As a note I fully support Drak's actions in this thread and have been watching it very closely. I want to take the time out to let Nova know I'm sorry this has happened in his thread, but the Moderation team supports him and is watching for further instigation and issues. I'm happy to see those that have apologized, removed offending posts and that a majority of you have moved forward. So let's all say thanks to nova for his work, which is good stuff by the way Nova, , and move forward having a good discussion and a good time. -DR[/gmod]
  3. Yeah, I think I misread what GroundHOG wrote there...it read a certain way to me, like an insult to the new person. But seems like it wasn\'t and was just some humor, apologies new person and apologies GroundHOG. -DR
  4. Borderline GroundHOG, what\'s with the For now? Anyway, welcome to the Forums Warbird. -DR
  5. [gmod]Merged Topics. -DR[/gmod]
  6. Here\'s a picture of me and my lovely Aussie Wife, at the Airport. Here\'s a pic of my in my uniform at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth VA, I was a Hospital Corpsman. I left the Navy in 2007, and am currently a disabled Vet. Lower back injury and all that.
  7. Moderator decisions are not up for public discussion. I\'m sure Skunky had a reason, and if you like, you\'re more then welcome to contact him and ask him. As an aside, I\'m really actually quite proud of you guys in this thread. Good job!
  8. There is no 'Freedom of Speech' on private forums boys and girls. Your 'Freedom of Speech' is what the Company that owns this forum gives you, and at any point it\'s decided they don\'t like something you\'re doing, well, your 'freedom' of speech goes away. Though I admit to preferring the pony crap being confined in one thread in off topic than anywhere else. So like Skunk, for now I\'ll support it gladly and watch for any signs of degradation. Just remember, the people who own these forums are a company and they don\'t have to allow you to do anything, so again the whole 'freedom of speech' thing is irrelevant. Please keep it civil, respectful and etc and so forth. -DR
  9. Well besides finding out I\'m having a baby girl and giving her a name two days ago? 'Ariadne Michelle' by the way, I\'m having a great day and enjoying some City of Heroes and Eve Online before some TV with the wife. I\'ve only got a few decent pics, but here\'s one of me at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth VA, I was a Hospital Corpsman for a few years, and in that pic I\'m in my BDU\'s because I was Fleet Hospital Detachment. As a little background.
  10. Welcome to the forums Stelar. Have fun and enjoy yourself, which you already seem to be doing. -DR
  11. Once full persistence comes out and we actually get space-stations down the road, being able to put fuel in orbit for orbital refueling will be pretty epic. Good job on this challenge and the ship Entroper.
  12. I like this, good stuff bud. Any chance at coloring it and doing some more of these?
  13. First, UriG, welcome to the forums mate, enjoy your stay and have a good time. Second, Arcane, I\'m not sure if you\'re intentionally trolling or not but following Capt after every post and doing the pirate thing is getting a bit old. You\'re treading mate, on a very fine line between trolling and joking. Make sure you stay on the right side of that line.
  14. Welcome to the forums bud, take a look around and enjoy your stay. -DR
  15. Now this is what we want to see, this right here. A very very good first post inn. I think you\'ll be a great addition to the community as a whole, welcome aboard! -DR
  16. Grats boys, and welcome to the team.
  17. Now that is neat! Thanks for posting, I like these 'power of 10' things a lot.
  18. Don\'t mind Nova, he\'s just in a bad mood. Though I would honestly suggest you give learning the modeling yourself a try, Though there are a few mods already out there though.
  19. Welp, from my opinions... Cooler Master for all your cooling needs... 8)
  20. Now this is some very cool stuff man, very very cool. I like this a lot! Keep up the good work. -DR
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