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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. We\'re not getting into the age debate again, period. The next person to bring it up will have their posting status revoked for 7-days. This is a thread meant to congratulate the new members of the team, stay on topic. I hate to be this heavy handed, but I\'m left with no choice. Back on topic, glad to have you aboard Rich.
  2. You don\'t have to like the rules, you only have to follow them. If you disagree so vehemently with the rules, you are free to leave this community any time you wish. -DR As another note, don\'t use small text to hide things. It\'s annoying. Grats again to all those selected.
  3. Well, we\'ve had a great turn out with our most recent recruitment drive, so give a big 'Grats!' to everyone listed below.. Foamy - EU Team Mod Deadshot462 - US Team Mod Rich - EU Team Mod Sal_Vager - EU Team Mod DYJ - EU Team Mod
  4. RayneCloud


    Today, I have the honor and privilege of announcing a very special promotion on the Mod Team, Everyone, please join me in a huge round of applause and congratulations for the first Global Moderator Promotion since I came on the team, Ascensiam is hereby promoted to Global Moderator, effective immediately. Grats! His dedication to his work, the community and his over all performance has made the decision an easy one to make. Ascensiam now takes over as the EU mod team lead, with our beloved Sordid stepping aside due to time constraints. -DR
  5. I would agree with you, but I spoke to Harv about LP\'s two days ago and the current system doesn\'t actually support Lagrange points. ??? So it must just be some weirdness with the SOI\'s interacting to maybe somehow create an emergent LP...dunno, but still looks neat.
  6. All this is place-holder at best, and soon engines will require certain fuel types or they wont work.
  7. [gmod]You spelled grammar wrong, so do us all a favor and stay on track and stop posting things like that yeah? As for the rest of you, stay on topic.[/gmod] Any-who, good looking space plane bud! -DR
  8. With Nexis and C7 becoming Dev\'s and leaving the moderation team in order to help work on the project, we\'re short a few hands. So, welcome to forum mod recruitment drive 4! Or was it 3? Yeah 4 works, Real Name. Age (Under 18 will not be accepted). Country of Residence. Previous Experience with Forum Moderation with links. CSR experience will also be taken into consideration. A short paragraph of why you should be chosen as a moderator. These applications need to be in my inbox by no later than June 1st at 2200 Hours EST.
  9. I\'m on the lookout for Wiki moderators, here\'s what you need to send me, Real Name. Age (Under 18 will not be accepted). Country of Residence. Previous Experience with Wiki and or Forum Moderation with links. CSR experience will also be taken into consideration. A short paragraph of why you should be given permission to moderate the wiki. (This will show me your writing skills) All this information needs to be in my personal mail box by the 1st of June at 2200 hours EST.
  10. What other game lets you do stuff like this?! This was AWESOME! Thumbs up man!
  11. zomg *DUCKS* Incoming Nova hate for the over-use of needless K\'s,
  12. My personal belief in what makes this little piece of joy in gaming, one of thee greatest ideas in the industry in years.... Challenge There\'s always a balance that you need in games, between making something to hard and making it to easy. There\'s always a point where games that are too easy are boring, and games that are too hard are frustrating. KSP on the other hand? Provides you with a balance between 'To Easy' and 'To Hard' , and gives you something to look at with a sense of accomplishment. How many of you looked up at the moon and thought, 'I\'m going there' when you first got KSP? I\'d wager we all did, and I\'d ask another question... How many of you, that made it to the moon, sat there with the UI turned off, watched a kerbol-rise or a kerbin-rise and took a picture and just smiled? Thinking to yourself, 'I did it ... I really did it.' How many of you were glad just to get into orbit? There\'s this huge sense of accomplishment in each step to the stars that this game gives us all as gamers. Now we\'ve got Spaceplanes as well giving us a sense of accomplishment when they fly. Failure Put shortly and sweetly? Is a good thing and should always be an option in video games. It should always be a learning tool and in KSP it is... When you fail? You go back to the drawing board and rack your brain trying to figure out what went wrong. Why? Because you want to succeed and failure is a driving force that teaches you how to succeed and builds a desire in you to succeed. Exploration let\'s be honest, when we look at total explorable landmass across all three stellar bodies right now, and then think of a fully realized solar system? Well, Skyrim aint got sh*t on that. Just a few thoughts, we can all only hope this gem grows and gives us another year of stary eyed dreams, red faced frustration, mind racking research and plain ol fun. Dream for the stars and you just might get them.
  13. I\'ve landed planes at over 130m/s on Kerbin with landing gear....not sure what you\'re talking about to be honest.
  14. Good job on this one! Thumbs up from me. 8)
  15. Borderline spam post...not really anything in this post save you talking about lander legs not being long enough...
  16. He\'s using feet, guess what? GET OVER IT! Stay on topic and stop getting bent out of shape for no reason. There\'s 3 feet in a meter people, easy enough for a child to convert. If you people can\'t stay on topic and talk about the plane, I\'ll lock this thread. You\'ve been warned.
  17. As a further note, Any attempt to undermine this decision by RP in any other board on this forum will be met with moderation action. This decision is final, and stands. -DR
  18. This has been a hard decision to make, but upon review of the moderation team it has been decided to temporarily shut down the KSP Roleplaying Boards for an undefined period of time. As it stands the RP community has had several major issues, several attempts at staff to resolve issues, and several major failures overall. Below is the major listing of all issues brought up by the moderation team that has forced me to make this decision. Below follows the major complaint list, Cannot abide by the only system of war in existence, the game-master system. Constantly fall into flaming and arguing, and go off-topic constantly. Drakomis\' chance given to the community by the proposition fell through entirely. Cannot separate the person from the role-play. An immense lack of originality and professionalism that simply can no longer be dealt with. Consistent spillage into other boards. Constant discussion to what is allowed and what is not, mini-modding and god-modding is abound. Regardless of benevolence, any decisive action from the moderation team is met with intense hostility. RP collapses into a flame war the instant it is put under stress. Taking things personally rather than something being role-played. Spamming by new players (caused in part by below) Inefficient inclusion of new players into system Partial incomplete Elitism Disregard for rules. Sides forming and often taking moderator decisions very personally, proven several times by certain people. Lack of belief in moderator sincerity and liberal accusation of moderation team decisions. As of the posting of this thread, KSP Role-playing is hereby shut down entirely until such time as the moderation team can work on a solution. Ascensiam and Radion are hereby promoted to full KSP Forum mods in light of the situation and their service. Effected: 2242EST 19MAY12 Effecting Global: Damion Rayne, Training and Recruitment Lead This decsion is final, and is not up for discussion, debate, or contest.
  19. let me rephrase what I said, this is a very good idea, just has some design issues. If you\'d like, I\'ve been toying with the design myself over the last while...
  20. This thing doesn\'t work at all...crashes every single time...
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