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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. Yup, that\'s the best way on to the team. Prove you have nothing but the best intentions to make this community great and support the game and the dev team.
  2. As you are all aware, or maybe unaware..there\'s been a move to a new website location for the ksp wiki, The wiki located here: http://kspwiki.nexisonline.net That was built by Nexis is now our official Wiki, with this also comes an appointment. I am proud to announce that I\'ll be stepping down as wiki sys-op and UmbralRaptor will be taking over as Wiki Sysop and team lead. With this appointment also comes his promotion to a 'Sectional' Forum Moderator for the wiki forums. -DR
  3. Short Answer? No Long Answer: Only after we have all the actual official information put up will I think about it. -DR
  4. For now, we\'ll have to push the wiki back another week. Sorry all.
  5. What a load of crap that is, CCP Games is far from being in financial difficulties. There was a decision made to get rid of 20% of their worldwide staff, but the company is still strong now that they\'ve focused. The Eve online books are an amazing read, and ccp is not the only game company to do this..look at WoW. As for everything else, just not gonna bother responding.
  6. Wow, I mean, just holy wow...
  7. No, free to download, free to play.
  8. Wow, talk about being DEAD WRONG. I\'m in the beta and it is NOT Pay To Win. Do your research bud.
  9. Why does everyone say that? What part of, 'We want to try another game-play experience and another market' is so bloody hard to understand?
  10. Perhaps I\'ll talk with the community manager and work on getting all the KSP LP\'ers together to help push this further. -DR
  11. As the sys-op? That\'s my goal. I\'m working on several solutions at the moment, none of which are set in stone. I hope to have more news tomorrow.
  12. That is not my call, Nor would I agree with it to be honest,
  13. Greetings everyone, Damion here with a little challenge for the whole community. We are currently at around 27,000 members on these forums, which means that KSP has become bigger then my home community. Well, here\'s what I want to see... Tweet about KSP Facebook about KSP Put up videos! Put up screenshots! Blog! You name it, let\'s set our first goal at reaching 30,000 members on the forums by the end of the month! Time to start pushing KSP to the masses, let\'s make it go viral! -DR
  14. I\'ve grown up with imperial, and in the navy we used nautical miles, I find the system easy to use and understand. This country was built on this system and we\'re not going to change just to appease the rest of the planet that doesn\'t like us anyway.
  15. Sorry guys, we\'ve got some technical issues to handle, so we\'re pushing back the go live for the wiki for another week. We\'ll keep you updated when we have these issues fixed. -DR
  16. We are going to tie it to forum log in, but not via an API, via an application for editing rights.
  17. Yeah, hence having 14 mods and 4 global mods now,
  18. Nice, I thought it sounded like Macross. Also good job on the plane, would like to see the update.
  19. Wow, just wow. .craft file? Is that macross/robotech music??? Sounds like it.. As a note, soon rockets wont be able to drink jet fuel, when the new ship resource system comes out. -DR
  20. Yup, you heard right, the wiki is going Live on Monday, so feel free to help contribute as much as you can! As a note, the forums rules apply to the wiki, breaching the rules on the wiki will net the user punishment on both the forums and the Wiki. -DR
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