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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. No asking for release dates, no demanding test team access or the like. If you can\'t wait, you need to find something to hold your attention and wait like the rest of us. Also, if I say anyone posting, 'What\'s in the next update?' the day of release? That person and I will have a chat.
  2. Seeing as the next version is going to be a rather large one, and the team needs a lot of help to test bugs, I\'m conducting an audit of the testing team. Those who\'ve not participated at all or have no logged into the forums for several months are being removed to, 'Eventually' make way for new testers. Note, this is not opening recruitment to the test team at this time, so don\'t ask. -DR
  3. RayneCloud

    Past 30k!

    Yup, we\'ve passed 30,000 members on the forums!!!!! WOOT
  4. Starman, as was stated earlier by another mod. it is suggested you re-think your attitude and behavior, you\'re on a thin line.
  5. In short....NO! Anywho, I kid I kid.
  6. As KSP continues to grow and grow, both technically as a game and as a community, the Moderation team has to grow and adapt as well. Over the last few months since the inception of the new 'Community Team' things have changed a great deal, and for the better. So I thought I\'d take this time to throw some numbers, praises, and thanks at all of you. KSP Community Forums CMC*: 29,880 KSP Community Forums CAMC*: 541 or roughly 2% of CMC KSP Community Forums CPUC*: 4928 or roughly or 16% of CMC What does that all mean? Basically, roughly 18 to 19% of the 'Current Member Count' has posted at least once, if not more. That\'s not actually all that bad when you think about it! Community Team Stats: Current Active Global Moderators: 2 Current Global Moderators Total: 4 Current Active Forum Moderators: 14 Community Team Moderation Actions in last 30 Days: 1,080 or 36 Moderation actions per day. (Reporting Timeline is from the 27th of May to the 27th of June) How do we define Moderation actions? Simple, everything we do from a ban, to a warning, to OP requested forum deletion, movement, etc. Anything we do on the team is cataloged by the Moderation Log software. This also includes things you guys do on your own, like deleting your own threads. I\'m also sure you\'re wondering why our activity count has increased, and it\'s simple really. As was stated earlier in this post, as the community grows so to does the Community Team have to grow. The increase in our actions, is directly linked to the increase in user count. From spammers, to problem users, to simple OP requests and the like our activity has to match that of the Communities. But all in all, the amount of actions we have to take in regards to the actual number of users posting on the forums, is very very low and that\'s\' a good thing. We want you all to remember that we are here to help make these forums a safe and fun place for all to enjoy KSP as a whole and maintain a level of connectivity with the Dev team in a safe environment. So, all in all the forums are looking good. You now have an active, trained, and happy Community Team dedicated to keeping this community the great place that it is. We are also very proud of the entire user base for keeping our work load light, abiding the rules and conduct guidelines and generally being awesome people. Thank you all and keep on posting and having fun! -Damion Rayne Americas Team Lead Training and Recruitment Lead
  7. This is NOT stock, because it uses a plugin. Rename the post, and list the plugins required in the OP. -DR
  8. Take a screenshot, upload it to image shack and post the link?
  9. RayneCloud


    Maybe, something like this...
  10. The crew also made a full safe return to kerbin, even missing a landing leg that had been ripped off during the landing...(which is typical of lander legs)
  11. Yup, First full stock landing on Minmus with no mech jeb, no mods, no config messing aroundwithness...just plain ol stock parts. For me? This is a big step, as I\'ve only ever landed on the Mun safely and returned to Kerbin, once.
  12. Nope, not again. Never ends well, never will. Don\'t bring it up again.
  13. I didn\'t know you were a NASA Engineer?
  14. RayneCloud

    Jet Man

    o.0 We need this for our kerbals! lol
  15. Virgin Galactic Just plain ol wow...
  16. So, a quick number for you guys... You-tube Number of 'Kerbal Space Program' video search hits: 4,700 Not bad guys,
  17. Not really an issue, even in the slightest. It\'s out in deep space, and tiny as all get out. It\'s frozen, so there ya go.
  18. Let me just hop in here and point to what Socket said, and say, 'Agreed.' If you have problems with the decisions we make people, take those problems up with us in private ok? Thanks. -DR
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